Heloo anyone wants to chatu? I've been in a psych ward for 16 weeksu and 2 days now. Idk why nurses hate me so much...

Heloo anyone wants to chatu? I've been in a psych ward for 16 weeksu and 2 days now. Idk why nurses hate me so much. They being passive aggressive to me is slowly making me mad. Fucking low wage wagies jelli at me for being neet. How are you? How is your day? Are you a wagie and if yes are you jelli at neets?

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You're fucking annoying shut the fuck up I fucking hate you I hope they beat you you dumb fuck up failure

why were you in psych desu?
keep ure chin up and be happi to nurses
remember day when u feeled hapy

hiyoo, how's it been so far? besides the passive aggressiveness. meet any funny characters?

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What are you in a psych ward for? Did you snap or something?

Nurses aren't exactly low wage, my schizo friend.

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The neet who's trapped inside of a cage being treated like a rat is a less than the does they wear


Forgot the fucking papers man

Why do you hate me so much? And I'm not a failure baka.
I'm still in psych ward. Happi days were when I was 8yo and played shitty mmorpgs for 8h. Fugu nurses, only 1 is oke rest is trash.
It's oke hmm normalfags really try to include me and force interaction so much but I have no interest in interacting with them so I just sit in room all day.
Severe depression. At 3rd appointment Psych thought I will kms soon even though I lied that I never think about kms. Then she got me warded.
Eeeh 2k euros before taxes is low wage. Also I think nurses in psychiatric hospitals earn a lot less than nurses in normal hospitals. A-And I'm not schizo.
Baka just roll with idk book pages.

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>so I just sit in room all day.
So like what do you do all day? Do you play games can you even? Do you just browse the web or watch videos?

Yea I've heard that normalshits always try and involve people in there, partly why I avoid getting put in one at all costs. Have they tried sympathizing with your problems? if so how was that like?

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More like 2.4k after taxes. Sucks having to deal with life failures like yourself though.

Hate it so much; play the happy game and KYS after getting released.

I just watch anime and post on chan and discord all day.
Hmm they don't force interaction with everyone. Idk normalfags always try to include me. Also they don't know about my problems. They only know I'm the person who has currently the longest ward stay and that I'm depressed. Nurses know about my problems and that's probably partly a reason why they dislike me so much.
Eeh wages in germany and other countries are different. Also normal hospital starting wage is 2k euros before tax. They get a lot less in psychiatric hospital bc a lot less work. Why would I kms if I'll get neetbuxx?

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Ah I see, I hope your relations with the nurses ease up a bit. But I'm off to sleep now so I hope you have a good rest of your stay and what not. byebye

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psych ward is a bitch, i had to go a few times spazzing out cause benzo withdrawals, so fucking boring, i remember just banging on walls demanding vallium

I am a shut in been one for years hope ward is going alright for you user. There is no way in hell could I deal with that shit.

>huhu im gonna get warded to get free housing
>ends up in basically min security prison for 16 weeks
was this all part of your plan digu?

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No wonder why they hate you, you type like a retard.

Eeeh nurses always disliked me so I think they'll continue disliking me. Sleepu well.
I'll get out in like 2 weeksu and have neetbuxx.
Kek sounds like a shitty time.
I was shut in before ward too. Do you think you can escape that lifestyle? Ward is oke like you get used to it after a time. Being with 2 other people in a room is shitty though. Being alone in room is a luxury ahh.
I thought I would only be in wardu for like 6 weeks idk my first plan was to get neetbuxx with help of psych without ward bc I didn't think I'm that mentally ill to get called ambulance on. And now I've been warded for 16 weeksu while normal ward stay is like 4 weeksu.
No u.

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Baste user. I'm schizophrenic and life is good. Keep it up.

do you talk like this in real life?

hope you get your schizo shit fixed

I am not sure if I can escape it desu. I think there is really only one way out of it at this point. I guess it is a luxury in some ways but in some ways it is not. I could not live with 2 other people in the same room tho. That would be very hard for me at this point. I hope i can escape being a shut in. I think with the neetbux that I might get from coronachan I might just be able to get my life together but that is probably just false hope. I hope to escape it one day.

>Being alone in room is a luxury ahh.
Bigu, my dear, is it possible to masturbate in your current situation desu?

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Do you take medsu?
I'm not schizo.
Escaping shut in life is hard. I couldn't imagine being with 2 other people in room too but I couldn't do anything about it when I got warded. Now I'm used to it and being alone in a room would be so nice. Do you plan on becoming a wagie someday? I want to go to uni after being neet for 2 years and then be a wagie.
Ya but I haven't cumud for 6 weeksu already.

