I was going to say
>fuckin normies lol
But upon reading the article it says she had high functioning autism
Thoughts robots?
I was going to say
>fuckin normies lol
But upon reading the article it says she had high functioning autism
Thoughts robots?
Other urls found in this thread:
she was probably deluded on some level, and needed to shut down to clear her thoughts from her demons but she was so unaware due to autism she killed herself because her ego was gigantic due to being attractive, she merely had to do what she was told but in this wonderland we are all mad.
but you know what, perhaps the opposite is true, maybe her ego was so diminished or non present that's how she was able to do it
Rest in peace I guess.
Also why do british slags use that donald drump tan, it's absolutely ugly.
that whore doesnt have any kind of autism
>haha i have autism im so quirky and different to other girls lol xdd
It means shit. Women cannot be robots and cannot be truly autistic. Their autism isnt shunned and is seen as something cute. Her autism was probably her saying "rawr xd" at random or spouting pickle rick memes.
The reality is that normies don't exist. They all have mental disorders, but they just don't notice because they all have mental disorders.
In my town that has like room enough for like 50 stores and places are constantly shutting down there is somehow three (3) tanning salons, it actually makes me a little mad. It looks terrible everytime and I have never heard any guy say that they like it.
Rest in peace, the life of an autist sucks, no wonder we have such high suicide rates
>Her autism was probably her saying "rawr xd" at random or spouting pickle rick memes
she was an actual autist diagnosed by a professional not a Yas Forums autist
>high functioning autism
So, not very debilitating autism.
The article is fucking useless, they don't describe the conditions of death. They just say it was a suicide attempt and that she was found drastically ill. None of it really follows, who makes a suicide attempt because of temporary isolation? Autistic doesn't mean retarded.
This story smells fishy.
Honestly, you are right. A lot of normies seem like they may have the tism, like most roasties don't even know how to laugh at the right time after a job and just cackle like retards instead, but the difference is that they are self assured and don't agonise over it like us lot.
wow. I could have saved her
People with mild austist are more likely to suicide than severe autists and much more likely to suicide than neurotypicals
>wow. I could have saved her
no you couldn't. There is no salvation from the autism curse
this is what an autistic teenage girl looks like
But I am also on the spectrum. together we could have become even more autistic as a collective :(
That's just stupid. The big majority of people don't have mental issues. It might come as a shock to you, but most people are, in fact, normal.
she's ridiculously sexy
we missed out
They aren't. But you wouldn't know, because of your mental issues.
no you could not have she was an autistic female
Honestly I'm considering suicide right now cos I'm stuck in isolation with my abusive mother.
If your stuck in isolation with someone who's making your life a living hell with no escape, shit gets dark real quickly.
Surely you robots can relate to being abused by your parents since your all fucking losers
>In the United States, almost half of adults (46.4 percent) will experience a mental illness during their lifetime.
It's really not that big of a majority, it seems.
>1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental illness each year
>1 in 25 U.S. adults experience serious mental illness each year
You are just wrong. Why try to normalize illness?
From the same exact same article that you cited;
>only 20% of adults in the US are mentally ill during a year period (seems they made a typo at the percentage)
Probably going to off myself once I run out of booze money. The world no longer needs alcoholic low level chefs
>Why try to normalize illness?
coughtrannies, faggots, hyper-masculine low impulse control males, hypergamic women
You say that like in 5 people somehow does not mental illness a common occurrence because it is I worked in an office of about 60 people and 5 of them had breakdowns, now I know that is less than 10 percent if you go by the numbers, but seeing it happen to six people in a row well it starts to become normal desu. Normies are obviously fucked in the head too.
Having an autism doesn't make you any less of a normie.
why cant autistic females be 'saved' tho
Are we in the bizarro world now?
Is it bad that the only thing I'm sad about is the loss of that perfect ass?
>Why try to normalize illness?
No you're confused. I'm trying to pathologize normalcy, because it should be.
Also, obviously the professional opinions of psychologists and psychiatrists can't be trusted.
I bet the coroner is having fun today
I respectfully disagree with your opnion
My thoughts are she was a roastie whore and she deserved a shitty death.
No woman can be saved they are all retarded. It's like trying to save a big child with rights.
This must be bullshit,i can't believe normalscum zoomer would do anything like this just because they are afraid of being quarentined
She was autistic
>she was an actual autist diagnosed by a professional not a Yas Forums autist
means nothing
>she was an actual autist diagnosed by a professional
lmao retard
I was thinking the exact same shit.
She was autistic so her only access to feeling accepted was her beautiful face & body. But still being aspie she was misunderstood. She let go of a young hot body, was prob rich too... Which bizarrely looks enlightened...
yet she was chasing daily doses of cock everyday
Did she have a insta?? Link it please. How did you find this?
Did this really need 2 threads, you dumb fucking simp?
Based and redpilled.
G*rls can't have autism, they're turbonormies. So is anyone who defends g*rls, online or otherwise.
she looks like a nasty whore you fags
Stop coping. She was a 9 or higher. Dont cope.
it says so in the article you dumb nigger
She was perfect. Beautiful, blonde and autistic.
I hate to be the one to say it but as autistic as she was along with how beautiful she was she was prob raped and diddled a bunch growing up. She just used her body to pretend to be normal. As an autistic Stacy what other choice do you have?
They were posted by two different people unaware of each others threads?
Do autistic people have sex?
>not checking the catalogue before posting
This should warrant a permaban as well as a beating, fucking newfags smdh.
I wish i was on the morgue she was sent, could have some fun
autism conveys a lot of bad stuff it's very ignorant to say she didn't suffer from any real symptoms given she had a diagnosis
Check date times. This thread was posted first.
On the one hand I agree with you. On the other hand psychologists, pscyhotherapists, therapists, mental health care workers, and doctors are stupid as all hell. I don't doubt her diagnosis but mental doctors are completely untrustworthy.
>>not checking the catalogue before posting
>This should warrant a permaban
Unironically this. You think something like this would be enforced anyway on the "original" board.
Where are you finding these pics??
women only
>Check date times. This thread was posted first
Not my point
Which ever posted first should be the one to stay and mods should prune the other.
You weren't the guy who posted ? ok then
Good more of these stupid cunts need to do this!