By far Audrey is the most unattractive girl on r9k...

by far Audrey is the most unattractive girl on r9k. not only is she overweight but she looks genuinely manly and has no interesting qualities, at this point you might as well orbit a chubby 15 year old Mexican boy.

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Shes wholesome to me

Exactly. I actually do not understand why you would orbit this girl. I cringe whenever I see that mirror photo of her in shorts. It is literally even below average. She is average in general omegalul

yeah uh idk who this is

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she's a tomboy
and they are cool
god dammit she would be perfect for me I love military equipment and vehicles and aaaaaaah kill me it'll never happen

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Don't talk about angel Audrey like that, she's such a qt

Wait is this that illias chick from tiktok?

not only is she not cute, but she doesn't even conform to the usual 4ch standards; she isn't pale, skinny, freckled, etc.

For a virgin you have pretty high standards.

she isn't going to fuck you either, bro

I know but at least I have realistic standards. If she lost a bit of weight she would be pretty cute. Not that looks matter anyway.

>cute girl posts thread about herself pretending to be somebody else saying she is ugly

I see Audrey has picked up a few habits from her friendship with Tahlia.

She has gutter levels of self esteem so I can see her saying this tbqh

so where have those realistic standards gotten you, user?

>She has gutter levels of self esteem
Sad, I hope she can work through that before it ruins her life too.

She looks cute in that pic but orbiting in the first place makes you a subhuman so die you fucking faggot

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She's more attractive than me according to prettyscale.

Also, fucking who? I'll never understand you faggots who obsess over random girls on the Internet.

I have her added on my nature tumblr. Shes nice dont bully her ;;

ive jerked off to audrey 5 times today. its 2:20pm

79% on pretty scale for our BAA

I get about a 67.

I got 86%. Get fucked.

the debate has ended, shes hot.

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>tfw prettier than audrey

Why aren't you plowing Stacy right now?

Thats not hard to do femanon

I doubt it Tahlia.

im a male retard and it is hard to do.
im waiting till i find a good girl to marry and i shall lose my virginity to them.

You want to lose it to Audrey?

>she is overweight

Sure low test beta.

Either Audrey or a different girl who is as good or better than Audrey.

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audrey fags on suicide watch

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To clarify, even if audrey is a 97/100, there exist other 97/100s or even some 98,99, 100/100s.

Audrey is shit tier. My heart is only for Tahlia

You've obviously missed T's latest character arc.

Too bad she's already hitched to a fat beaner. Sad!

She's cute, you're just a judgemental whore

She's very pretty, I don't see anything wrong with her.

i would lik aubby lik dis mmmmm

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such a boring rumour with no evidence

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I'm not talking about BAA you dope.

Being fat and swarthy is the least of that fucker's problems.

I swear Audrey and Tahlia samefag as incels and bully themselves to get whiteknights to feel sorry for them and come to their rescue. I doubt anyone has the energy to aggressively hate on these nobodies.

Is Audrey similarly interested in marrying a stranger from the other side of the (round) planet?

She'll be getting a better deal than tahlia did, I actually have a job.

Attractiveness (1-10)
Number of previous sexual partners
Favourite quote
Miscellaneous eztra information you consider worthwhile

Please fill out form. Thank you.

not him but lets do this
"Being and non-being are the same."
listening to music
chronic autism

>Attractiveness (1-10)
Usually get an 8
Military schooling
>Number of previous sexual partners
>Favourite quote
Don't have one
Working out
>Miscellaneous eztra information you consider worthwhile
I'm just bored and have nothing else to do so I'm filling this shit out. What is everyone else's?

Attached: 1579476479957.jpg (500x750, 62.28K)

May other anons fill out the form?

Prefer not to disclose
"Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers." - Voltaire
Making art
I think Audrey a qt.

*According to /soc/

What branch brah?

Airforce. Currently 'teleworking'. Pretty tight so far. Basically no work. No need to worry about food ECT. Just hate the area I'm in. Other than that it's not a bad job bro.

Nice. I'm in the ANG, figure Ill go active if nothing else works out.

>>Favourite quote
>Don't have one
time to get one

>Attractiveness (1-10)
Trade school
No dox
>Number of previous sexual partners
Non-denominational Christian
>Favourite quote
Gas the kikes
Autism about plants
Watching documentaries about tanks
Build things
80 kg, 14%bf
>Miscellaneous eztra information you consider worthwhile
I reiterate: gas the kikes

You might have already won her heart.

I'm in a relationship. It's just hard to stop coming back here. Met my girl on here too.

I guess i gotta fill my own form out now. People apparently love to talk about themselves. Good way to farm (You)s eh?

6-8 (i look young so that seems to cause the variance among soc answers)
Average of an A at GCSEs. Don't have my grades for A-levels yet. Doing moral philosophy and graphic design.
>Number of previous sexual partners
>Favourite quote
What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: 'This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more; and there will be nothing new in it, but every pain and every joy and every thought and sigh and everything unutterably small or great in your life will have to return to you, all in the same succession and sequence' ... Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: 'You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine.'
vidya, asmr, music, art, philosophy and ethics, talking to human beings whom i like.
67.5kg/ 149 pounds
5 10

get money and a proper quote
ur a slut
get a better religion or just drop islam at the very least
hate is cringe and bluepilled

Not a bad option. Awesome benefits, figure out what you want to use your free college on, or stay in and retire in 20.

>hate is cringe and bluepilled

t. Mr Goldberg

I am no doubt whiter than you, mutt.

What is the purpose of this gay shit

Take your rightful place under the benevolent heel of the Anglo, cont*nental.

Trying to farm a GF bro.

cringe, actually cringe.

compared to what you said about the other anons, i got it pretty good if all you didnt like was that im poor and quoted an old greek dude.

I am pure anglo, bitchboi.
no u

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>get a better religion or just drop islam at the very least
>hate is cringe and bluepilled
Do you even know where you are?

user, you're about to get roasted so hard.
>Philosophy major

Benefits are why I signed. The military does appeal to me so I might stay in.

Self doxxing is fun. Good chance I'll get some contacts.