
Clap you fucking cunts edition

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I thought of /britfeel/ as I clapped


some fucker is setting off fireworks outside. Honestly thought it was gunfire at first and thought society had collapsed already

I hate being forced to join in with things. Might do my own clap at about 1am.

someone on my street has a fucking air horn lol

Did YOU clap, user?

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>on the floor of a hospital ward struggling to breathe
>try to call the nurse to bring you a ventilator
>"I'm so sorry user it's too late, all the boomers have them already"
>the last sound you hear is the sound of everyone in the ward clapping as you drown in your own lungs

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genuinely laughing at that, bless her the daft bint

>Hey bro, why aren't you clapping? You should show gratitude for the doctors and nurses in our NHS.

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>some fucker is setting off fireworks outside. Honestly thought it was gunfire at first and thought society had collapsed already

lol i thought the same thing

i had no fucking idea what was going on. I was sitting at the computer and everyone came out and started clapping.

Trying ot play asscreed over here ffs.

>they actually clapped
People are losing their fucking marbles.

>Did YOU clap, user?
Of course not

>normies start clapping on their own where nobody can hear

that'll stop corona


I was having a wank and thought everyone were applauding me

Can I get a clap?

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Didn't hear a single person in my street clap lads

Just people standing at their doors waiting on something to happen

Was with me dad walking dog and he clapping sort of ironically and someone old biddy ushered me to do it. Whose idea was it?
This. Op you're a cunt

Same here, omg the fireworks is overkill

gonna wank to something nurse related

Well I'm not American, so no.

Fuck the NHS
*breaks stuff*

What did you all expect?
Normies will be normies

Remember Americans clapping meme? Now it's literally us. We're the Britclaps.

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That was fun! ^_^
Can't wait to clap again tomorrow night.

OP why didn't you use the image that he's been boring us with every time he changes a fucking pixel

I didn't clap

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Got a knock off the police asking why I never knocked at 8. Bloody hell... talk about a clown world

Yeah I heard fireworks too.

How the fuck did they co-ordinate this shit?
Facebook and twitter? Was it on the tv?

FUCK the new image, this one is better

>that clapping

damn, it's like China have taken over already

If your bedtime wank isn't over nurses yer not british. Simple as.

Don't care about Eminem at all really, but this is hard and Fred got fucked up youtu.be/8n2R0riZXKA

>just the nhs
>the families of the people in the home I'm risking my health to still go to every day are treating us like cunts as well

Right lads thats your government approved 5 minutes of fun over for today

Remember to stay glued to BBC news for the latest scare mongering to keep you paralyzed with fear

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sorry lads I didn't clap, my indoor clapping license wasn't processed in time. Gonna fucking fine me 30 quid, unbelievable.

I did the NHS clap with the parents. Few neighbours were out as well. Was pretty nice.

im already on it as we speak
going to draw a uk flag on him and have him leaning out the window

>Well I'm not American, so no.


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I reluctantly made four awkward claps. I'm a key worker so it felt somewhat absurd.

>had no idea this shit was happening
>neighbours clapping woke me up

What the fuck bros

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I had army at me door, I explained I could not clap cause I didn't have my clapping licence. They let me off with a warning.

Let's all wank for robots.
8AM lets all go outside and wank in front of people.

>fuckers clapping but voted Tory

difference between clapping for our free healthcare and a film having an explosion kek

fucking clapistanis

I woke up my parents so they could enjoy it though
I've had a mad endorphin rush for like 3 hours even though I worked out ages ago, feels good

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Word of mouth, I think LBC started it.

*curses your next 10 lovers so they'll have big hairy man cock instead of feminine boiclittys teehee*

*gives himself a sad clap*

oh my god hahahaha people are like... people are like CLAPPING hahahaha!

ugh YUCK this is like... this is like so cringey yuck!

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okay, i admit it, i didnt think anyone would do it and now i am pissed for not doing it meself

who were they clapping for?

This is the fucking start of it now

Wank for the cops

Drag your arse up the carpet for care workers

Need to stealthily leave the house, smoke my dood and then return to my room. Might make noodles first tbqh.

>this lad actually clapped

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Idk bros something a bit corny about it

it's actually amazing how well NHS propaganda works desu.

