
Will everyone stop getting coofs, ffs.

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>he never set up the vertical potato farm
oh no no no no

My gf has access to weed and smokes all day everyday and I'm stuck with my family with enough for one zoot for the foreseeable future. It's so fucking unfair I think I may cry.

Might drink a bottle of prosecco
It's my mum's but she doesn't drink and it's been in the cupboard for months, may as well drink it for the sake of it

why is this news?
why is this on the BBC?

Hope Nubs dies de lads.

For me, it's cooling down after getting out the shower.

>vertical farm

Is she that user that was complaining about missing out on a date due to kung fluey?

Well I have plenty of weed, but no gf. Highs and lows lad.

Will the gyms be packed after the quarantine or do you think the hiatus will break a lot of people's routines and cause them to give up?

>Newsbeat is the flagship news programme on BBC Radio 1, BBC Radio 1Xtra and since 2020, BBC Asian Network. Newsbeat is produced by BBC News but differs from the BBC's other news programmes in its remit to provide news tailored for a specifically younger audience

you had plenty of warning lad, why didn't you buy a big sack of weed before the lockdown?

why? She's clearly on your mind a lot, what on earth will you do when she's gone?

Yes mate she posts her and is known affectionately by us us Brownie Lass because she's a darkie.

ABSOLUTE CHOON. British culture peaked in the late 2000s, you cannot prove me wrong.


Bloody good taste lad

I bought a good amount at my university house and went halves with my house mate and we left it there

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I got my mask on. I sound like Darth Vader, but no coofs or bad chest here.

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drinking some vodka mixed with lucozade, waiting on a curry to arrive in 30 or so minutes, when i'm done i might try to talk to a female i like on d*scord.

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I hope her carer dies first so she's left to starve.

so how are the resident chumba lads doing? Must be rather difficult coping without being able to eat your fill of burgers and pizza at will

Good citizen.
I'm waiting on my gasmask coming (shitjoke, not genuine attempt at whatever)

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would darth vader be a vulnerable person? he has lung problems

>check discord for more
no i dont want to use it REEEEEEEEEEEE

She's not going to have sex with you, Callum.

not callum

yeah but he's more machine than man and has advanced tech

Check for more what?
bloody kiddy pics I bet ya filthy noncer.
We got chatlogs n ting.

Well, shake it up, baby, now (Shake it up, baby)
Twist and shout (Twist and shout)
C'mon c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, baby, now (Come on baby)
Come on and work it on out (Work it on out)

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I'm down the last of the cocaine lads. Didn't prepare for this.

Has anyone ever noticed homeless people always have nice new trainers? Where do they get them from?

Nah, lad. In one of my old Star Wars comics I used to get from the library, some rebels attacks Vader and the Emperor with some kind of viral chemical attack. It fucks the Emperor up a bit, but Vader is fine because his mask filters that shit out.

>Where do they get them from?
outside mosques

thought id give you lads an update on the great wall of britfeel

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swap them for their pissy shoes with deanos outside clubs so they can get in

they steal them from the stand outside shoe shops

you won't see many of them after the pandemic, nobody on the streets to give them food lol

they steal them from passed out normies


wool pack prowling


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I think people will still be vain and insecure after the quarantine

Funnily enough I have noticed this.
My thoughts on it are they are not really homeless but have a flat and bennies just beg. When they get their JSA they go buy a brand new pair of airmax once in a while. Because they have that chav mindset from school where your trainers literally can define you.
Or there are charities that give homeless trainers. Why they choose 100-150 quid trainers is beyond me.

British culture peaked in the '60s


ive never looked at a tramp's feet

I watched that Benoit documentary he was just in. It was alright.

same desu no idea what they're talking about

Never looked at your mums feet? I'm surprised!

and weak low T benders like yourself

There's a homeless guy outside the station close to my work. I overhead him saying he has a council flat! Why the fuck is he sitting outside a tube station in the freezing cold if he has a fucking place to stay?!

>Never looked at your mums feet?
fucking stone cold lad, stone cold

see a lot of homeless in my town. none of them seemed to be concerned that there is a pandemic and are sitting around close to each other and drinking, i suppose because they've given up on life anyway

They rinsed this at G A Y back in the day.

Depressed the hell out of me. Not just Benoit but Eddie. Sad shit cant imagine being friends/family and going through that

I reckon it will be like new year. Lots of people getting back into the routine after a long break.

