Eat tons of garbage food every day

>Eat tons of garbage food every day
>Don't exercise or work out at all
>Literally ate an entire fucking dozen donuts this morning and that's not even unusual for me
>Still have the body type of pic related
>Still 6'0" and 120lbs twig
Why can't I gain weight? Why do I have to look like a fucking holocaust survivor? Fuck this universe, fucking unfair. Even dad-bod guys have it better, some girls have a fetish for that. No girl wants a disgusting faggot-looking skinny guy

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>Even dad-bod guys have it better, some girls have a fetish for that.
No they dont. They just say that they do. Never listen to women. They are just trying to be le quirky. They want Chad and you know it, retard.

Me, too. I'm not as skinny as you say you are but I literally eat a massive fucking fried breakfast every morning of probably 1500 calories alone, and then some lunch, dinner and a bunch of snacks in between. Yet I'm still on the low end of healthy BMI

Hey i look like that too user, except i'm a manlet and ever skinnier i think, though i think i have more muscle, fuck if i care desu, i want to get skinnier, i'm almost at 49kg.

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Eating doesn't make anything but your stomach bigger. And if your metabolism does slow down enough to let you put on some weight with overeating, it'll all be excess fat that your body doesn't need to store.
Eat to be nourished and full. Exercise to gain muscle mass and get swole like anakin skywalker.
no exercise = all that food goes to passive glycogen (energy for your muscles to use later), is used by your brain as calories or gets burned off (eventually, if your metabolism is slow) as fat (extra stored calories)
It's like you guys paid no attention in health class.

I can quarantee you don't actually eat a lot. Track your calories for a day and you'll see. 99% of skinny guys who claim they eat a lot just don't understand what is a lot.

If you lost the belly you would have a cute twinkish vibe.

Hey OP I like you're body. You are not that bad looking. Kind of hot

I used to think I had a fast metabolism and then I realized that I only eat 1300 cal per day.

it would be fucking easy for you to look decent if you did the slightest amount of exercise. muscles are especially visible when you're skinny. you won't be buff, but at least you won't look like a disgusting faggot.


>le quirky
this can oddly sum up much wisdom regarding how to treat women

eat like a beast and throw around some weight like a beat and you'll turn more beasty

Most people would kill to be as thin as you. Stop being a bitch.

>Do not post pictures of yourself on Yas Forums.

can't see the sticky? fuck off faggot




Sounds like you're just too much of a pussy to post a picture of yourself fucking bitch

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There's no such thing as health class in my country, thanks though

i starve myself to be skinny while you skinnynigger eat 10000 calories to be what i wanna be shut the fuck up

That's called being 13/16 op, when you get to 30 it's exact opposite, you eat one nutragrain bar a day, and after half a week you gain 5 pounds.
Go to a doctor op.
When i was young i was also losing weight, turned out one of my vital organs was dead. Now i take needles every day, every single day.

retard turn it into muscle. guarantee u dont eat 800 calories a day, otherwise youd be losing weight

Cool diabetes bro
T. Medfag

Only gay guys like twinks though, not women
That's not me, it's just a similar pic from the internet. Can't selfpost on Yas Forums. Plus you're probably a fag so piss off.

it's a stupid fucking rule and you know it. we don't need your self-righteous faggotry.

which vital organ? I don't see any information on 13/16.

You aren't aware of how much you are eating. Just eating a lot one day and then barely eating for the rest of the week won't do anything. You have to consistently eat at a surplus of calories every day to see results. So that box of donuts won't do anything for you if the next few days you aren't eating in a surplus. Be honest with yourself and track your calories. That excuse of "muh metabolism is too fast" is bullshit. You aren't used to eating a lot so your idea of what a lot of food is, is not that much food honestly.

I'm not a guy but ok

Just wait until your mid 20s
Skinny all my life got 24 and Ive reached a new 180 high 5'7

Not me faggot, it's a pic from google images

Exercise. I eat like shit and am super skinny, but I have a fairly athletic body because of my genetics.
You're approaching skinnyfat territory. You have an inherently skinny build, eating like shit will only give you weight in the places you don't want it, like your stomach and chest. If you can work out enough to attain a lean body type, you're in. You'll never be built like the average guy at this period in your life, so instead go for the most attractive version of skinny, which is lean.

