The wall is a social construct

>women need to get married before 25 or they will be post wall. They wont be able to have kids or find a decent husband!
>if you dont get married right now you'll have to spend your life surrounded by cute cats instead of being verbally abused by your teenaged children

Oh no I wont be able to have a boring husband and kids who hate me and dont appreciate me?OH THE HORROR! I BETTER FIND THE NEAREST SIMP TO MARRY

The wall is a myth created by men to push us women into a shit deal.

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This Christmas cake women are the best for dating or marriage!!

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Whatever you say, used up THOT

The wall IS real, just misrepresented by MGTOW copers.
The truth is, hitting the wall for a woman simply means that Chad will no longer be around to pound her pussy. She will still be able to get married to a beta though (which will probably result in an unsatisfactory relationship for both parties, and eventually divorce). MGTOW seriously underestimate the thirst of simps.

Marriage I'd a scam that I wont take part of

Women are a social construct.

TO BE FAIR, There were kids who bought a mansion just for their parents. But most of the time the kids are poor too and only make enough money for themselves.

Based OP and realistic user, you are based for not ignoring what many other people DO ignore

>boring husband and boring kids
That's on you, toots

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hey op, here's the nearest simp.

The wall is a reality and its not even a social construct in the western world anymore. No one says to women anymore that they should get married before 30 LMAO

But why should I get married before 30? What are the benefits of marriage and children?

Women i know who didn't get kids have this void inside them that they will never really find peace with.
Reproducing is the meaning of our lives, and you will find out one way or the other.
Also there's a reason they call them crazy cat ladies and not cute women with cute kitties.
The void will grow so immensely that you will grasp after anything that can fill it whether it's spirituality, religion or shit money can buy, you will never be fulfilled.

Cheers, time is ticking, hon

The problem in this thread is people trying to figure out the """"right""" thing to do. Uh... don't be shallow, look inside yourself and just figure out what works for you. Don't go preaching shit like a little conformist dictator. This applies to everyone.

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Children give your life meaning. Unless you are a devout Christian or dedicating your life to a passion or work you will not enjoy your time on earth. Even your tv shows, video games ect ect ect will get boring to you sooner or later.

Its not for everyone but its more than likely for you if you are on this website right now.

Those women have voids in them because they're dealing with other issues. There are plenty of women with kids who still abuse drugs and alcohol and are bored with life.

If a person is already depressed and empty having kids wont help. Not only will she be trying to deal with her own fucked up emotions shes also putting that on her kids and then they grow up to be drug addicts or incels.

You turned my thoughtful post into HUR HURR SIMP. And yes I know I sound like a presudo intelligent.
Your kids are gonna die, so why have them? Many people ignore that.

They give your life meaning from baby age to elementary age. So you only really have a good 10 years of being useful for then. After that they just become abusive spoiled assholes who make your life harder and eventually dump you in a nursing home.

Nature is fascist. Its not about what works for you its about reality.

IMAGINE not understanding you are entirely at the whim of the chaos of the universe. COPE.

Seeing an increase of these threads today. Quarantine getting to you, huh?

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why do people do anything if they are just gonna die? why move or speak at all if your are just gonna die?

the wall is real in the sense females end up looking like shit earlier in life and got to makeup blast their faces (now someone is gonna say "males too males too", nope, not to such an extent)

No, they give your life meaning until they are dead and if you raise them properly they are well behaved and will care for you. It sounds like you are projecting your own shitty attitude towards your parents on everyone.

If you don't want to have children then don't have children. I'm just telling you what will happen. If you want to kill yourself right now go ahead. That being said, if you kill yourself you're going to die.

How does that change anything? Don't have kids because the world is chaos? It makes no logical sense. Why not kill yourself right now because the world is so chaotic?

You can avoid having kids, sex is random and unnecessary.
That generic saying of "You're not a top, you're a student, you have school" comes to mind here. I for one forgotten that I haven't reproduced because I was busy for school [not underage college exists]

Women like men with experience. Women don't really care about looks as much as men. A man who has been places and done things is more attractive to them. Thus older men are always more attractive to women just as younger women are always more attractive to men.

No, they don't, it's because they are not reproducing, it is the meaning of life.
This is how we have survived as a species, and it's what we have evolved to do.
It is what we are built to do, and not doing so will have you miss out on what life is really about, and it will drain you till your last breath.

But you're still young probably, go have some fun and shit, just make sure you don't run out of time.
You will regret it.

The perspective of "competence" moreso than anything else makes the incompetent terrified. If you were a terrible child, no wonder you don't want kids.

>going to college
Again, unless you have a real passion and drive for something its meaningless. Studying for the sake of studying is as meaningless as working for the sake of money. There is no happiness or joy in that.

what on green earth are you talking about?

I am not going to college, but I imagine that people who are trying to study, not make every woman in their school pregnant. degenerate.

based and enlightened thinking

Its the meaning of life for 90% of the population. There are meaningful ways to spend your life though. If you devout your entire life to god and remain chaste trying to discover the secretes to the universe. Dedicating your life to creating medicine that will save the lives of millions. Ect ect ect.

I'm just saying this in case you're the same autistic half nigger thats been going on and on about reproduction being the meaning of life.

>Yas Forums pass
Unbelievable high amount of retards in here today

You've never been to college clearly because half the students use college as a mere excuse to party.

Find me a thot who isn't cynical.

Hahaha, trad girls are so joyful, it's interesting... I've been with my trad qt pie for 8 years, It blows peoples minds everytime we mention how long we've been together and it always makes us laugh. AMA

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The Wall is partly a social construct.There's a kernel of truth beneath all the incel seethe

As people age, physical appearance begins to decline. In the sexual/dating market, women's value is predominantly appearance based, whereas men are judged more on status and other provisional criteria. Add these two together, and you have a gradually shifting power dynamic. Women (mostly above the average ones) have a relatively high bargaining power that erodes over time.

