Why do normalfags like this so much?

Why do normalfags like this so much?

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inhibitions, duh

Some beers taste good. None of the American flavored water of course.

It's an acquired taste like black coffee.
But most beer still isn't good.

>oi mate let's have a pint whilst we watch the football game with the lads at the local pub

Normgroids are so weak-minded they need to drink something that tastes like bitter piss in order to kill their egos

It makes them even stupider.

Tastes good
Feels good
Simple as

>some beers taste good
like what nigger

its a legal way to get a buzz. thats all if it were illegal people wouldn't be into it as much.

Most people just try shitty beer for the first time. There's a huge variety of flavor. I'd recommend looking at cream ales or anything with blood orange for a first time sip. Easiest flavor to work into imo. Also avoid anything hoppy until your decided that beer in general is good enough for you to experiment with.

>What is prohibition for 300, Alex?
Also, why do normalfags love cocaine and weed if theyre illegal?

I enjoy the flavor, never used to when I was younger but one day I just tried it again and was surprised with how much I genuinely enjoyed it. I have a large appreciation for alcohol and the different types of it now, people disliking it on Yas Forums is just the general contrarian attitude of the average user.

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For a lot of people and for many ages, this was the only escape from this shitty world

whiskey or vodka is the true patricians alcohol. Fuck beer, they don't get you drunk quick enough and they make you fat.

I knew I would get this sort of response.

it depends on what you mean by normalfag. there are normies who don't drink and are straight edge.

You can't be a robot if you don't have a substance abuse problem.

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i like the taste of beer but i literally drink bl*ck coffee with no sugar and like the taste of cum so *shrug*

lol says the insecure guy who probably can't even make eye contact with cashiers

alcohol is the most widely accepted drug and its served at nearly every adult function/setting

Can I still be a robot if I used to but not anymore?

Nah. I've tried a huge variety of beer. I live in one of the craft brewery meccas of the US, more microbreweries than anywhere else, and I have found like 2 beers I can stand to drink, and only when paired with good food. I'd never drink a beer just to drink it. I have been plied with many different types, with ales, lagers, IPAs, whatever. It just tastes bad. Wine too, tastes like sour piss.

Now whiskey and scotch, on the other hand, is God's own elixir. I was convinced I hated alcohol in general until I tried scotch, and then found whiskeys in general appeal to me. Other hard liquors, the rums and vodkas, are fine as a mixer, but the only straight liquor I'll drink is whiskey.

This. If you were a real robot you'd know why beer is so amazing.

More of a weed man myself

Also one of the only drugs that you can literally die from withdrawals from

yeah its pretty fucked but it has its grips on the world so i cant imagine people moving away from drinking anytime soon

It's literally a toxin. Literally fermented grain. What's so good about that shit? I swear, normalfags are MORONS.

Good thing the vast majority of people aren't addicted then.

I like wine. Especially mulsum.

Who gives a shit? Most things in life that are enjoyable are bad for you. I could list a bunch of great local beers but you're probably never even going to have the opportunity to try them so it doesn't matter.

>Most things in life that are enjoyable are bad for you
Nope. Only degene-cancer shit like alcohol, drugs and casual sex and alcohol leads to the other two most of the time so it's extra degen.

t. friendless loser whose idea of a good time is leading a prayer circle

Somehow normies convinced themselves something so horrible is good same with cigarettes

Literally nothing about this shit is good

Not him, but prayer circles are pretty dope

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you know what else is bad for you? posting on this shithole of a site

I also enjoy black coffee and eating cum

OP what do you think about sweet wines and desert wines, like Port or Moscato?

Also sugar, fast food, caffeine, sitting in front of your computer all day, staying up late etc. etc. And drugs are great.

Ok, junkie.

That's right. You're implying we all do that and we don't lmao. It's a common reaction when confronting a degenerate.

Because we fuck, unlike you faggots that blame every issue on the world instead of the most common denominator.

Alcohol is shit, all drugs are for weaklings

not op but think about what you just said for a minute then come back to me

They lack the ability to simply be. My proof is every single normal person being forced to stay inside right now.

Because they can't function without it like it's water or air and think you're a weirdo if you don't drink.

hahaha spot on hahahaha

It's good to have sometimes but normgroids are unironically addicted to it, and for this reason they usually drink shitty cheap ones that taste like ass.

Cause they cant have cannabis.

>oi mate let's have a pint whilst we watch the football game with the lads at the local pub
This is fun though, also it's nice because you're considered someone good to include in a group setting.

I don't know but I know how to stop a loli from drinking it. I just tell her
>it turns adults into babies, so what do you think it does to children?

Just nice to get mildly fucked up.

Combine it with something stationary and social and you can have real fun.

they like collecting pee?

>I'd recommend looking at cream ales or anything with blood orange for a first time sip.

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i used to be somewhat of a beer faggot and tried all those gay microbrew crap. now i dont give a fuck and just drink pabst. being into beers is for faggots

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why do most beers in australan pubs tastes so similar?

and why isn't amstel sold more especially from tap?

>why do normies like drinking a drug that elevates mood and reduces inhibitions and facilitates bonding

GEE I DONT KNOW LOL. This board is seriously retarded

Do you call real children lolis?

For the quarantine I went out and bought 4 30-packs of PBR
Easy drinking, easy living

>there are normies who don't drink and are straight edge.

i dont understand how these people can live their entire lives and not try anything to alter their state of mind.

Go one step further than just DRINKING Blue Ribbon.

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Yas Forums have been intentionally perverting "little girl" so now "loli" seems more innocent.

ex-robot here, honestly it's a social lubricant. It's so much easier to socialize with people and talk to chicks after a few drinks.

because it tastes great and is a social lubricant

Fuck, who doesn't love apple juice?

>I decide who is robot and who is not
Fuck off