Another night of no bf
Another night of no bf
How about you do something about it instead of wallowing in self pity?
What do I do about it then?
another night of my dick not being down bandages slutty throat
This is just how it has to be...
Get a bf, obviously. Are you retarded?
Literally how
No one wants me
it is too bad too because I really want you to swallow my cum
fuck off, roastoid
ham planets get thirsty betacucks all the time
even downs roasties are choosy
I'm not a roastie
Are you sure about that though
Like have you seen me dude it's bad
There's already people pining for your ass on this thread. What's holding you back from taking a chance and earnestly looking for a bf? You can get one easily. Maybe not a perfect one, but one at the very least.
if you're not a virgin you're roast
if you're fat, then stop eating
what do you not want to swallow my cum?
Pining for my ass doesn't mean they want to date me. Plus they will probably make me sad by treating me like a man
I don't have a vagene so I literally cannot be a roast you dingus poop
>I don't have a vagene
unironically go to a muslim country and let them push you off a tall building
Just get a sensitive soft boy they're literally everywhere, ESPECIALLY on r9k. They'll simp for your trans special needs all day long, I'm sure.
The only thing holding you back is your irrational fear and self-hatred and you know it.
I don't understand why people take my warnings as disinterest. I'm warning you for your own sake and so that we don't play around and get too far and then suddenly you see me and I get ghosted.
All I ask is that they're as tall as or taller than me, they don't have to be chad
Soft boys tend to be smaller and cuter than me which makes me jealous of them.
Not even true, there's plenty of gentle big guys who're just as much softies inside. Everyone assumes they don't want love because they're big but they actually stay in the shower 2 hours every day just to feel like someone warm is embracing them
C'mon, you know I'm goddamn right
I do not ghost people and I would treat you like a girl but fine I know you live too far away anyway
I don't really know whether you are right or wrong I don't really know anything about men other than what I know about myself
Yeah this is also a problem.
it still does not stop me from wanting to fuck your throat tho
This gives me a little bit of validation I suppose...
Well take my word for it, I used to be like that, and my best friend atm is like that. These types of guys are everywhere, but they're not attention seekers so you'll have to find them by putting out an open invitation, or seeking them out yourself by invading their spaces. They're very common and starved for genuine affection so if you find them they're not hard to make your bf
are you calling me a jackass? I am sorry
Okay but like how do you actually find their spaces?
No im just post anime and didnt notice it said that
Have this one instead
exist. literally thats it
This has done nothing for me so far
Oh I see well she is very pretty thank you now let me give you some validation all over your face ;)
Niche softboy hobbies like reading, poetry, meditation, tabletop gaming etc.
Avoid aggressive and highly competitive hobbies like sports or chess, because they encourage the masculine competitive drive and will breed ego. The more ego someone has, the less accommodating they'll be.
user that's erp
whats that? but asked in an original way
Will softboys still dom me in bed though
Erotic roleplay
oh well then post your discord so we can
I don't erp though
penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis
>tfw no penis in your mouth
Sure, if you give them permission to. They'll be apprehensive at first and afraid that they're hurting you because they're so much bigger and stronger, but once they get confirmation that they can do it harder they'll let all that masculinity out in the bedroom
Just start looking, it's the only way you'll get results. Not trying is failing by default
Well you've motivated me a bit so we'll see. Tabletop games are the only thing I have in common with them at least on your short list so maybe I can try to find some into that.
That's an excellent and easy choice, because it's inherently social. Tabletop roleplaying in particular is the most OP way for nerds to make instant social bonds without messy and awkward small talk
I'm actually good at small talk I think? Maybe... Roleplay seems harder than making small talk at least
well how am I supposed to coom to you then
You probably shouldn't because I'm a disgusting ogre beast anyway
Your dick deserves better
Small talk that goes nowhere is wasted effort though. Roleplaying, awkward as it may be at first, cuts right into the meat of socializing and establishes fun connections and stories. If you can be autistic enough to be able to throw yourself into a roleplay, regardless of how good or bad you are at it, you'll score yourself a good traditional TTRPG bf in no time
I think I'll need a lot of rp practice then... I feel too cringey doing it
have you tried not being a nasty used goods?
Good! Then get practicing. Failure doesn't matter, it's just practice. You'll definitely get a bf before you're done 'practicing'
I do not understand the spoiler or quotes...
but my dick wants your mouth...
But my mouth is too far away
The point is, people are too goal oriented and get caught up in expectation instead of just doing things. If you play tabletop rpgs and 'practice' getting more comfortable roleplaying, you'll probably meet some hunky sweet guy who thinks you're really cute regardless of how good you think you are at RPing, or regardless of how pretty you think you are yourself.
People are terrible judges of themselves, so just do stuff and don't try to control people's reactions or opinions of you, because you can't. They'll form whatever opinions, some bad, some good, and the people who form good opinions will likely be positive forces in your life. You can't control that, but you can control whether or not you expose yourself to people and give them a chance to form an opinion of you at all.
FUCK I'm bad at explaining but you get the gist, right?
I guess so yes. It's just I've never bad any guy friends or really gotten along with any so it's hard to imagine any liking me. So like I just gotta do it.
The thing is, they don't NEED to like you. Go in with no expectation, like it's just practice. That way you can enjoy the experience purely, without judgement or expectation. It's like the difference of dieting to reach a goal weight vs changing your relationship with food
guess I will just coom by myself lonely and sad then
you are unlikable because your a nasty slut
how is that hard to comprehend? why are fags like this
nasty ass queer i can't wait for the new aids
Have you tried speaking to any guy who isnt chad?
Tranny detected do humanity a favor and just do what said
Well can i fuck in the ass and make you shit upon my dick?
first question, are you a girl?
secondly, I said girl not tranny faggot
why not just talk to the dude you met up with
He's not interested.