Do you have any friends on Discord, robots?
Do you have any friends on Discord, robots?
I am so boring and fundamentally wrong that I cannot even properly speak to people on Discord
.exactly how can I get friends..?
What issues do you have when you talk to people on discord? Do you just not respond or do you just mess up conversations?
Some people talk to me but we aren't really close enough to be friends yet
What are your hobbies my dood
Yea there's this game i play and i met 2 nice people on there and they asked for my discord tag and now I'm their friends
It's cool
I had one, cared for them a lot
And suddenly they disappeared
Ghosting is honestly terrible. If you want to end a relationship with someone, just say it instead of disappearing like an pussy
How is this thread about any of those bullet points, shitposter-san?
I use to try and join all sorts of Discord groups to try and make friends. I also participated in the friend begging threads that use to be common here late last year.
Today I still do not have a single fucking friend on discord.
You should try finding people that are into the things you're into. Adding people just for the sake of making friends is easy way to fail.
Loads, I even regathered all my old old friends from the mid 00s and renewed our old MTA:SA clan from back then. Got a ton of zoomers friends I am sharing whatever wisdom and knowledge I've gathered during my time to them, talking about the mistakes I made in life so they don't need to repeat them etc. I basically brought together all of my friendship groups using discord and I found a whole new bunch of people from a server raid I participated in, been with those guys for a few years now. I never ghost anybody.
Believe me I did, especially with the groups.
Yeah. And none of the good ones came from Yas Forums.
What kind of groups were you joining?
i joined some kpop and minecraft servers but i'm too much of a autistic fag to talk to anyone
Yes I do, we have a friend group of 7 people.
We play games together, talk about life, listen to music and even make music together from across the world.
One of them is a girl.
Me and her dated but broke up because the distance between us was a real struggle for us.
But me and the boys are still on good terms.
Just trying to get the ball rolling with her again.
Groups actually suck for friend making. I suggest more 1 on 1 attempts
Discord turned out to be as bad as I imagined and worse. Don't fall for the trick.
I have a couple from when i used to just add strangers, i only ever talked with one of them more them once and none of them ever bothered starting anything, i should probably just clean slate and remove everyone i don't talk with, which is everyone.
This user is right -> Try becoming 1 on 1 friends and then branch out and add people to your online circle.
Yes, but none of them are from Luxembourg.. imagine that!
Some of them are straight from the depths of hell even..
I realized that I was the initiator of all my conversations. One day I stopped initiating and I never heard from any of my so-called "friends" again.
You're always welcome to message me! Hexeda#0001
never add friend collectors like this
Dont add people that just want a bigger list they are boring people.
Thanks to discord I have a addiction to exposing strangers sisters, brothers and grandma. I leak their info and their family's info. I have claimed that KF's owner needs to be jailed for this behavior but I have gotten addicted too
That's the wy it always went, it's already rare enough that they respond after the first time talking, i guess i just suck at talking and making conversation, people won't bother if they aren't gaining anything, i'm clean now my only friend is my alt that i use to test stuff and send images from my phone.
Why would the mossad do this though?
There's really no point in going into it, but groups that interested me and groups for things i actively do.
Again, i've tried. There's nothing I haven't tried that hasn't already been said in hundreds of threads by now.
I'm Just never a good fit or good enough. Not even for friends.
I like the art you post a lot, you have some good taste.
You talk like a nice person too. I wonder what makes other people give up on people like you.
The world could really be more fair to those who really try.
shit i dont know then.
You have to become more likeable it seems or sounds more confident.
I met some friends a long time ago on a club penguin private server and we have been talking on many platforms ever since, currently on discord
that is very cute user send them my best regards
I waste most of my time nowadays on YouTube pisscord and WhatsApp, most of the time I don't have anyone to chat with, and a lot of the times people either ignore my messages or just rarely initiate conversations with me except one or two people, though I have servers and people to talk with I still find myself very bored and lonely most of the time, and it's hard for me sometimes to even find things to talk about. also servers are impossible to make friends on, and discord a big pile of shit which should only be used for voice chatting with people while playing games like it was intent to
thanks user i shall do that
im active on a server and i get some attention but really i dont have any friends on discord
It's not like there's a point to discord friends, other than coping for your lack of real life friends.
Almost every one on there that can be considered normal or some what sociable is really just looking for people to entertain them. If you are just looking for conversation but aren't necessarily funny or interesting, no one is going to waste time on you. They'll tab right back over to that game they were playing, or DM some one more interesting.
I used to have a few online friends and we would mostly talks bout and share 2d and 3d porn. Then they both became full on trump weirdos so I stopped talking to them. I hope I can find some new friends who like to talk about and share porn.
Try the discord fapping threads on /trash/.
How is this not an original comment?
I've seen that and it's too gay for my taste. I'd rather just share good h manga and videos that I've found rather than encourage people to jack off
Only women think this because they haven't experienced rejection
It's much easier to move past rejection than a ghosting. The feeling of "what if" eats away at you in a way that rejection never does.
I'm sorry user this happened to me with my friend of 6 years, he lately came back after a year of ghosting. It's been strange but I'm glad he returned. I hope your friend comes back one day too.
I lack basic, fundamental conversational skills to have friends.
I have nothing going on in my life and have extreme trouble talking about things. I have opinions on things, but I don't have initiative to bring things up to have a conversation.
Uninteresting, bad at conversation, have a hard time understanding things, can't really open up or be comfortable, forcing things too much, it's this sort of thing, i can't really stop being a stranger i don't see why anyone should bother and i don't think anyone ever will unless i get different.
I suppose it's all just about comfort and laughs with good friends, hopefully you can find that one day user.
Lots of women reject in the form of ghosting. You get used to it too
zero friends, not bad
I get that, probably takes you way too long to open up and by then they'd have lost interest already, huh?
I think you need someone that gives you some time and understands that some flowers need a little more time in the morning to blossom.
I believe you deserve someone that bothers.
There's only two types of people I've added to discord:
1. People that reply once per day and are impossible to have a good conversation with
2. People that will talk about everything, are easy to get along with, and always ghost after a couple days
you can be different if you head to your local mystic store and buy books on how to possess others.
Number 2 sounds like you're fucking up regularly
And I'll never figure out how I'm fucking up.
I have five people added, but I only talk to one now. Another one of them I considered a true, rare friend, but he doesn't message me anymore...
I have had no luck in finding any other online friends, and no luck in public disc servers.
I have irl friends added and talk to them regularly since the self quarantine everyone's been doing.
I have added some robots here but our convos have fizzled out after the first few times. Most of you are cool but have no idea how to talk to people.
normie alert weeooon weeooo
I don't know, maybe it's something like that, i'll be fine either way, i'm tired of talking to people.
It would be so much more easy like that.
I could offer to be your friend, and I think I'd like to be your friend, but I feel like you'd rather not try it.