How would you deal with the fact that your daughter fucks dogs

how would you deal with the fact that your daughter fucks dogs

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Get.the video camera

I would help out while waiting for my turn obviously

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Better dogs than certain men, to be honest.

blackmail her and fuck her myself.
the dog can have her pussy, but her butthole is mine

buy more dogs and

If this post is real then it reads like a troll post, like someone having sex with a dog as actual unironic bait.

I would prefer my daughter be normal with dogs but not have sex with them. I had female dogs that were constantly pregnant but I want her to be asexual with all species

My dad would probably try to beat me to death if he knew I fucked dogs semi regularly. IDK though he doesn't hit that hard.

why do you fuck dogs

I love them, I think they are genuinely attractive.

i would like to whip you with my leather belt
not cos im a moralfag but cos its fun

How do you even find an intact dog in this day and age

what compelled you to fuck a dog for the first time you weirdo

how do you find dogs to fuck? do you lure strays with cans of dog food? do you make arrangements with the owners?

No spanks please.

It's not that hard at least in my experience.

Lonely hearted lust.

I pet sit and do dog walking on the side. Never tried a stray dog might be dangerous. Yes sometimes.

>paw prints
Do you use socks on the dog?

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Dogs are quite masculine animals. Certain dogs anyway, you'll never see a woman fucking a pug, they fuck the high-T chad dogs.

nice i would still whip you with my leather belt cos its even more fun if the person actually suffers

Have her committed if possible, and arrested if not.

>It's not that hard at least in my experience.
I've just wanted to get one from a shelter. They never give out dogs without neutering them. I've tried to convince them over and over to leave it to me, no dice. What a beautiful dog it was too. I feel so let down. They claim to want to help dogs, and in the process they mutilate them?

Thank you.

Sometimes yeah. A lot of dogs are too fussy and want to fight the socks.
Why must you hurt?

It's just part of their job user, too many unwanted puppies in the world already.

Both humans and dogs dont use birth control. Frankly I think it should be enforced on us as well

I get that offering regular dogsitting is a good way to get some private time with a red rocket.
But if I was in your position I would be scared of making arrangements with dog owners where your sexual intentions are made clear.
Aren't you worried the owners will blackmail you and coerce you to do things?

>It's just part of their job user, too many unwanted puppies in the world already.
But my insistment must've indicated that I am no irresponsible bubba that'll just let his dog freeroam willy nilly. I've even asked them if they wouldn't merely do a vasectomy and they declined. I'm hurting. My heart is broken by this loveless world, girl.
Vasectomies are a thing.

i just like the feel of having a belt made out of a brutally slaughtered cow's skin making this whipping slap slound on another persons skin. It's fun. Did it a couple of times on my back

would you rather fuck dogs or humans? or both?

do you fuck dogs because you can't get a guy?

Which dog breed has the biggest dick? Great Dane?

Shit, you are hot.
Any material you would willing to share?

i am breeding donkeys and ponies... You wanna try something that will fill you up nicely ?
The male animals have got quite the temper if they arent pleasured.

Yeah that is a concern. I used to be apart of a discord server dedicated to the topic and you could meet other girls there who had experiences with the various users and would tell you what to expect.

I still meet with a guy I met there but it's been closed down for like a year and a half now.

I'm sorry.

Keep doing it to yourself hurtty boi.

Sometimes I do both. I don't really prefer either and take what I can get when I can get it.

I'm not sure. My best time was with a great pyrenees. He was sooooooo soft.

I don't believe I've ever been filmed.

I don't think so. I just don't think the barnyard animals are that attractive.

>tfw love seeing women reduced to the basest form of objectivity
>fucked by a beast
>don't know of anywhere to see vidoes that isn't a malware infested shithole

This is Yas Forums. And I am incel. So fuck oofff

Where are you located. I have a 10 month old newfoundland that isn't fixed yet and I'd pay you to fuck him on camera.

I heard the sex only lasts for like a minute. Is that true? What does being knotting feel like?

