
How's everyone finding NEETdom then? Great eh.

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Just got a call from Coronavirus... He's feeling really sad and lonely, is wondering where everyone is. Poor lad.

What if virgins are immune lads

What if virgins always get critically ill

Worried about Ebin.

luv a cheeky pinch of my nipples

bored and have 0 motivation to workout
Can't believe I used to bench 80kg for reps, I feel frail and skeletal after a week of no real gym
Tried to workout yesterday but got pissed off because I couldn't clean and jerk 60kg because I couldn't get the form down, hopefully my dad helps me workout today to motivate me

Ohh no I shouldn't have shagged all those fit birds

He was sounding panicked during the radio at times. And he's surrounded by old people in his flats isn't he?
Hope he's doing alri, desu.

coronavirus knocked on my front door this morning I told that knobhead to FUCK OFF
and he did
thats all you gotta do lads just hold your ground and dont let this knobhead intimidate you

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oh yeah l forgot to workout for the past month

wew lads. what if it isn't going away? what if this is the beginning of the end?

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>been told I need to use my annual leave by June
>had just over 2 weeks left which I was going to use to go to Bali in September

Is this legal?

its not going away, it's the reality until a vaccine. china are starting to ease restrictions in wuhan but fully expect a second wave and are building more ventilators

Probably legal, just a cunts trick.

This old bitch will have him round

write to your MP, or publically shame your company on social media

they'll soon change their tune

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yeah of course it's legal but it means your place might be going under


you have no idea how much I fancy some chicken nuggets right now

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didnt we have a doctor or something posting here?

Based old woman. She's absolutely right.

If you're going to get it, tough luck. I'm not messing about staying inside and restricting my freedoms because some WEAKLING might die.

Miss the old 1 pound coins lads. New ones are too flashy.


Wetherfu will soon become Tescofu.

Yes what seems to be the issue?

>NHS and retail workers are "brave" for facing coronavirus
>I'm considered irresponsible for visiting my nan in the nursing home

Double standards. I could catch any number of lurgies in that place.

Very very good, one pound fish
Very very cheap, one pound fish

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Anyone with Corona feel like your balls are shrinking? It's creepying me out

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Legal, get fucked bro.

>Anyone with Corona feel like your balls are shrinking?
Truly is CRONAvirus

hearing reports that notorious paedophile sidney cook has been locked into quarantine with an 8 year old boy who is now trapped alone with the monster.
this is one thing we didn't want to happen.

skyping my cousin later. lt's easier than typing out replies to all her messages

Just chicken nuggets, or mcnuggets?

Are supermarkets still fucking rammed?

I have to agree. Crashing the economy, causing potential hyperinflation, a massive ecomin downturn that could last 10-15 yeats, all for some old twats. Why would anyone think that is a good idea? If your old and/or weak then stay indoors for the next 18 months, let the healthy people get on with their lives and not be forced into bread lines for a decade.

For me, its weather girl Lucy Verasamy

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Unless you're old and ill, who cares lol

l think we can all agree human lives arent worth as much as the economy

American cousin? If so is she gutted about missing out on the dick?, shit I mean trip.
Heehee coronabants

Mcnuggets specifically lad. Nothing else compares

I'd like to show her my cold front, if you know what I mean?

UK used to mean United Kingdom, but ask anyone today and they'll tell you it stands for Unbelievable Koronavirus!

Is kfc still open? What about burger King? I know subway, Maccies and Greggs are closed

Not all vulnerable are old, mate. And no, I don't want to hear any edgy shit about how they're just weaklings!!!!!

Wonky eyes donovan for me lad

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sidney cooke was one saucy bugger, what i wouldnt give to hear his life story

>Not all vulnerable are old, mate.
Exactly, there are all sorts of debilitating illnesses. Some are invisible like TMAU.

yeah she's pretty upset. Was getting pretty sexual last time we talked and sent me some nudes for my brithday. Also her parents are 'it's a nothingburger' boomers.

wat ethnicity is this?

Based and brasseye pilled

Veg bed frame all put together. Now it just needs some DPM and filling with muh compost! Wahey!

>Carol Kirkwood will never be your busty mummy gf

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>BREAKING: Biggest daily rise in UK coronavirus deaths
>Excess of 80 deaths by 1pm, with more to likely follow

Yikes. We're going for Italy numbers in no time. Except tighter lockdowns to come.

Did you ever see her Fappening leaks

>Infection Analysts predict UK numbers to overtake Italy, citing faster acceleration

A carpet muncher, if rumours are to be believed

One of my friends is in the high risk category. Her boyfriends mum is an entitled boomer with probably early stage dementia and diabetes and she's still inviting her friends round

>can coronavirus harm scrotum

If I become infetile gonna just shag trannies and cute lads

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Who cares, look at those mummy breeding hips

I actually know someone who he abused and testified against him in court. Heard some proper horror stories about him.

>Did you ever see her Fappening leaks
big liar post them if you got them

l'm a bussy hound

They're real, I remember seeing them years back and thinking she'd be sacked. Obtainable via a so-called 'search engine'.

i think technically all men are high risk for corona as it for some reason kills almost twice as many men as it does women

She may be high risk but I guess she's still and idiot

Yeah no thanks seeing as they still ban for posting those

Not good man. Just tell her to try stay calm.Try be sneaky and manipulate them into doing stuff. I did that with my mum when she was panicking.

>get sent nudes
>dont share them with da lads

no there isn't you liar they don't know whats a fappening image and whats

Ok. I done it. Really hard to think of stuff but I think it's stuff we could see.

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This country is going to be a right load of grasses over the weeks to come, reporting people walking in groups and the like.

Shit, forgot to say thanks for the help with suggestions.