Females of r9k, how did u find r9k? what keeps you coming back? do your irl friends, if you have any...

females of r9k, how did u find r9k? what keeps you coming back? do your irl friends, if you have any, know you browse this place?

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they all want to get gangbanged by anons

stop making femanon threads 2k20

saged btw

Some article about how a bunch of misogynists lurked here and I came to shit on you guys ideas.

I mostly come back for laughs and the occasional snippet I can post on facebook.

i do whatever thread comes to mind when i save one of the banners, blame hiroshimoot

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Can you stop asking for femanons. Fuck off. Youre never gonna fuck one you dumb ass.
Fuck you too tripfag

Hello boomer

>how did u find r9k
i first used Yas Forums, then i started using r9k because i relate to the issues here, and people sometimes talk to you
>irl friends
i don't have any

>how did u find r9k?
A girl I briefly spoke to online was complaining about how her orbiters spammed her pictures on r9k. I then started lurking here because I had nothing better to do.
>do your irl friends, if you jave any, know you browse this place?
I don't have friends, but the occasional people who talk to me at work don't know I browse it.

>how did u find r9k?
i was just browsing random boards on Yas Forums.
>what keeps you coming back?
boredom and i like trolling people.
>do your irl friends, if you have any, know you browse this place?
i have no irl friends but i do have an imaginary boyfriend that lives inside my head and he does not know. i dont think he would like it.

shut your disgusting thin mouth incel

I want on Yas Forums when I was younger, I just converted to here.
I enjoy reading woman hate threads.
I have 2 irl friends, yes they know I come here.

post cute pictures of your butt
post cute pictures of your face

why aren't you asking for my butt? whats wrong with me?

*erhem* please... post a picture of your butt mlady.

hey! dont dodge the question, why didnt you ask for my ass immediately? what do those femanons have that i dont?

is this you mutt? stop ruining my thread please, your ass is fine.

It's not my main board. I occasionally lurk here for the peepeepoopoo threads, and actual fun threads when they appear. Your autism is pretty funny when put into written form.

you seemed schizophrenic and schizo girls tend to have cuter faces. sorry if I offended you tranny

no its not. you're just like all other men user, you only see stacy as sexually attractive. whatever.

peak roastie

gee, dont be like that. every woman has her own special qualities. im sure you have a few of your very own too.

ok im sorry. i was out of line. could you please forgive me? lets start over.

>how did u find r9k?
I started with Yas Forums but got tired of all the fap threads and porn dumps so then I hopped from board to board and stuck here because I relate to a lot of issues here
>what keeps you coming back?
The same thing that keeps everyone else here? idk
>do your irl friends know you browse this place?
I have 1 irl friend and she knows I do and she's tried to too but she prefers reddit.

dont worry, no proplem. how about a nice dinner at dorsia to get things started in a fine manner? does that sound pleasing to you?

gee im not sure, i have a strict diet user... well first off im lactose intolerant and I'm also allergic to seafood and nuts. i'm sort of vegetarian except I don't have dairy so i eat mostly eggs and vegetables, but no carrots, brocolli, or spinach because i hate the taste. does dorsia have anything like that? where do you even live?

i am at home everywhere, my private jet will have me at your closest airport in no time. of course a limousine will be sent to pick you up. concerning your refined palate, im sure something a la carte will be available at dorsia to meet your tastes, if not, i will have a word with the chef de cuisine. does 8pm tomorrow sound fine to you?

i cant tomorrow. im still in high school, but im 18 haha im a senior. i have so much homework! maybe on the weekend, but im not sure if my parents will let me. can you post your email or discord id like to talk in private

discord? you mean telephone maybe? well you can always send me your telephone number via email if you need the privacy. [email protected] ill phone you sunday at 5, so you wont forget. gotta go now, still have some work to do. enjoy your day sweetheart.

ok thats a lie, i thought you really wanted something to do with me. im just trying to make some friends why do you keep being so mean to me today...

sweety, you really shouldnt try to make friends in a place like this... im worried about you.

i have no other option. i am invisible to everyone in my school and no one bats an eye at me. you just dont understand the struggle, mr.popular.

>females of r9k
Fuck off.

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have patience my little caterpillar, i have no doubts that some day you will spread your wings, to become a beautiful butterfly, admired by many. focus on school now, you will have enough time later to refine your charms.

