Why do men think womens standards get lower the older we get?

Why do men think womens standards get lower the older we get?

I'm 30 and my standards have only gotten more ridiculous. Commiting suicide from loneliness seems more desirable than being with a man who is ugly, fat, stupid or a comer etc. When I was in my early 20s I was ok with dating fat guys etc but now i would rather be single than date someone i dont find attractive or isnt mentally stimulating.

I guess the reason I'm like this is because with age I realized that settling will not make you anymore happy than if you were alone...

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manbot here: couldn't agree more. being alone isn't always worse than being with someone who isn't worth it.

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People day "you're 30 you need to have kids marriage. Worry about stability not love"

But what's the point. This is 1912 where I need to be married.

Men feel that way because your value is lost with age.

Value to who?most men look so repulsive at this age that it isnt even worth It

Since it's not a shitty one liner b8, I'll bite..
You don't get to be a low quality roastie at a young age and demand a high quality man when you get older and pic related. Your standards are you own and mean nothing to other men. It's like you're an short ugly NEET who demands a virgin super model with 6 figure income gf, It's never going to happen.
I'm 30yo upper middle class husband material and I won't consider women like you while looking for a gf let alone a wife and a mother for my future children.
>I realized that settling will not make you anymore happy than if you were alone
Remember this post when you're 40 and never forget that nobody forced you to make the choices you made that turned you into a low quality woman.
You could've prevented this.

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Men are pushed to provide for women. They aren't going to go for a low value woman that's old and fat. They'd rather go for someone young and capable. You're left with bad men because you're a low value woman. If you weren't then there would be high value men to pick from.

But your 30 so you're probably not going to be a turn on for me anyway. I want a cute skinny 18 year old but that's never going to happen so I will enjoy my life with my cats.

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I dont care about if the guy has any money or can provide for me. As long as hes cute, loyal and fun to talk to. I'm more likely to find some 40 year old simp to take care of me than what I actually want

Aaaaand there you go fucking up a good larp. You just couldn't resist.

Men cant handle the reality that most women cant be purchased anymore

>women cant be purchased anymore
oh sweetie

I guess they can but they're never happy and they're always cheating. I'd rather just live my middle class life than marry someone only because they can provide for kids I dont even really want.

Hey friend, good to see you again. Have a Vincent.

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Got any movie recommendations with him in it?

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yeah, don't watch them

The only movie I've seen with him it is strike which was fun to watch

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God dayum user, have some mercy

Kek this is the black woman whos posted this Pic before. Please kys

Why do men think threatening women with "no kids no beer belly husband" is a threat.

Most wives/moms seem miserable and low key hate their kids after 12.

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They get lower because less men find you attractive. And your options get scarce as you age (only for women).

P.s. My gf is 18 years older than me.

lol. those men are fucking girls that are younger and more attractive than you. you waited too long retard.

What about very masculine men? Would you date a man who looked like this for example?

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>I'm 30 and my standards have only gotten more ridiculous
Yep, truth. Exactly why I would not touch a girl that age

I can fuck guys like that now but theres a difference between fucking and a relationship. Guys like that only wanted to fuck me in my early 20s and they only want to do that now too lol

The only men I've been in serious relationships with were ugly far incels that look like pic related. The cute ones just want to hit it and quit it.

Meanwhile, the fat incels were nice guys but I never felt passionate or excited to see them. I feel more excited by the hookups on tinder I get with cuter guys

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Tits or gtfo you cunt.

They do. After 22 for me a woman is way to old. Unless she pays, and they will. Even then it is gross and they are needy because they are lonely

Idk about other women but I'd rather be forever alone. If the loneliness gets too bad I'll just kill myself but I will never settle again.

dude no they're not. most young women won't fuck old faggots in this day and age

Not sure if 27 is old but my gf is 18

Keep your standards as high as you want, I'm 27 now and have banged two 20 year olds just last week before quarantine
As for my fellow robots, look up little fren, we are all gonna make it, just workout and improve yourselves

>Why do men think womens standards get lower the older we get?
Because we mistakenly assume you have some connection to reality and that your standards are at least roughly related to what you're capable of achieving.

