
who's more autistic? INTP or INTJ?

>Yas Forums official type poll


Attached: mbti intp.png (400x1005, 49.13K)

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>posting the 16personalities one
Isn't it mostly agreed upon that it's a bad test? Only the small characters are good for meme potential but that's about it.

hello. poopoo. : >

fuck these porn ads

Sup brah ESTP chad here just checking in to see how you losers doing. Used to be a faggot ISTP virgin but I ascended and finally got laid with an 8/10 Stacy. Take the extroversion pill you nerds.

Sorry but I experienced sex once so now I have no particular desire to go after girls seeing how mediocre it is. Nothing personnel, extrovert

>Only the small characters are good for meme potential
I love those.

Checkin those 9s for you. Don't worry INTPbots, us INTJs are probably more autistic. At least most people find INTPs endearing. Lel
As a young Ni dom, a horrible experience isn't people flat out rejecting you, what really gets to you is seeing the discomfort/hate/fear in their eyes when you open up the autism box thinking that other people are just as interested. Like trying to explain bird watching to a parrot.
Most INTJ kids get their Fi absolutely slaughtered and shut it down for years it seems. I think that's where most INTJ tism starts, with the damn Fi.


Reminder to not feed it attention

reminder only good mbti test is jupiter-34.appspot.com/

INTP is not the most autistic. it has Fe, therefore can connect with others.

ISTJ and INTJ are the most autistic because they literally can only care about what they want to care about and have no regard for others feelings at all.

Why are you replying to an attention whore pretending to be a woman?

because their gender doesn't matter and IxTJ is actually more autistic even though INTP can be more awkward due to so many social possibilities that they can freeze up.

clearly you don't know what qualifies as autistic, but whatever you say homo

stop being mean to me why can't we all just be friends? you're really playing with my emotions here, user...

He's a dumb fuck who thrives on shitposting, there's no reason to engage with him. Just stop or the thread will be doomed to be shit

>have no regard for others feelings at all.
I believe the more accurate thing to say would be INTJs only care about the feelings of those they care about. If you're a rando, I don't care. Why should you care about a random strangers feelings? Not that I will be a dick on purpose, but it's not my job to "like totally vibe with you."

Everyone cares about the feelings of those they care about. That's a prerequisite to having people you care about.

this is true lol just because someone doesn't care about your special feelings doesn't mean they don't care for others e.g. family/people they are close with. why are feelers so full of themselves? always amazes me how they expect everyone to abide by their feelings

INTJ autism - math genius
ISTP autism - cool savant loner
INTP autism - furry
>can't prove me wrong

What the fuck even is this post? It makes no sense at all.

But what I mean is, that's all they care about. I don't care about the feelings of pretty much everyone I work with. That dosn't mean I am a dick to them though. We just work together.
However, I am unreasonably concerned with how my mother feels. Even though I have no control over that, or even live with her anymore.

>horoscopes for twats

>I don't care about the feelings of pretty much everyone I work with.
Precisely, that's not very common.
I "care" about the feelings of people I don't know insofar as I don't want to make others feel bad for no reason. Part of it is because I'm unassertive and don't want to make a bad impression, but it's also because maintaining social harmony is always better and more convenient than going against it just because it feels better to me specifically.
So if you don't care at all about the feelings of people you don't know, I guess that's usually partly why INTJ is considered to be an asshole type. Also what was mentioned in the last thread about showing affection through criticism is a big one as well.

What's your opinion on INFJ's?

And how to tell INFJ's and INTJ's apart? I am constantly typed as INTJ, but reading the descriptions I feel like I belong among the INFJ's, but it might be a bias.

>And how to tell INFJ's and INTJ's apart?
As an INTJ, I feel greatly offended by that question. We are nothing alike.

INFJs are charismatic, INTJs are annoying

reminder that only ENTP should be allowed to reproduce. all other types ought to be aborted, for they are indisputably inferior

entp and istj*

umm i don't think so sweaty

what's with the INTPs larping as multiple ENTPs to entertain themselves?

Are you sure about that?

Kill them all is what I say.

Attached: fuckingbugs.jpg (1280x720, 57.95K)

i don't think ENTPs would larp as multiple ENTPs to entertain themselves. i don't know what it is, but it has the autism of INTP all over it.

sorry swetty, say it with me now:
>hi hi!
>ho ho!
>ISTJs have got to go!

You underestimate the cringe potential of ENTPs

it feels like INTPs because it's so dumb, but the only way to know if it's multiple people is to have them post within a minute of eachother consistently.

i know ENTPs are cringe, but it seems off and a bit strange.

The "ENTP" larping as a girl has been here since the last thread

We're the fourth most abundant type on this whole site. INTPs LARPing as us in an interesting theory.

>this whole site.
Just this board.

this is the real autism right here lmao. you must be an intj

This thread is off to a great start, really.

Attached: 1559239235031.png (472x500, 481.96K)

this is devolving into retardism guys

keep it on topic losers

Attached: mbti INTP INTJ.jpg (960x447, 125.71K)

Im pretty sure it's the whole site. We're consistently either third or fourth on mu, fa, pol and r9k.

Attached: file.png (480x637, 311.52K)

can a ENTP actually be a mistyped INFP?


Not likely. ENFPs a lot of the time.

Attached: polresults.png (719x414, 10.52K)

istj girls are probably really autistic, but i know istj guys are just breathtaking
idk who those others entps are but as said i've been here since last thread hehe i'm making friends!

>gets perfect grades
>can't lie
Doesn't seem very accurate

Wrong order

INTP autism - Math Genius
ISTP autism - is obsessed with carpentry
INTJ autism - plays WoW as he larps he is the KING of his realm.

Go back to looksmax.me we dont want you here.

I've never been particularly gifted at math to be honest.

Gods I hate holes. They just have to suck all the life from a thread to feed their insatiable need for attention. I wish they would post their goddamn tits already and stop baiting the lesser men.

>implying he's a girl
Come on now.

no they're most likely enfps as said or estps

funny how you complain but haven't contributed anything to the thread LOL incels btfo now drink my pee while i pick which chad i want to date this month

I like baiting the lesser men. They are easy and funny.

Nope, see . Those insults have no effect anymore. You are worthless to me.

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>"your words are meaningless to me!"
>takes the bait regardless
yeah ok bud lmfao

I rather come across as polite, neither excessively charismatic nor annoying.
There's no need to be offended by a statement. If you are a moderate person, which is my case I believe, you might have trouble discerning what you really are. Maybe a borderline INFJ/INTJ?

You seem to know the differences. I would appreciate your help

ikr lmao want to hold hands now?

I just wanted an excuse to brag about having had sex, to be honest.

I'm not going to explain you the difference, but I'll hand you out the fastest, easiest, and most accurate test (so long as you possess the capability for introspection).

Attached: MyersBriggsTypes.png (1920x1080, 103.01K)

Does that mean I'm like a incel chad if I'm a ENTJ then?

Attached: I am hell.png (496x523, 23.49K)

>ITT. implying entp's are i-levels of autism

I'm an ISTJ, and if i belieb that gobbledygook, we're like...super common. Aren't we just the normies?

don't touch me with your type-mixing hands, thottie

INTJ's are stubbern and self assured autists while INTP's are timid and constantly question themselves