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Maybe they hate you because you type like this.

Yeah I think we had this conversation before. I have been a shut in for 8 years. I do not exactly plan on becoming a wagie but I think if I do not then I will blow my brains out. So it is either that or get a job. I am not sure I can actually do it tho. It is very very difficult to even get out of bed so I can not imagine going to work everyday. I think I would just lying to myself if I said I was planning on it. I hope you escape it and I hope ward helps you in some way. Do you think it has helped you?

hello bigu i tried to cut for you today but all i have is this really dull card knife which i could only make scratches with sorry. I will be looking for something better at the supermarket tomorrow (only thing open because of covid 19)

good luck with that boss

I have a feeling you're swedish

>haven't cumud for 6 weeksu
Honey, don't be such a boring loli. Fap already.

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Hmm best thing you could do is to try to be more active but it can be very difficult. Ward has only helped my mental health bc I'm away from mom. Therapy is a meme. I don't understand why most people go to ward like they get nothing out of it. I knew I'll get neetbuxx and that was my only reason to get warded. Only people I understand are the ones who are warded to try different meds in a safe environment.
I can recommend razor blades desu. Knives are are ofently too dull.
I'm half german half russian.
It would be a waste of cumu like I would have to go to the toilet and be very fast bc I can never know if roommate gets back to room or a nurse, psych etc.

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Razor blades cut too cleanly and barely feel anything. Usually I use a pocket knife but I just moved houses a couple weeks ago and didn't pack it.

half germ and russkiye is same thing as a swede

>It would be a waste of cumu
A fap is a fap, do it right now desu and send picus desu.

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Oh hmm a lot of people don't like the pain and just like the endorphine rush that's why I recommended razor blades.
Eeeeeh I o-only send l-lewd picsu on discord.

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I guess being away from your mother is good. I have not seen mine in years. I will probably escape being a shut in by ending it all.

The best feeling for me is the burning friction followed by the really cold numbness

>I o-only send l-lewd picsu on discord
Then lets talk on discord desu.

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>my first plan was to get neetbuxx with help of psych without ward bc I didn't think I'm that mentally ill to get called ambulance on. And now I've been warded for 16 weeksu while normal ward stay is like 4 weeksu.

get dabbed on

t. nurse

Hmm choose a good method then bc you don't want to fuck it up.
Oh that sounds like it can feel nice. I would probably like getting cutu slowly by another person eeeh.
O-Okay. My discord is bigudigu#8810.
Hmm? Enjoy your wage slave life while I will get neetbuxx in a few weeksu.

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Hey I dont have easy way to get around filter and say lol or something similar so I just write a paragraph to trick robot. Funny post

>Hmm? Enjoy your wage slave life while I will get neetbuxx in a few weeksu.

Will do. Enjoy your glorified prison sentence for a meager income. If there's one thing good to say about US behavioral health (and there probably is only one good thing to say), it's that people are rarely held for more than a week since insurances won't pay up for that.

>My discord is bigudigu#8810
Mine is RodrigoTheGreat#0731
Hope we have a fappy experience desu.

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Hmm I'll study in 2 years in uni while you will still be a wageslave.
C-Can you addu me.

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What are you planning on studying?

Probably economics or law idk but I know I won't study a meme thing.

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1st time i went to uni I went to study psychology but it was so boring and useless so I just left.
Now I am studying Health Science and intend to do Medicine next year if my grades are high enough. Quarantine has made it so that 90% of my grade (possibly more) will come from just the final exam which is quite cool. Now I can just be stress free most of the year

I want to put a mentally ill cuteboi in diapers and treat like a big dumb baby.

I think psychology isn't worth it. Hmm science related things don't make a lot of monies and I can probably make more monies with law or economics than with medicine. I would only work to cope with monies.
T-That's v-very lewd.

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doctors can still make good money sometimes

>T-That's v-very lewd.
I think you'd like it. You just need to look and act super cute and do what mommy asks.

Ya true.
Eeeeeeeh t-that's really l-lewd.

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im still in highschool but i hope i never become a neet

>It would be a waste of cumu like I would have to go to the toilet and be very fast
how fast do you usually shot? i can do it in 30 seconds!

Cumu fast is waste of cumu desu.

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I think it will destroy me mentally long term

why is it waste of time?

Has anyone ever patted you on the head? Would you get really flustered if someone did?

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How did you get put in there? What did you say that made them ward you?

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