Your Achilles heel

Whats your weakness/fatal flaw/embarrassing secret? I'm secretly very squeamish

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Overconfidence? I guess?

My PTSD still over powers me easy

I wear the mask of a cold, heartless, and ruthless man but deep down I love and care to a fault. I am soft hearted and feel horrible just from hurting peoples feelings. Just the look of sadness on their face breaks my heart, I can't tell people no because of this.

Cum too quick

I don't have a gf
>tfw no gf

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Actually I change my answer to this, by far my biggest weakness.

I'm really scared of people in general. I can fake being normal, but if someone actually interacts with me, I freak out

this is just called stoicism. most cold-looking men are like this.

I heard chicks secretly like this because it makes them feel sexy and if they're actually attracted to you, they get turned on by making you cum. Am I retarded for believing this?

Yeah, pretty much. True stoicism is overcoming and suppressing these emotions though, they still hinder me even now.

You think you're tough but any man on this planet can beat you down easily.

Hows does this make you feel?

i have a phobia of creepie crawlies/buzzy buzzies: insects, bees, arachnids, etc.
also i think i'm a narcissist and somewhat sadistic but i also have faith in humanity and want to change the world and make it a better place

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>wants to make the world a better place
Are you retarded, or??

Getting accused of something I didn't do, if someone confronts me about something I actually did and I want to hide it I can lie my way out of that like I'm getting paid, but if anyone even suggests that I did something I know I didn't I become a complete mess and have no way of defending myself without sounding guilty

"somewhat" sadistic, and i know it sounds like a contradiction, so i try to focus it only on people that deserve punishment

getting shot in the head

>tfw no strong gf to wrestle and fight with
why live?

You can beat my meat anytime ;3

can't socialize.
>fatal flaw
can't socialize.
>embarrassing secret
can't get hard to porn.

i was neglected when i was younger and now am a kind of shy narcissist. i think

I die when I'm killed

I could rape you and you wouldn't be able to stop me

i think my fatal flaw is how i view and think about other people. it's a pretty sure thing to be good at, but i seem to be very good at cold reading people and getting a feel for what they are insecure about in a very short amount of time while speaking to them. it's like i'm collecting and storing their weaknesses in my head because i might need to use it later on to construct some type of extremely hurtful insult.
my parents fought a lot as kids and i think i picked it up from them, they constantly did shit like this to each other, just verbally ripping each other apart when they got in arguments. i have no clue how to make it stop, it's just a natural part of who i am at this point

hey yea so like please stop giving me boners, thanks

Guess we're meant for each other, I would pin you to the ground by the back of your neck and squeeze it tightly as I tear your clothes off your squirming body, I'd pull your panties down as your legs flail and try to kick me, they'd be powerless because I'm way stronger, I'd slide my diamond hard cock into your pussy and slowly thrust into you while covering your mouth with once hand and groping your delicious ass cheeks and body with the other, using my body weight to press down on you and keep you pinned to the ground, I'd slowly hump into I fill you with my cum and then I'd lick your neck and cheeks while moaning in pleasure. God I wish I could do it

I pretend to have emotions and to be super positive to a bloomer level each day but deep down I haven't felt truly happy for years. My friends see me as a super social guy with no fear to talk to anybody but I'm scared when it comes to talking to girls because I don't want to bother them. I rarely let go of grudges.

That's not a meme, you're lucky(?) I'm not near you and that I don't know your location, because you'd be getting fucked whether you wanted it or not. I can't wait until society collapses, God I need it so bad my dick is going to explode thinking about raping you

so when you get overpowered would you whine about it or would you give in and start liking it

I indirectly led to the suicide of my mother, no one's reassurance helps. I am a black hole and ruin everything I touch.

yes and no. some chicks will show off to her friends how quick she made a guy coom but sluttier ones will be dissapointed. don't take it personal women work in mysterious ways

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i am fucking bald and therefore ugly as fuck, used to have 9's and 10's hitting on me all the time, and i am jacked up but no, now i am an ugly ass faggot.
Also, my mom is bipolar super crazy and my dad has never had a good contact with me on psychological terms so, there ya go

I secretly want to be a girl. I would never take hrt or anything like that but if anyone were to ask me something like "who would want to be a girl right" I would be like a deer in headlights and just awkwardly leave.

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>act like an asshole constantly
>show very little emotion
>am actually a little bitch and feel bad when mean to people
>can barely watch most animes and movies with sad scenes because I cry
People expect me to act a certain way so I have to carry on now, unfortunately.

please add me on discord
El Pato#7032

paralyzing phobia of furries.

a girl once told me that I had a old woman body. shit destroyed me

I do not feel pleasure or joy, all of it is faked in order not to offend people or make them feel bad

Scars all over my face that ruined my self esteem

My stutter, every conversation I have is awkward

I know that feel bro. I have five
Across my forehead
Right above my eyebrow, leads into my eyebrow
Two on bridge of nose
One on my cheek

likely anthrax poisoning but I'm not too sure

Judgement - by myself or others.

My hair and hairline is always terrible. The one day I wore a hat was probably the one day I was closest to getting a gf in history.

Cool with dying

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my real name being referred to online
I hate my name so much I go by my middle name, it's a stupid emo band member sounding name and I despise it

low IQ

I fucking suck at everything

I'm too lazy. I could've been in college but I wanted a "break" and working in retail while I was in high school kinda turned me off from actually looking for a job. Now I have to wait for corona-chan to fuck off, and until then I have to deal with my family treating me like a leech, which I kinda honestly am at this point

>implying this will ever be a problem for any of us

I'm scared of being of never having a life worth being lived.

I'm scared of confrontation i.e. a bitch ass nigga.
Be it physical, emotional or intellectual, I put off dealing with problems because I don't like conflict.

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Apparently youre scared of the English language as well.

Yup, that's me too. I want to cry each time I see bad in the world, I feel what my fellow man is feeling. I want to help others overcome their problems.
On the surface I come off as cold, or cocky. Nothing further from the truth.
I control this emotions, and I carry myself logically. Im fair, so injustice tears me apart.
I remember each time I let someone down, or myself. In the words of my father: if they are going to wake up because of me, they should sleep.
I care. I truly do.

late to the party but here

im a widower. i dont tell anybody about it but sometimes i get the sappy bullshit from "friends" going off how they dont get laid meanwhile its been 7 years and i still fall apart thinking about her.

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What ages? That is interesting, for a robot.

i was about 16 at the time she was the same age born a few weeks before we had been together for about 2 years and had been friends for about 6. never argued and had planned out absolutely everything from a wedding to building a house on a plot of land her family owns. she ended up killing herself and i didn't ever get a note only a call from her parents telling me to grab the little of my shit that she had. and looking at a blood covered garbage bag full the paper towels they used to clean up.

im currently 22 and have met another woman that i feel comfortable enough to exist around but i have never felt the same way about anybody or anything like i did with her.

yeah its especially off for me posting most frequently on here but i guess thats because i feel most comfortable talking with all you guys but what we can all relate to is the essential mindset of feeling absolutely nothing.

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Mines claustrophobia if it kicks in I freak the fuck out.

That's rough stuff user, my condolences.

[/spoiler]the robot feature is absolutely pointless

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thank you my guy i just wish i had the courage to tell more people about it because maybe i could go a day without hearing people wining about not having a gf for a few month or years

but if its been over 6 years i feel you my guys
where all in this together

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just wear a hat more then you dumbass