I can bang 20 year olds too. I have two 20 year olds begging to be with me but I'm not attracted to them. I had an 18 year old offer to give me 40 dollars just to hug him.

The difference here is you have to pay these girls, meanwhile young men want to fuck me for free.

You're going to hit the wall and finding a man up to your standards, let alone one that actually wants anything to do with you will become near impossible.

yeah likely story there old bag

And like I said I'd would rather commit suicide than settle for a person I cant love. If the loneliness gets too bad I'll commit suicide.

Difference is these girls are attractive. You could never have a attractive 20 year old stay. That is just sad.

Do you make them cookies and knit for them too?

You missed the point they aren't attractive. She has no value and can't get anyone of quality.

I can easily fuck attractive guys anytime I want but I dont see the point in just having a bunch if casual sex with people who wont love me. I dont need to take guys out on dates, I dont need to be nice to them, all I have to do is open my legs and they come running like flies to shit. I dont want to just fuck though.

I liked Strike, too. He's so cute. Watch "Another Day In Paradise". It's not the best movie but he looks great playing a junkie. Also he is very cute in Masterminds but also not the best movie.

You proved my point. Men will fuck you and leave never wanting more this is incredibly sad

hideous women and landwhales don't count

>I'm worthless but it doesn't matter because everyone else is worthless

Except everyone else isn't worthless, you're just a cunt who will die alone.

looks like you just gotta work on your personality, OP. maybe a shower?

>Murders herself because she's childless

Women need to listen, not think.

I'm Chad I only get better with age. Sorry no land whale. Blonde hair blue eyes and the nicest person I have ever met

Standards get higher for both men and women as they get older. It's the result, in my case, of being in too many relationships where I simply wasn't that attracted to the other person. Even though I'm fat now, I've started to feel the need to at least be somewhat attracted to someone, or I won't bother even with the rare option that presents itself. Not that they need to be model-tier or anything, but I want to at least feel like I want to be near them.

It also could simply be the case that there is something else wrong with people in this age category. I get this strange sort of reading from women in their 30's, like they have some kind of drive that makes them need to prove something to other people, or constantly need to be doing something. They aren't chill or relaxed at all, and I still pick this up as an autist that can't read social cues very well.

Yeah so what's the point? I can just be single or kill myself. If I'm dead I cant be lonely. I can get in relationships with fat and ugly dudes but I want someone cute who makes me wanna pinch his widdle cheeks and bake him a cake. And he doesnt have to give me any money or do anything for me. He can be a broke drug addict or an alcoholic and I'll love him the same.
Yeah i need some cozy movies to watch while I get drunk alone

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>can easily fuck attractive guys anytime

Do women think this is impressive? You can't possibly believe this impresses anybody? Do you understand that you're not a guy so it's not an achievement, you're just being a slut?

I wish guys still had hair like young Edward Furlong.

based and enlightened pilled.

Sorry illiterate preteen faggot, but I don't believe you

Maybe if you didn't try to act aloof after sex like you're so adult contemporary casual and admitted your desires you wouldn't have this problem. Modern women were a mistake.

No I always show them tons of affection they just dont want to be with me and that's fine. Cant force people.

Of course they don't love you. They're hot guys, they can get a relationship with a higher-quality woman. Why should they settle for your skank ass? What do you have to offer a genetically superior man when you yourself are not genetically superior?
Your male looksmatch has probably already killed himself by this point btw, this life is truly nothing more than a meme.

And?I'm not saying I deserve a cute guy. I'm saying I want one but I know I cant have one be serious with me. I have accepted I will kill myself within the next two years and I'm ok with it.
Yeah all guys have that stupid bowl cut or nazi youth hair cut now.

What are you on a scale of 1-10?

I have been nothing but kind and civil it isn't my fault for your situation in life

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I would say I'm a 6. I probably scare guys away with how intense I am and love bombing the shit out of them within a week of knowing them and fucking them only within an hour of knowing them.

You can have one, but what you're really feeling is that you SHOULDN'T have one. Probably low self esteem. Not a wild guess considering where you are and the fact you're about to commit die.

I don't know what you can do with this info but enjoy.