>social construct:
Incel ideology, like all ideologies of the powerless and impotent, involves a lot of revenge fantasy masturbation. The Wall has to be inevitable, jarring, and acutely painful. Women have to need men/marriage/etc; the idea of voluntarily being single and enjoying a meaningful life cannot be an option.

If you're not interested in marriage or long term relationships, then you don't have much to worry about.

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>"you were supposed to disagree with op vehemently!"

>reproducing, it is the meaning of life.

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Ofcourse you can find meaningful ways to spend your life that doesn't include getting kids from hell.
But you will never experience life the way life is meant to be spend.
And you may find peace with it and live a good life, not saying that you can't, but there will always be that void in you.

Take care user, and again, tick tock.

Senescence is real. Men being visual creatures is real. Senescence having a negative effect on your appearance is real. So...

You can say a man will love you regardless, but men aren't allowed this, which is why they work out and try to improve themselves, then women are especially not allowed this.

You can say you don't want a mate, but that's anomalous and doesn't disprove the wall's existence. Apathy doesn't solve problems, it just relabels them. Communists love that trick:
>We have a theft problem.
>How do we lower it?
>Well, half the stolen goods are under $25.
>Very well. We will no longer prosecute anyone who's stolen an item worth less than $25.
>Goodness! Theft has dropped 50%!
>You're welcome.
>You know, 90% of theft is someone stealing from someone better off than they are.
>From now on call it Democratic Wealth Redistribution.
>Theft has dropped 95%!
>Of course, comrade, our ideology cannot fail.

Of course, you say you don't want kids, but childless women end up forcing themselves into a maternal role anyways, whether it's through kidnapping, authoritarian politics like above, or cats. We used to have a name for these women: witches.

your looks are your only asset you stupid coping bitch.

So the modern day witch is a thot? hilarious.

Women, get the fuck over yourselves.

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>men are visual creatures.

Ok, how is me having kids and getting married going to change this?

Actually this is more incentive not to get married because deep down inside I know the older I get my husband is becoming less and less attracted to me and will jump ship for a 17 year old if he could

it was definitely real at some point in the past. now even 80 year old women can get on tinder and find a chad after a few swipes.

I frankly dont care. Marriage is a product unless you're a youtuber unironically. I have seen ecelebs get married more frequently than anyone local I know. Other than that I dont care if I get married or not

No one believes that besides the Japanese. Its why most anime girls look way too young, and ones that look like they are in their mid-20s are considered "old." There is a reproductive wall, but that is much later in life typically in your late 30s-mid 40s.

Marriage was originally meant to be a one time deal...a lifelong pact between two people to stay together for life. However, we have bastardized it so it is a shadow of its former self.

It made more sense in the pre-industrial, agrarian societies. Now it's more of a sentimental meme. There's nothing to worry about if you're disinterested.

I need to know the source of that photo. Was that an educational book, or was it an actual comic?

don't get married then!! literally do whatever you want it's your life! like I said:

>The problem in this thread is people trying to figure out the """"right""" thing to do. Uh... don't be shallow, look inside yourself and just figure out what works for you. Don't go preaching shit like a little conformist dictator. This applies to everyone.

Congratulations, you have discovered you don't want to get married, now on you go!

>Apathy doesn't solve problems, it just relabels them.

Wrong. The term 'problem' is a judgment of a given situation. The situation cannot be a problem if the subject is apathetic about it.

Let's use an example you can understand: Being banned from watching japanese pedophile cartoons isn't a problem for well-adjusted people. It's a big problem for weeaboos.

what on earth is this autist trying to say?

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based; nobody wants to """solve""" anything they dgaf about. watch that retard start to backpedal and screech.

its entirely possible both anons just aren't understanding what the original intended point even is.

It's a common autismal failing point. They can't conceive that people might want different things, or that a concept has both prescriptive and descriptive components.

>backpedal and screech

He's acting smug about having shitty reading comprehension, so I guess?

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Apathy towards a PHENOMENON doesn't refute the phenomenon. Is that better? Others label it "problem." You don't. That's fine. Whether it's a problem or not is arbitrary. What matters is that it still exists, you just relabeled it something else. "Inconsequential biological inevitability?" Fine. But it doesn't NOT exist just because you don't care about it.

And will men lose interest in their wives because they get older and become less attractive? I mean, maybe. This isn't what normally hapoens, but sure, it could. It makes sense to.

However, as a man, speaking personally here, something I unfortunately didn't realize until recently was that looks matter whether you want to admit it or not. I was stuck in this mindset that if I worked on my appearance, I'd attract people who liked me for my looks and not people who liked me for more intimate qualities, and thus waste my time.

That is fucking retarded and it took me over a decade to realize it. People SEE you first. When you walk past a store, it matters how it looks on the outside. If it looks like a rape dungeon, no one's going in. If there's just piles of shit everywhere, well, you're signaling that you sell piles of shit. You have to present yourself well FIRST and then people will take a look inside, and you can filter them from there.

Will your husband find you less attractive as you get older? Well, sure, but who cares? If you married the right guy, he loves you and he's not going to cheat on you. He's already in the store. He bought the store.

modern society tells women wall isnt real but it actually is
funniest shit

>so I guess

No guessing. He's screeching about how everyone dismissing "The Wall" must also be dismissing the reality of aging.

The way the phrase is used by incels and LVMs is sad, but the wall is real. And it cometh. It cometh hard and soon for some, ya hate to see it happen.

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Anyone using gay anime pictures isn't qualified to talk about anything