What is the best brand and flavor of instant ramen ?

what is the best brand and flavor of instant ramen ?

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please reply to my thread i want to know

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idk go look it up or something, i just get whatever i see desu

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Cant go wrong with Shin Ramyun. If you are a weak whitey who thinks sprite is spicy you may not like it though.

chicken, it's good by itself but sometimes I mix a dab of peanut butter and some chili sauce with it and tastes a bit like pad thai.

this is best but it's not spicy at all wtf

well, out of what you've seen whats the best tasting in your opinion ?
is this in stores on the east coast ?
top ramen chicken or something different ?

>"im asian, look at me i eat spicy noodles cus im so asian, not like White peepol!"
>"why do people keep targeting me fer being asian? im asian! btw im asian if you didnt know."

time to die tripnigger subhuman

I like the shrimp ramen. very tasty. especially the juice leftover.

>"rawrrrrr! im so angery, feel my anger of the asian man!!! arrryarryarrrr "

pic related is best ramen fight me

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Indomie is the best ramen imo. It is not one of those ramen in soup, it's just noodles in a spicy sauce, but its really tasty. I ordered some online from Amazon last week and just got some more today.

maruchan oriental flavor.

I really like the Nongshim brand. Their black flavor is especially good, and the packet comes with dried mushrooms and assorted dried veggies.


i don't keep track, my life is a blur and I can only remember very specific things, am sorry

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>"REEEEE how can you make fun of my asian identity? reeeeeeeee so mad at you."

these are tasty.
Shin is good, my dad adds jalapenos and onions to the soup.
basic ramen imo
isnt a real flavor

Maruchan and their chicken flavor with a little bit of hot sauce

yes ive heard good things about these ill add them to my list thank you
oh that is okay user. cute kitten

Samyang is best.

>isn't a real flavor
im not sure what you mean

ive only ever had the kind of ramen in the packets that cost 50 cents. are the more expensive ones worth it?

nm it actually was a real flavor. i was wrong!

yumyum curry

na. you add flavor to the cheaper ones with hot sauce or something else.

I love bowl noodle it is delicious idc if it is basic what are other good spicy ones?

Pick up any of the >$1/per pack ones from your local Asian market.

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ya keep enjoying them. i only call them basic because ive had so many of them in my life time.

you can try these for a change, if you prefer ramen in cups.

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Tom Yum creamy shrimp by Mama or Shin Ramyun by Nongshim

He doesn't have a trip though. Fucking reddit

i like these because the noodles are thicker

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I have had those before when I used to live with asians I have been trying to remember what they were called yeah those blow them out of the water those are really tasty. Thank you user I have not had one for years.

np. this looks very good, but i havent tried adding milk to ramen. adding potatoes could make the soup thicker too.

I think they renamed it to "onions sauce flavor" to be less racist.

its not the same unless flavored by racism. f*ck PC culture

Those are some quite dilated pupils, is she okay?

Pic related. Gook noodles need not apply.

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looks very good, would be savory and not spicey. it even has a cute logo

Why ask? You posted it in your picture.

This bad boy. /thread

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Not ramen, stupid gaijin.

yes i hope so i think she has contacts in

yes it is, instant noodles is ramen.

hmm? how so? its just a cute gir l

Not all instant noodles are ramen. Udon is not ramen. Soba is not ramen. Mi goreng is not ramen.

all of it is ramen.

Well I asked for her nude-ls and she delivered em hot

owo! but are nude-els ramen?

And I guess spaghetti is ramen now too, huh.

I don't know. Couldn't understand a word she said

>spaghetti is instant
momma mia

I love that stuff so much

Instant does not equate to ramen, you mongoloid.

Instant ramen is what people call instant noodles anyways

it does, since ramen translates into "instant noodles", you conkaloid.

Ramen translates into "pulled noodles".

then mie goreng fits into that definition too. getting chopped there, Squeemus

shrimp also based numbers OP

Have to agree with this one. It's kind expensive compared to other brands, but it's kinda worth it.