Anyone got the full version of this pic?

I think it must be a charity, I ALWAYS see a really nice pair of Air Max's sticking out of sleeping bags. Only time I remember recently I didn't was a guy in A&E with no shoes or socks at all.

I will say that David Benoit seemed like a husk of a man, sort of just dead on the inside. I can hardly blame him though, but it was sad to see the effect it's all still having on people.

Cracking scene that is lad. Love a bit of ar Vader

Is your name Paulo?

He could be renting his place for heroin money

yeah the guy is totally broken. He grew up being 'the kid whose dad killed his family' which must crush you

Few people have said this already but yeah they steal them.

kinda wish we had third world levels of police right now
indian police are just walking up to loiterers and attacking them with sticks kek

Don't risk it de lads
Stay indoors, stay safe

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I used to live in Bath, there was a woman who would sit under the bridge near Sainsbury's who got exposed on some BBC doc for claiming 20k a year in benefits. Cheeky cunt was back under that bridge about a month later.

Me and the lads were seeing Britney Spears

if he was any good, i wonder if he'd be better off wrestling under a mask without using the benoit name

Yeah bb I got that for you

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Is that David Beckham playing?

Girlfriends are utterly shit. I'd dump her if she wasn't so ingrained in my life. It's toxic as fuck.

an indie show tried to book him and Jericho told them if they didnt leave him alone he'd do everything he could to run them out of business

How do I get good at Bayonetta.

Also, how tf am I supposed to eat 150g of protein a day. I usually have a banana for breakfast, omlette and another banana for lunch, and then meat+potato/rice/pasta/etc.+veg for dinner, with snacks in-between.
I've been doing some dumbbell lifting recently and I actually enjoy it. It feels good and I like blasting music for half an hour. But I can't be fucked with the diet shit.

*be's worried about his infected pale ginger pal*
Just hope em's ok, desu.

No mate, YOUR gf is shit.

So while Beckham's knocking them in...

*googles "how much protein in a gerbil?"*

mah dude hells to teh yah

>how tf am I supposed to eat 150g of protein a day
Chicken, milk, whey protein.

depressed and bored maybe if l down more cider l'll perk up

Did the last Slayer gate on Nightmare without dying, lads.
Corona virus has made me proper good at Doom

Heh. True. Fuck my life I hope I die

>how tf am I supposed to eat 150g of protein a day
not with bananas you fucking poof

anyone who still has normiebook, do you have people on your friends list who just pure piss you off with every post they make? I don't know why I still have this lass as a friend, does nut in.

you don't need to min/max unless you're an athlete or have a real goal you're trying to meet like you're going to a powerlifting meet or you're a model
just eat clean, count cals and make sure you get in some form of progressive overload along with working out 3 - 5 days a week (you'll get mad strength gains fast as fuck if you do strength training 3 times a week but that's basically impossible to do with a dumbbell as you wont have enough weight)
I, 10 stone lifter go to 52.5kg OHP for 5, 80kg bench for 4, 90kg barbell squat for 5 reps and 120kg deadlift for 3 reps while weighing 65kg in just 3 months and some change, now i'm just doing 4 sets of 12 of compound lifts with 60kg as that's all I have at home..

btw I have high T so you might not get as strong as I am in the same time frame but stick with it!

I didn't have it for t'OP image. Thanks for inspiring me to get it.
Also, sorry for using a tiny 1 for the thread.

how much do you weigh? my understanding was 1.5x ur weight in kg is how much protein you should be getting.
chicken, milk, eggs, and protein powder will all help you eat a good amount of protein.

l deleted mine and have one with a fake name with about 5 family members. Recommend most lads do the same

Kinda wanna fuck my cousin. I bet she's up for it.

Down it quickly then if it doesn't make you happier it may knock you out quicker.
T. seasoned drinker.

I don't use it anymore aside from chat; had this one fat slag who did nothing but talk about how many Deanos she fucked when she was 13, was proper cringe

>Reenactment events cancelled for the forseeable future

Fooks sake lads.

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i like it when an emo band makes a music video and they have a bit where the singer is singing into a payphone

What were you going to reenact?
You could still get dressed up and take a pic for us. I'd like to see it.

too many fackin coughy coofters in this thread

>10 stone

Might as well transition, lass

we're all gonna be

Grenfell tower fire

recc me good grime lads