Why in hell are men attracted to sucking on boobs?
Why in hell are men attracted to sucking on boobs?
big fat mommy milkers bro
Milkies you retard
to get the nutrition of course.
Don't know, Can't stop, Won't stop, Must shove my face in tiddies and eat them.
god fucking damn i wish that were me. titty milk is so delicious
Ten billion years of evolution, you titcow whore.
because the COVID vaccine is stored inside of all big tiddys
Aryan milkers. is he worthy of this most highest of nutritional blessings? he is just a human boy!
Because I love them
because tits are attractive, but there's not really much you can do with them. slap them, pinch nipples, suck them. if titty milk came out i'd be weird and disgusting, so it's not anything to do with that.
Advice from a big boobed girl: don't fucking slap the tits.
Because most females I've been with enjoy it, and it can serve as a partial substitute to eating the puss-puss.
There should be a firm grasp of the tit, like a handshake.
Hey now some girls like it. If they like their twat slapped there's no way the tits are crossing a line. I prefer to twist the nipples anyway myself. Point is, tits are just a visual attraction mostly, there's not a whole lot you can actually do with them besides get a titfuck maybe.
Nipple twisting is ok, nipple pulling is amazing. But slapping hurts like shit. Imagine getting your balls slapped, I bet it ruins the mood.
I did it once and it felt kind of awkward honestly but I think the girl wasn't very much into it
Like I said, can't imagine it hurts more than getting your cunt slapped, that's gotta be more like balls. Titties are just fat sacks! Pulling you say? I suppose I could give that a go, in what way is it better than twisting? Twisting super hard is the only thing tits are really good for in my experience other than looking at or using as comfy face pillows
I never got pussy slapped, but it doesn't sound as painful. Twisting too hard hurts too. Pulling just hurts the right way.
Someone make a thread about tiddies?
too big. You have poor taste.
>too big
Not big enough!
Breasts literally exist only for men to ogle them. Other primates don't have them and don't need them, shitty tubular teats are enough to feed a baby.
>I never got pussy slapped
Unfortunate user it's enjoyable at least to do, I'll do you a favour and help you out no worries, grab your ankles.
I do like to twist very hard, but maybe i'll give pulling a go next time there's an opportunity
>if titty milk came out i'd be weird and disgusting
Speak for yourself, fag.
You arent a straight guy, biscum or dyke, so of course you dont understand.
this guy pretty much nailed it. if you're trying to go hard in the tits, there's not much else to do but suck on them.
it's difficult to really interact with tits in a way that sates your tit-attraction.
>squeeze ex's tit
>she keeps telling me to squeeze it harder and harder
>squeeze so hard that it feels like I'm going to injure her
is this normal or was she just crazy?
I dont know OP, I genuinely dont get the appeal
I prefer flat girls, I'm not into boob stuff. I dont really see any benefit to them
To answer your question its just an instict. When I see big perky tits especialy with pointy nipples I feel like sucking on them as hard as I can. Unfortunetly, my current gf doesn't like when I suck her tits, she says it hurts her. I only get to ninja suck them when we have sex and she is too horny to care.
because they are sensitive it makes them feel good
it's a very convenient foreplay gimmick for someone that doesn't know what the hell they're doing
my ex did this too. gave her some really gnarly bruises and even then she said I could have squeezed harder.
I don't personally want to suck on milkers that much, feels too submissive.
Would much rather pound a legal teen qt while I force her to suck on a milfs big milkers.
Playing with breasts is much more fun if done in a dominant way, like if she's pretending to cover them saying don't touch me
>like if she's pretending to cover them saying don't touch me
I wish I had a gf that would do that
That was my ex's main come on, and they'd get all pushed up and together by her arms when she did it.
Because, ultimately, despite what all the moralfags say, Sigmund Freud was right about 90% of his theories.
your ex sounds based
>Would much rather pound a legal teen qt while I force her to suck on a milfs big milkers.
Yuri breast sucking is hot
Would you suck the milk from a heavily lactating trans girl?
Only if it's an actual grown female human body that a man has transferred his feminine conciousness to.
But my breasts are due to estrogen activating my dormant female genes for breast development. The milk I make is 100% bioidentical to the milk of any cis woman. What's the difference to you?
>your ex sounds based
She asked me to dress up in SS uniform and treat her like a member of a slave race.
She took it too far for me though, said Hitler was right and that if she was Asian Hitler she'd get rid of the Mandarin (she's a Hong Kong girl). I didn't mind that she loved Japanese Imperialism so much but the genocide? Wasn't cute desu, she told me she was a right-wing libertarian??
She was a polacks perfect gf I guess.
Because I would be sucking the boob of a person that has a penis (cutting it off doesn't count, it or parts of it is still there, just surgically altered) and was born a man.
Although, if you are very very attractive then it could still happen.
My white female friends tend to be racist in a cute feminine way "aww I feel bad for them, everyone deserves to be beautiful" :3
Not all "why would I care about blind kids in Africa" *rolls eyes* When charity ads come up on the telly. I mean I found it funny and tickled her but it bothered me.
The she thinks Europeans are weird to be moved by adverts like that.
She seems warmer and kinder last time I stalked her social media. But I doubt she's sweet yet.
Sucking on titties is literally my favorite thing to do sexually in the world. Even more than actually fucking,I just fucking loooove tits so much. Im obsessed. I still haven't found a girl that lactatess though in all my years but I could die a happy man in that moment.
My bf likes to push me into the bed and cover my nipples with cum which i also dont understand
he also likes to go full donald trump and grab me by my pussy to annoy me lmao
disregard all the answers.
the simple reason is its heaven itself on earth, the spiritual from high up above manifesting itself on the women's chest. it's divinity itself.
and thus all men are attracted to it, like why iron is attracted to magnet, and moth to the lamp. it just is.
that's what divine stuff does to you.
The question should be "why are you NOT attracted to suckling boobs"
Why do so many dudes here have a mommy fetish and want to be in the body of a little boy being cared for by an older female?
>I still haven't found a girl that lactatess though
Dude women only lactate if they get pregnant
its fun, have you ever tried it?
Same reason why people find it comforting to curl up in fetal position I guess. I think it'd be really calming and comforting to suck on your gf's breasts after a severe depressive episode or anxiety.
My guess is that many of the people here have never experienced affection/a loving relationship outside from their mothers. So all they know is what they want. A maternal and nurturing relationship.
It's easy to be young, and hard to be a man.
I do it all the time with my wife.
I lick her pussy too.
Tastes good and she orgasms faster.
Later you fucking virgins
>from a big boobed girl
hello mommy
>from a big boobed girl
post milkers
my excuse is I wasnt breastfed as a child.
>why are men attracted to an essential facet of motherhood
Because we worship symbols of fertility.
What's the best tit size?
Also is a faggot for not wanting tit milk. Everyone laugh at him.
lol fag
gib milkies originally
1.5x head size
As if women know what they want/like
Originally post tits please