Social skills are not genetic; they can be learned.
Start simply
Then move to the next level
Anyone can improve.
Social skills are not genetic; they can be learned.
Start simply
Then move to the next level
Anyone can improve.
I fucking try but they don't improve, die in a fucking ditch OP
I freeze up and can't think of questions to ask EVERY FUCKING TIME
Cool, Do you have a button that I can use to turn off my anxiety?
Deep breath.
It takes time and practice. And outside help.
See the second link
im gon improooov my social skills
ill try it user.
after my exams that is which is now postponed due to the corona which soooooooooo
I try talking to my coworkers ever day but it always stalls
get medication, get therapy (98% of anxiety respond very well to cognitive behavior therapy)
And practice
Certain aspects of your ability to socialize are indeed inherented from genetics.
It also takes a liftetime to improve. Robots are decades behind in social capabilitity, and it will take another decade to get to a point that would be considered halfway acceptable.
But by then it's too late, the world and their peers have moved on in both life experiences and social skills.
There's no catching up in the rat race of life.
The problem with social skills is that you need to interact with others to gain it. There lies the problem since most people won't interact with you if you don't have good social skills.
Toastmasters looks interesting user. Thanks.
How about you go improve the girls I meet instead? Because their thottery is what keeps me from WANTING to be social with them.
Can't hurt, can it?
After all, all improvement is good
imagine thinking "practicing" social skills is a thing. if you go into a social setting with the idea that you are going to practice being social with people you're way too far gone, that isn't a thing, no one does this.
>Try talking to someone
>Fuck, that was painful and embarrassing and fruitless
>Try talking to someone again
>Fuck, that was painful and embarrassing and fruitless
>Try talking to someone again
>Fuck, that was painful and embarrassing and fruitless
>Try talking to someone again
>Fuck, that was painful and embarrassing and fruitless
>Try talking to someone again
>Fuck, that was painful and embarrassing and fruitless
>Try talking to someone again
>Fuck, that was painful and embarrassing and fruitless
>Try talking to someone again
>Fuck, that was painful and embarrassing and fruitless
>Try talking to someone again
>Fuck, that was painful and embarrassing and fruitless
>Blatant advertising
Read the rule nigger.
Also toastmasters is literally for professionals looking to get into making presentations and holding conference meetings in high end jobs.
This ain't going to help 30 year old robots who have gone their entire life >tfw no friends
>inherented from genetics.
>It also takes a liftetime to improve.
Then how did everyone else learn between age 2 and age 16?
Are you afraid of *any* improvement?
You're a coward
And yet, you buy food.
This isn't
>let's start with a hollywood party on camera!
this is
>build up skills over time
The ladder of cope.:
>self improvement isn't possible [ ]
>self improvement is possible, but I can't because {excuses} [ ]
>self improvement is possible, but not at a rate that's feasible [X]
>self improvement is possible at a feasible rate, but why should we have to? [ ]
Hang out with a better class of female, kid
The ride never ends.exe21
>if you go into a social setting with the idea that you are going to practice being social with people you're way too far gone, that isn't a thing, no one does this.
You forgot about salesmen and toastmasters
the ladder of cope
>posting on r9k
>posting on r9k about self improvement
>posting on r9k about self improvement every day
>posting on r9k about how great self improvement is every single day
>posting on r9k insulting people who do not self improve every single day
>Then how did everyone else learn between age 2 and age 16?
They learned what was appropriate at that age, and made friends.
Robots never even made it that far.
>You're a coward
You're ignorant and don't understand the issues or the people you're trying to address.
The better question is, why am I still socially awkward and anxious and unable to maintain conversation after 13 years of school, two years of college, and 10 years of work
Not all of us are cut out for it
everyone with a brain sees through salesmen you dumb fuck
toastmasters is a non-profit that charges nothing, faggot.
>toastmasters is literally for professionals looking to get into making presentations and holding conference meetings in high end jobs.
>hurr if I learn how to speak in public I won't be more comfortable in social settings, durr
erryday, in erryway, robots spend more time not changing than on anything else
being good at presentations and being good at personal social involvement with other people are completely different things. you're fucking autistic
>I lied, it isn't a lifetime of learning, it just scares me
relaying information is not at all the same as conversational skills.
>just build it step by step bro
>hey man what's up
>nothing much, you
>yeah same
> ...
Assume that you know a lot about this person so you can't just ask "so where do you work" or what their hobbies are or some shit. At some point or another you have to realize social skills aren't really a skill, but just an arsenal of things to talk about that gets filled over time.
>tfw learned this the hard way
A lot of times I wish I never tried at all. I know the world shits on people for it, but it might genuinely just be better to isolate and try to enjoy 2D/simulated social experiences through VN's and what not.
Oh no, don't get me wrong. I'm actively encouraging you not to self improve. I'll help proofread your manifesto though
>Strawmanning because I have nothing of value to say
Who's going to learn English faster, a child raised in a an English-speaking household or a 30 year old immigrant
what a try hard creep lmao
So you don't have the button, sigh.
After 3 weeks at work I can now say "good morning" not everyone replies to my "good morning" but it is probably a start. But I will lose my job on Friday so I will be an unsociable NEET again.
Robot ideology is focused on justifying their current state of being, so alternative, better lifestyles have to be disqualified as unattainable or somehow worse.
Call it a community service.
Sorry no, after a certain point you're just fucked
and that's why salesmen are never rich, right?
this is actually pretty good when you think about it more. immigrants who learn english later on in life also always have an accent and it's almost impossible to get rid of it unless you dedicate a huge amount of time with a vocal coach. thanks to that accent you always know when someone isn't a native speaker
some, not all. you think used cars salesmen are rolling in money you fucking idiot?
There's no handbook for going from a 28+ year old friendless wageslave virgin robot to a normal person with a few friends.
Actually most handbooks on social norms state that these are fucked people and to avoid at all costs.
>Actually most handbooks on social norms state that these are fucked people and to avoid at all costs.
Don't flatter yourself; nobody cares that much about you.
this board is mentally damaging. you need to improve yourself and leave it behind. do it for yourself, i believe in you
>that projection
I'll start taking that advice when I'm saving and posting weeb porn on forums
yikes, less posting, more improving
Indeed, but they care about themselves, and an important decision to maintain normalfag lifestyles is to avoid the ostracized, mentally ill, broken members of society.
I'm skilled in person and in public speaking;
they build on each other, loser
Nerve: struck
Normalfags parade trannies around all the time. You have no excuse.
i'm skilled in person and in public speaking;
they have no relation to each other, loser
>posting wikihow unironically
You guys are beyond hope.
Robot comes to the West
>"ZOMG! I will always have an accent! Better not learn English at all!"
I just re-confirming this from time to time.
Nothing on Yas Forums attracts as much vicious hatred as pointing out you can change for the better if you try
Quite a few are, pal.
Why do you think they do it? The lulz?
lmao pretty much everyone is always holding back laughter when they hear an indian durka durka try to speak english
>posts steps to improve
>"A list of steps to improve doesn't exist"
Damn, Yas Forums.
Never change, you chucklefucks
Then why does Dale Carnegie, the tops at both, encourage both?
Oh. that's right.
because you're wrong
i know from personal experience
you know from reading a biography
But he DOES speak and he DOES get a job and he DOES have a wife and he DOES raise children, and..
hey? Why are you crying?