I could take up that offer now that she's not interested though. I'm a guy though, and not from the US.

what turns you on about being with a dog? being degraded? their dick? used? it's such a strange fetish.

also show pussy.

show us a time stamp you larping faggot

>I don't believe I've ever been filmed

Please share if you ever do. A beast fucking that body would be a beautifull sight

Faggots and normies, all of you. You have zero admiration of dogs, you just see them as a mindless tools of degradation and woman hating fantasies. Kys and stay kys forever.

>I pet sit and do dog walking on the side.
Oh man, are you the dog fucking chick I used to talk to on Discord a while back?

why do you want to mutilate your pup, are you a sadist?

Disown on the spot and likely a beating as well.

Ohio in the US. How much and who will have access to it?

Yeah, not very long usually but you can get knotted for a while. It feels really good though. Sometimes if I've had an orgasm the contractions of my vagina will keep the knot hard for longer and you'll get into a chain where the more he moves around the more you O and the more you O the longer he stays hard in you.

I think they are beautiful inside and out.


I did in the first post but I deleted it. Sorry you're late.

I wouldn't know where it would be safe to share.

I doubt it unless it was like close to two years ago but I don't recall anyone from r9k adding me on discord before.

If I lived in Pakistan or something I'd probably actually kill her, since I'm burger I'd just hire a hitman or something.

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>kill her
Why would you do such a thing?

i would film it and charge users on the darknet btc to watch it

>roasties start using normie as an insult.

Fucking dogs aint nice miss, bestiality is disgusting it doesnt matter from where you look it from.

> admiration

Thats a big word. I love dogs, but wanting to see a beauty like that taking the knot little has to do with it, neither any kind of mysoginy you are trying to proyect.

Pls post discord
What is the semen like? I heard its watery and warm. Is there a lot of it?

No joke disown her and tell her I wont speak with her until she goes to a mental asylum.

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>normie for thinking a whore fucking an animal is disgusting
well guess I am a proud normie then
I am sure you really did post a timestamp lying faggot

What's disgusting is an entirely subjective matter, you dirty normie, you dumbass NPC. Because the only worldview you're capable of even comprehending is the one you got from Fox News. That's why lawmaking and disgust should never mix. You know what disgusts me? You do. And I guess many others agree with me as well, because you're on the incel board of a site for lonely nerds.

we're not on the op topic anymore, bud, some whore here fucks dogs and we're haffin a good coom about it

>I wouldn't know where it would be safe to share.

Pick any anonymous uploading site and just drop the link.

Noo you can't let the girlies fuck with their pupperinos


Cry harder

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>good coom about it


I would have to make a throwaway one.

Yeah it's more watery than people's. There is sometimes a whole lot but I'm not sure if it matters about the breed or the last time they did it.

Oh yeah I guess that would make sense. I would rather just send it to someone personally like in an email attachment though.

She's discarded her humanity

The dog sniffs shit with his wet snout, then licks the snout, then licks his penis finally the shit lands on the deepest corners of your pussy.

You never thought about this didnt you.

>mentally ill
Seems like experts disagree with you here, zoophilia isn't even in the DSM-V anymore. Lmao
Lonely nerds don't agree because they're majorly judgmental, uncreative normies like you. It's the public that wants to stay away from your cancer mentality.
And for one second you never thought about the fact that dog saliva has bactericidal substances in it, in much larger quantities than human spit.

pls make one
I just find this phenomenon interesting. It seems more common than originally thought.

>fags fap to this
>but pedophilia is bad
do americans really?

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>one gives frustrated household pets an outlet to coom
>the other fucks up a human being for life
Hmm I wonder

[email protected]

>the other fucks up a human being for life
no it doesn't, female

No, but it improves his behavior, reduces his chances of getting certain types of cancer, and I have no intent to breed him. Quit being a moralfag.

>Ohio in the US. How much and who will have access to it?

I'm in Michigan, so that's workable. I'm thinking $500 for one video. It would be entirely for personal use and I'd be the only one to have access to it. I would be willing to sign a contract stating that.

>but it improves his behavior
Making him more complacent and less active isn't "improving".
>reduces his chances of getting certain types of cancer
And increases different ones.
>Quit being a moralfag.
Quit being a normalfag.

>muh humanity!
so nothing of real value was ditched

Yes it does, coomer. You'll find exceptions, but since it's impossible to tell the fallout in advance, you're always taking a grave risk.