Fembot, wouldn't you like to be pregnant?

Fembot, wouldn't you like to be pregnant?

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I for one would like to impregnate a fembot

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no. it would destroy my body and very likely give irreparable damage to my uterus, vagina, family, digestive tract, bladder, joints, spine, mind and feet. it would ruin my marriage so badly it would be unlikely we would be able to stay married. it would set my career back by so much that i would not be able to achieve what i want. being pregnant/being a mom also makes you age much faster and die faster (due to stress). pregnancy is a horrifying process. i simply cant understand how it can still be glorified at this day and age.

you should be made into dog food

OH no! Your bustling career of making powerpoints!


Top tier insult

women with kids live longer. Everything else you said is pretty wrong as well.
also what is your career?

>being pregnant/being a mom also makes you age much faster and die faster (due to stress)
If this was true then why do those 35-40 year old "want someday" women look fucking 50?

I'd rather be dead. Also people are bad for the environment.

PowerPoints are way more valuable then children. What income can you make out of having children?

No, it's for the best that I never get pregnant.

>I'd rather be dead.
You should be.
>Also people are bad for the environment.
Commit soduku then retard

thats my guy. kids cost so fucking much


exactly. it not only is bad for the environment, but with the way things are going, its very irresponsible to subject an innocent human being into living at the future we are heading towards

how so? what a waste.

its a waste to have children

I wouldn't be a good mother. I'm an unfriendly asshole.

>I wouldn't be a good mother. I'm an unfriendly asshole.
I think you'd be a nicer person if somebody loved you.

I doubt it'd change a thing. People don't really change.

The only people who don't change are those who don't try.

>People don't really change.
I don't think that's who you really are.

Had a baby before, would absolutely love to have a bunch more.

No I have endometriosis so period cramps have made me pass out labour would kill me

Hi. I have a dick and I produce semen. I'll give you lots of babies.

Jesus Christ women will go out of their way to not say "I don't want kids because I don't want to get fat".

Yes. I desperately want to give my partner children.
My goal in life is to be a loving mother and housewife to my sweet partner.
I want to be half way through cooking a meal when he walks into the house after work, I want to be able to waddle my 8 month pregnant self over to him to kiss him on the lips and bring his hand to feel our child growing inside of me.
I want to be sitting down on the lounge chair after dinner watching anime or whatever tv show is interesting while his hand is placed over my tummy while he feels our child move around.

I wish I could skip ahead in my life when I'm at that point. I cannot wait.

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Are you White and blue eyed? I can support and impregnate you

Yes I would love to be pregnant. Too bad I'm too old now.

I'm white with green eyes.
I already have my partner, my apologies user.

No worries, hope u guys have a happy life and many white green eyed babies. If he has brown eyes I hope you guys don't reproduce thou, nothing personal kid, but enough dark eyed demons already.

I hate this thread. I think constantly about how much I want to be a mother. The only thing that I think about these days when I orgasm is being impregnated. I hope one day I can get knocked up by a husband that is just as excited about having kids as I am and will be a good father to our kids.

What's funny is that I was adamant about not having kids when I was younger, before I learned in a biology class that women are born with a certain amount of eggs and lose some every cycle. Periods give me anxiety now because I know I'm losing eggs and I don't know how many I have left. I'm fairly certain I have good fertility, knock on wood.

He has brown eyes.
Thats okay though, I love them and will love any brown eye'd children we spawn.
Best of luck to you too!

Subjecting the world to a future dominated by Sandcoons, Chinks, Pajeets, and Niggers is worse for everything and everyone.

If you're any of those please don't have children. Otherwise you should have at least two kids.

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If I had the money and time. I would do it.

asl? and if yorue from europe, got disco.? id certainly be exited too for such thing

Actually lmao'd at this. Thank you.

I hope I'll be a good father to a femanons children one day.

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that feel when you'll never impregnate a fembot and worship her while she carries your child. Honestly it would be the ultimate affirmation, knowing that a woman willingly consented to carry a little part of me and have it be her life's love forever. If I had no limits to money, I'd throw my efforts into finding the perfect woman for me and keeping her pregnant until menopause.

I love kids too, circumstances dont really permit them now but I hope to be in a place for them soon. Then I just need to find a woman I like, who likes me back. I managed to get a job that doesn't suck in the 21st century so I feel I can do anything at this point.

