Asianons get in here. corona 19 version

asianons get in here. corona 19 version

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What's up yellow nigga you got some skeleton hands on you bro

>be me
>realized i'm asian
>day ruined

yeah im a lanklet. but ive been okay with it for a long time since i was fat. thats not me though ofc
why user

it's cuz i'm self hating desu

dont do that shit. i know its hard but learn to love yourself in small ways. if you think youre ugy try things to make yourself less ugly and love yourself if you think youre boring try to find new hobbies or interests and love yourself. loving yourself is based. and reconcile with your identity as an asian if thats a big part of it

hey i'm asian. the brown type so it's worse

and dont foreget to :bee: yourself:)

Any quappa robots? I'm like a 6'3 castizo

Is there a flip named Antonio/Tony around here?

i know plenty of idian bros who love life though but i guess money and status and looks prevail. being indian doesnt matter as much as the internet makes you believe

hey. im azn. i base my identity on being socially disadvantaged because im azn. btw what do you think of White men dating azn women? only the wurst azn women date White men, they are our goal burners.

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storm you should get yourself evaluated. you seem to have too many issues to handle by yourself or any non professionals. take care

i'm not indian, i'm filipino and i'm also female. add that to the list of things to hate myself about

my bad i shouldt have assumed. why hate yourself though? flips are based as fuck despite the cringy ones you see online and my filipino friends have a real familial bond with each other. being brown skinned isnt a bad thing but you do need to be attractive and//or charismatic

>flips are based as fuck despite the cringy ones
yhe most cringey thing is to us ewords like bsaed and cringe

Vietnamese girls are really sexy.

>"STORM WHATS WRONG WITH YOU? why arent you like me? if youre not like i am, then there must be something wrong! let me tell you to "take care" because im fake-nice and kinda empty."

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Stormy shut the fuck up and kill yourself, God you're such a fucking faggot

btw being "asian" is my identity. hey asians get in here, we all have our asian identity, yanno?

the thing that i hate the most about being flip is that socialization is the key to living in here. as much as i want to be NEET it's technically impossible. i'm neither attractive nor charismatic. i'm not extremely intelligent either so there goes the asian thing

thats not really a flip or asian only thing though. ou just shat out of luck i guess im sorry

>"how dare you prod my paper-thin skin!!!! reeeeeeeeeee dont expose my emptiness, it hurts senpai."

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You're an attention seeking faggot, you act like a female and it's both sad and pathetic. Kill yourself.

>"oh my gawd, you sought attention on the internet, you type like a female you should literally KYS!"

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>quotation marks in greentext
Your faggotry knows no bounds.

Why hello my fellow gook how do you do?

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you have nice teeth im kinda envius

not bad just drinking, hows it going? this is stepping over lines but i would either lose some weight or bulk up you see m reall middle of the road rn. look good tough

my identity
being asian in the west. people look at me, and i know theyre thinken
>"that guy is an asian, and he is here and not in asia."

i cannot escape it. my race identifies me.

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>tfw no Manchurian gf
being born kr was a curse for having inherited this feel

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Why are you sperging out about this? Maybe it's kinda dumb, but pretty harmless really.

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i love being korean though. drinking cultuer is top tier

im being obtuse, but if being asian is such a big focal point of one's identity, then maybe that person is just boring to begin with.

amybe just sotp being obtuse ever thinks baout that HUH?

hello asianon, how are you doing today?

>be me
>realize i'm a 6' 180lb asian
>day still ruined

Most people try to connect based off of shared traits, and sometimes interests, such as being gay, drinkers, smokers, whores, techies, etc.

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im drunk as fuck avoutn to pass out soon desu

drinking is the only thing that numbs the pain of tfw no jurchen gf

you play guitar user?

god fuck this is fucked
no dont play anthing

Sup fags. Are all of you asianons East Asian? are there any other based central asian chads?

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>man I sure do love my black hoodie
not actually chad...heh...


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honestly, i find that not mentioning that i am azn online rewards me with more honest and interesting conversations. i recommend trying it out once.

why would you mention your ethnicity if unwarranted, and if it's warranted, how would it be honest conversation? namefag

one could say that this whole thread is "unwarranted". when is it ever "warranted" except maybe on a census poll or on your driver's license.

>"im so asian on the internet!"

Hope ur drinking soju senpai. If ur above five nine, you should gain some muscle, if ur below that you should just stay where you are right now. You look great already though! Any reason why you want to change? This is my current body. Six foot tall 185lbs.

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Cmon bro Genghis Khan? Central Asians had some of the most apex Changs in history.

The Khans were bloodthirsty murderers that raped and pillaged most of Asia, t b h.

but honestly asians were like this even before the Khans came.

this Chinese woman became White by following a vegan diet.

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it's warranted when a discussion about ethnicity comes up and you want to give an opinion as that ethnicity. Why do you type like a roastie

but why is a discussion on asian ethnicity warranted in the first place? its not, only boring people use it as a topic to bond over, since being born as asian isnt something one can choose.

So many hot Asian guys browsing here.. shouldnt you chads be getting pussy instead of lurking in this shit hole?

im korean, we're technically from central asia, a long long time ago

okay, get the fuck out of here then since you're so cool and you don't care if you're asian fucking cringe roastie

>muh "im asian" though over the internet where nobody knows my race unless i tell them
>so ill tell them. my race is a big part of my identity, i can only connect with others of my race

>im quorean
>oh hey asian, im asian as well

godDAMN you are ripped.

Drop routine pls, I've been skinny fat too long

Nice locks bro.

God damn every single fucking Filipinos ive met in real life hated their own race and country. What's wrong with you guys

Hes cycling look at his gyno tits