>how did u find r9k?
started on Yas Forums when i was a young teen and as i grew older realized it was cancer and looked for other boards to call home, found this one best suited me
>what keeps you coming back?
>do your irl friends, if you have any, know you browse this place?
i have one irl friend who knows i browse, i was talking to them one time in highschool and they brought Yas Forums up to me and how they browse it all the time, so it was amazing to be able to "ME TOO!" and everything, but they moved away after high school and I haven't talked to them since so I don't know if that counts

Are you mentally ill (includes tranny)? Do you play vidya? Have a gf already but need gaming buddies who aren't complete spergs.

aww user thats the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. it makes me want to cry. what if it never comes though? the last time i had a friend was when i was 5 years old. since then everyone thinks im weird and ive been left out of everything..


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Awwwwsswwwww so fucking cute

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not sure. found Yas Forums when I was 16 a,d that was some 10 years ago. I think it likely it was mentioned by one of my friends on the anime chatroom I used to frequent.Yas Forums fast became a replacement for real life social interaction. except for brief periods in my life where I did do other things (college before I dropped out) I always come back to Yas Forums. I just switch between board. I started coming to this one as it seemed more like Yas Forums but with more structure and less shitposts. I think its different here now,but I could be wrong.

>how did u find r9k?
found Yas Forums a while ago on a discord server then looked around on Yas Forums and came to Yas Forums
>what keeps you coming back?
secretly my favorite Yas Forums board
>do your irl friends, if you have any, know you browse this place?
they don't know what Yas Forums really is, but whenever they see me on it and if they ask i just tell them Yas Forums and what board i'm on lol

umm why would you do that to me?? is this the same user?

dont cry my beloved. if it is your wish my darling, then i shall not abandon you. find your way into doom, a popular server on this board. you can recognize me as i will be the only one to wear a watch. you can ask Mutt#4822 for an invite. see you there.

Ten bucks says you're a tranny and the guy in this thread calling you dear thinks you're actually a girl

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just give me your discord please i dont want to lose you. i need you in my life.

i'm not a tranny. leave us alone, we're not talking to you and we deserve some privacy. please and thank you

This is a fucking public thread. If you want privacy message the other guy who thinks you're a girl on discord

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yeah well that doesnt give you the right to butt in just because you can see it. that doesnt make it ok. he and i could have something real here... i think you're just jealous because i probably found the love of my life.

This website is a fucking wasteland. It's not r/furryroleplay

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true love can find itself anywhere. and i hope you someday find someone you love and cherish too because we all deserve it. its a human necessity.

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It is pretty cringey.

my yellow fever is so strong i'd almost consider him

thats not him. do you mean lightskinned black mutt from the discord server. the handsome one

>how did u find r9k?
through a hikki i met on an MMO
>what keeps you coming back?
this place has gone to shit with all the trannies, fags and roasts looking for paypigs and orbiters but it's also the only place to find you can really find fellow shut-ins/neets, so here I am.
>do your irl friends
irl people are liberal normalfags. their only hobby is consumerism, circle jerk pity parties and drama/gossiping. I'd rather kill myself.
>if you have any, know you browse this place?
if I knew anyone who browsed r9k irl maybe they would be worth talking to, I don't mind down to earth people, but never have and most likely never will. Normies find Yas Forums in general to be 'extreme'.

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Please be my Yas Forums gf, where are you from?

really? im an asian bot :)

Good bait user. I appreciate it.

its not a bait. sweetheart, if you're in this thread still please give me your direct discord name. i need you please. i really want to talk.

PLEASE respond user dont leave

Reddit. I quit r9k but I'm bored out of my mind due to lockdown. I don't have any friends.

>started browsing Yas Forums at 14
>then Yas Forums at 16
>and then at 18 I started browsing here occasionally

And no, nobody knows I browse this board. Im an aspie with no irl friends.

found it through people on marapets spamming about it and Yas Forums as a kid, i come and look through it occasionally when bored but rarely reply to anything, and i have 2 irl friends and a few internet friends i met on league and none know i browse here, or anywhere on Yas Forums.

>how did u find r9k?
R3ddit. Same as the rest of us.

>Lmao Im here to luaff teehee
>Actually admitting to taking screenshots
Lol I guess R9K really is the most notorious board on the internet.

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>then i started using r9k because i relate to the issues here,
Jeez I didnt know getting miles of chad dick was in anyway related to the core issues of r9k.

Tits then GTFO.

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Shutup you filthy cuntoid. No one wants to see your flabby pot marked ass.
This isnt /soc/ we dont exist to empower you you ugly cunt.