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I'm a horrible person and an autist so no

idk about how horrible you are but her having autism would only make me want to knock a girl up more

Yeah I wouldn't mind getting fucked and whatnot but being left with a kid afterwards would be a problem for me because I'm a neet with nothing going on for her

im sure we would be able to screw our life things out, theoretically, especially in case of sudden love

Based third world tier thinking

hey it works well enough for varg

Varg doesn't have a toilet or a shower, idk if his ideas are that good desu

he does have a toilet, and it makes more sense desu, dunno how they do the shower thing tho, maybe in a lake lel

It's all I really, really want in life desu (besides love and getting married)!! I've always wanted to have a lot of kids :,,,) I'm hoping I can start soon before it's too late (im 21)

Being pregnant sucks to be honest. It's worth it for kids of course but I would gladly fast forward through pregnancy.
I'm 7 months with twins and already measuring around full term for a single baby pregnancy. Moving around is hard. Standing for too long hurts. It's made me anemic and even with prescription supplements and prenatals I'm still constantly tired and breathless. When I get out of bed in the morning I can't balance. Your abs don't exist anymore so getting up normally is impossible. Getting dressed can be challenging, especially when it comes to putting socks and shoes on. I sleep sitting up because now I have horrible acid reflux 24/7. Even in the morning when I haven't eaten for 8+ hours if I lay down completely on my side my body will still somehow make me vomit acid.
There is lots of vomiting. I still get occasional morning sickness. It's not nearly as bad as it was in the first two trimesters but the last time it was so intense it came out of my nose and splashed back in my face. I always feel like I need to pee. Constantly. Part of the problem is if you don't push you won't even pee all the way when you think you have. That's how squished you bladder gets. Your back, sides, stomach and even legs hurt and ache badly at times. Sometimes when the babies move it hurts. I can see them press and bulge out of me sometimes. You get gawked at in public and family and friends think it's fine to just start rubbing your belly and touching you even when you don't want it. I think all hormones have affected my mood because sometimes I feel like crying randomly.
I'm sorry for the rant, it will all be 1000% worth it in the end, but pregnancy is really difficult. Especially now with coronavirus, it's hard not to be concerned for what happens after they're born.

not wanting kids because theyre bad for the environment is such a brainlet white w*man take it's amazing

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That's not true at all.
What would you know?

Yas Forumsacks go nuts for this kind of shit

idk i'd get knocked up and be happy, depending on the circumstances. my body aint shit, so i have nothing to lose. corona will even out the population, so i dont feel bad about procreating.

I like thinking about getting knocked/creampied up but I'd never go through with it (assuming I ever have sex)

is it bad that i would prefer the excruciating pain of childbirth to fathering a child?
for some reason being a father seems really unappealing but i'd love to be a mother

Only if the child were female. A male child would get aborted immediately

All men should be fed to pigs

I would recommend a home birth in these times, going to a hospital is really risky for anyone with a compromised immune system now

All the women here are really men in drag

hey im 21 too, just in case

Why not? You don't want a family user?

No. It would wreck my body and I'd be an awful mother. Plus I'm underweight so it'd probably be dangerous anyway.

Suicide's illegal and I'm not a criminal.

It would be way more effective to remove white people. They can't be subjective to nonwhites if they're all dead.

I would look into that if I could but unfortunately a home birth for twins is extremely risky. Even if both are in the right position for vaginal birth one can flip or get tangled in the cord while the other one is being delivered and you might need an emergency c-section. No matter what I'll have to deliver in the OR because of that risk. I'll also need to get an epidural no matter what because if one does need to be delivered via c-section and I don't get one it becomes too late and they'll knock me out for it instead and I'll miss the birth. If you have a baby that needs an emergency c-section because of strangulation by the cord or getting stuck in the birth canal and it doesn't get one it might not get enough oxygen and you'll have a special needs baby. The only way to get a breech baby out that won't turn with manual pressure is to have an arm shoved in you and some doctors won't even do that. Also if they're born early they'll need the NICU. Home births are better for single babies. This stuff is complicated user.

Want to get knocked by me and live like Varg? He's an idiot but he actually does have a comfy lifestyle

Don't live to yourself. You only think this way because you're bored and aimless. Find a hobby, volunteer, bake cookies, anything else.

i hope your husband gives you a lot of cuddles

bruh im male