Normies losing their minds over unemployment, social distancing and isolation

>normies losing their minds over unemployment, social distancing and isolation

Why didn't anyone tell me a pandemic would be so based?

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Go fuck yourself, pos ausfreak

And before you fags start implying,
it's a gif, and if you load it and wait long enough (5 seconds), it turns into a Starlight Glimmer pepe.
Or if you open the gif in Photoshop, GIMP, Preview, etc. it can show both frames immediately.

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I'd really like to burn you alive

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And maybe shoot you

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Possibly burn you

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All to make you pay

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For your malicious actions

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For all you have done

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For your vapid ignorance

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For your fucking blindness

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Whoa. Whoa whoa whoa there pal. Look at the time. Gotta go. The riots are starting.

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Normies aren't built for reality, just the perceived delusion they call real.

I wonder if you would be willing to die for your beliefs

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Do you really think your actions are vindicated that you would stand behind them

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Would you say that they really are that important to you

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Do you think that what you're doing is just

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Would it be worth any potential pain

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Don't worry when it kills your parents and you are forced to survive on your own you will change your tune

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it won't because it's not real, retard

oh god not this shit again

Is it really worth losing your dignity

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Or even your integrity

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We should really havea pandemic more often, hope the next one is more deadly though.

Think about all that you've put into this

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Is it giving you any long term benefits

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Or any potential development for your social skills

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There are some people who want to be completely ignorant of history

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Considering how ignorant they are to what they're defending

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Or the kind of scum they're really siding with

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While thinking what they're doing is for the greater good

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Without even evaluating either side

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It is pretty funny to me watching normalfags freak out about having to be home all day. Welcome to my life except I have done this shit for 8 years. These people are going to go absolutely insane if they have to stay inside for a couple more weeks. They really do not know how to act if they are not serving their bosses every wish. If they are not making mr shekleburg his next million they really do act crazy. I kinda understand why jews call them goyim now. They are cattle

Or gaining insight as to why things are the way they are

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Only blindly assuming what they're doing is the right course of action

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Stunting progress to feed their ego

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Intentionally promoting ignorance to further their ill-thought goal

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I wonder how many more years this pony posting user is going to be upset for. Its been years man let it go

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Social distancing and isolation are the only things I scoffed at. While extroverts are losing their goddamn minds, I'm over here vibing the same way I've done for the last 30 years. Unemployment is no laughing matter, though. Was unemployed for a couple months once, and I never want to experience that shit again.

I really do not think it is the same guy but god if it is, jesus christ he needs to get a hobby ffs.

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kek I bet it is the same autist it has always been. I hope the poor dude can move on at some point he really fucks up alot of threads

I've actually got the disease so this is a lot less fun for me.

The sad part is I haven't left my house in over 3 months. I got it from air conditioner repairmen the landlady sent over.

By spreading misinformation first and asking questions later

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These stains do not even know what they're really fighting for

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I salute those who accept and understand

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Those who don't but continue down this path won't be so lucky

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They won't be safe

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They won't be saved

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They will turn to dust at the end of it all

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And suffer the consequences of their malicious actions

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Only then to realize the irony of their ending

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But then it would be too late to change it

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Only living for their own deluded ego

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Fucking selfish twats

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They're too incompetent to accomplish anything meaningful

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And delusional enough to believe what they're doing here is for the greater good

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How can anybody support this fucking scum

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They all need to fucking perish

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Make them bleed their bodies dry

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this man will personally ensure pony never dies
he will sustain its immortality through the power of his ass pain

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holy shit what a sperg.

Nonono please continue, it was just getting good