This, I bet OP doesn't even snack between meals

Weight gain tips from a clinically obese man:

>Smallish breakfast
>Large lunch consisting of fats, sugars, and carbs
>Substantial snack when you get home from work/school
>Dinner, fill your plate with the best-tasting (least healthy) stuff
>Eat desert until you feel physically full
>As soon as you have the smallest amount of room in your stomach, go back to the kitchen for a snack
>Repeat this every few hours until as late as possible, using the calories from your last snack to keep you awake

Okay tranny, but I think you missed the part where I said piss off. Generally that's an invitation to not reply to my post. Learn to read.

pretty eye-opening post, desu. my diet usually looks like

>smallish breakfast
>smallish lunch
>small snack when I get home from work
>dinner, eat until the food is gone (usually like a can of soup & crackers)
>go to sleep when I start feeling hungry

the biggest impediment to eating more is how much of a pain in the ass food preparation is. also, how expensive it is to buy snacks.

I'm still skinny at 26, knock on wood.

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>tons of garbage food
I bet you don't even pass 1500kcal

I am not a tranny either, you can't make me stop replying shut up

SS + GOMAD you fkin weak dyel retards

Even if you do actually eat 2500+ calories (of junk) a day and still get that body, nip it in the bud now. It's a bad habit to carry on past 25 years of age.

Yeah, I could probably eat in one sitting what you eat in a day

If you want to gain weight, eat for pleasure

If youre a tall skinny guy and have a good face girls will love you. I fell for the lifting meme but once I stopped and went back to 130lbs at 6 foot 2 I realized I look way better skinny and I can tell girls go for me more too. Being big helps if you dont have a good jaw line and height but if youre genuinely good looking being skinny actually makes your face look better

Lol cope. All you Yas Forums faggors need to learn to squat and deadlift and gain 50lbs

LARP harder retard, all your posts are doing is wasting bandwidth
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breh gaining weight is easy, you just keep to followsome ground rules and lift weights

Imagine recommending strong lifts over SS

and here i am at 5'2 130lbs
just get a hard working job, eat a lot of meat and start learning how to box, dont be a pansy

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No it fucks up my facial aesthetics. I've been bigger when I played highschool sports and despite having more muscle my face didn't look as good as it does now. I have a good jaw line and facial structure though, I know for some guys it doesn't matter as much.

What if I'm tall and have a decent jaw but am also balding with bad skin and subpar facial features

Just depends on how well you pull off balding and how bad your facial features are. Still a lot of guys straight up look better with a gaunt face than they would bigger. Also depends how your body distributes it. I was just speaking of my personal experience where I could tell I look better skinny than I did when I put effort into eating more and weighed more and I can also tell I look better to women.

Hey I've been looking for a short girl for a while, wanna be my gf?

This. OP is just a dumb normie.

Try drinking a gallon of milk a day plus your regular meals every day for three months, its called gomad and its for extreme hard gainers

>Even dad-bod guys have it better, some girls have a fetish for that
all young women want skinny prettyboy twinks, you don't have idea how good you have it

i envy u so much

incel cope

Only way it could be true is if that dude was a literal tranny blocking T and taking estrogen. Women's bodies try to retain fat and if they go on diets that are way too low in calories, they're more likely to sustain counter-productive muscle degradation as opposed to pure fat loss.

i'm 195cm and used to weigh 62kg full skelly mode. i decided i wanted to gain weight so i started to autisitcly count my calories every day and force myself to eat a calorie surplus. it fucking sucked by the time i finished one meal it was time for the next one because i was eating so slow. i wanted to puke after every meal but i persevered and after 2 months i weight 71kg. My appetite definitely grew a little since i stopped tracking the calories but i've kept the weight on. this was a couple of years ago and now i weigh around 75kg. it's possible to improve but it's fucking dreadful to start

you look like a skinnyfat woman with your highly oestrogenous hips and protruding flabby soi belly.

I have a thing for younger boys, so I'd gladly settle with a man of a similar physique, since having the real deal would result me going to jail.

you look great user:) this is the ideal body type. enjoy your metabolism before that shit slows down and your eating habits & lack of exercise come to bite u in the butt:3. but really u are basically perfect..!.!.!.!.!

you probably have dangerous amounts of visceral fat (fat wrapped around your internal organs, the most dangerous type). That might also be responsible for your nascent gyno.

Young people tend to use higher amounts of energy through the day even at rest, you'll (likely) hit a time in your mid thirties where your metabolism slows and you'll balloon unless you change your habits.

How young are you talking about here?

hey its ok
most egirls are into skinny white guys anyway

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this, OP confirmed for gay retard

youre gonna have to keep eating tons of calories every day (which everyone doubts) make sure you hit protein macros and lift heavy

Get a fast food job and eat it everyday
Ive seen girls go from stick thin to the size of a house in 1 year from eating it daily

A lot of junk is what you see on my 600 lb life and shit, were talking multiple pizzas a day, plates of bacon and eggs

You probably eat bread and drink soda that gives you no calories