Did only hear a few shouts and claps, mainly womens. Also the main noise came from the lass and her family and friends from across the road.
Anons mum

stay mad pajeet

They were clapping for me, don't be jealous

>no mum you can't make me clap!

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i'm going to show my support for the NHS workers by wanking to some nurse-themed JAV

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>12 years of austerity
>gur all key sectors for key industries
>health, police, fire, councils
>takes a global pandemic for anything to happen


Stupid bint walking around with a dirty face like that

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I didn't conform and clap lads, pure rebel

No shit. Just going to say good job if I ever see a nurse.

>video from my dad
>oh must be a recording of the clapping in his area
>nope, videos of indian police beating people with canes for breaking the curfew

never change

How do you pronounce 'NHS'?

No, british nurses.
You're not doing it right ffs.

My comment is original fuck off jannies

This is me. Whats your point?

fucking pathetic isn't it. i am beginning to think the whole this is a ploy to get us to become more accepting of totalitarian governments.

I made your mum's arse clap at 8 if that means ought

Just like that.


Blimey wouldn't mind a go on that.

Say good job to a doctor. Nurses do FUCK ALL

Watching the wizard of oz lads, some thoughts
>lion lad is gay personified
>tinny lad is likely a low key psychopath
>straw lad is basically Neil from the young ones


Clap for the nhs

Stop thinking things

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You can't be this thick.


FUCK THE NHS. It is a fucking religion in this country. The sooner it is privatised and all these weak sick cunts have to pay they better.
Fuck socialism.

>nuh, huh, suh

>he's so bitchmade his mum made him clap

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Try this one. She looks like she works for are nhs


Did I fuck

I have said it for years. I don't want to pay for other people fucking care. Fuck the nhs, let it die.

top trend lads we did it!

*takes a note of your name for the upcoming revolutionary cleanse*

jesus wept

Too right lad. Might as well privatise schools as well. Basically just live in a minarchist economic libertarian state with authoritarian social laws.

Should I make an onlyfans account?

Mad how we think are nhs is the best in the world but the rest of the world, even richer countries, dont want to copy it, even if they have the money.

Bung a brilliant bong bashing time for NHS

privatise the roads


Clap for the binmen


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En. Haitch. Ess.

why is nhs not prepared for health crisis in the first place?

ls her appeal she looks plain and boring like any old girl you went to school with?


>slagging in autumn

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Did you go to a school for downies lad?

Don't tell me you never fantasied about the plain Jane that was probably so sexually repressed she'd let you do anything

probably the youth + schoolgirl outfit being her main appeal
her whole thing will be dead in a year or two and she'll be generic whore #1312312312

It was a product of its time. WW2's mass nationalisations made people realise that some things could actually be run quite well if placed into the hands of the state instead of being left to charities/private enterprises.

When it first launched I think they included free dental treatment as part of the NHS package, only to withdraw it a year later when millions of working class families rocked up to the dentist for the first time in their lives to get their rotten teeth fixed. GPs were also allowed to remain as "private" practices that took on NHS patients.

Post-war consensus meant that Tories wouldn't dare try and carve away the NHS.

If somebody proposed something of that magnitude in modern-day British politics they'd be laughed out of the room. Which will make trying to roll-back all the emergency schemes that the government announced in recent days rather interesting...

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*stabs you*
Sorry lad, no NHS hospital for you

The whole British Empire, and especially England, which, sixty years ago, had as bad roads as Germany or France then had, is now covered by a network of the finest roadways; and these, too, like almost everything else in England, are the work of private enterprise, the State having done very little in this direction.
"Before 1755 England possessed almost no canals. _ [But now in 1845:] In England alone, there are 2,200 miles of canals and 1,800 miles of navigable river. In Scotland, the Caledonian Canal was cut directly across the country, and in Ireland several canals were built. These improvements, too, like the railroads and roadways, are nearly all the work of private individuals and companies.

~Friedrich Engels

because the government thought it was just a flu and did not bother to prepare. new york, which has some of the best hospitals in the world is overwhelmed too, again because their government thought it was just a flu.

no hospital runs where they are ready to accept hundreds of new intensive care patients every day for weeks on end. you have to prepare months before

waited for the happy clapping cunts to have their turn then gave em a sarcasic slow clap and a hearty well done you.

My mum is based as fuck anti-clap brigade

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canal more like banal