
my bitties for attention, not impressive i know

woman planning on committing suicide please help me out i have no idea what to do

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nebraska by any chance?
exactly nobody lives here just find some robot in your state that isn't a crazed psychopath

Are you gonna stream it
Asking for a friend of course

Post your feet, I might compliment them

Thread's gonna be deleted in about five minutes

Until then why you an hero

Build a time machine!
>You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.

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Nice tits baby I'm gonna jack off too them. You should feel my gift of sexual energy soon. Don't kill yourself as things will get better and I can rape you which you'll love immensely, like eyes rolling back into your skull love

Go LARP somewhere else, faggot
Said originally, of course

You genuinely don't want to kill yourself. You'll regret it the instant you try

im from London, UK for anyone wondering

not going to stream i just need advice on what to do

Learn to use Yas Forums, and explain your situation

post butthole.
find a husband and have kids

yeah I'd go to /soc/ and see if anyone wants to hang out

pour a bag of sugar into your petrol tank then start it and drive for a bit, it'll explode and kill you

Post your feet and advice will come to this shitty thread
British feet hmmm

i was raped when i was 15 and he was 27 and ive never been able to get over it thats why im a hypersexual degen and deserve death

>what to do
Kill yourself, obviously. Dumb attention whore. You already had the right idea.

then become my whore

> No.57297918


You have to seduce the man who raped you to regain power

Ok so you should have no qualms with posting feet, then
Dont kill yourself im sure someone cares i guess
Post feet

not in uk myself but you should seriously let virgin robots fuck you.

I love u op dont do it

Got a rope? Got pills? Got a balcony? Pretty easy to figure out dumbass, if you actually wanted to do it. It's obvious that you don't though, you're LARPing as suicidal as a pathetic attempt to get attention on the internet.

Dont ask Yas Forums for advice about stuff this serious.

presuming you dont actually want to off yourself and just want attention like most female suicidal tards otherwise youd have slit your wrists or necked yourself already, otherwise;

do what said or jump off somewhere tall- i assume if you had a gun you'd have used it by now

this is a gay excuse just move on, if you want to be less degenerate go to church

lmao you actually think this weirdo wants to kill herself ? she just wants attention

This is a retarded suggestion. Last thing we need is more whores.
Fuck off simp. Pretending to care about a girl just because she showed her tits on the internet is fucking pathetic.


no rope, no pills, no balcony, this is my dilemma

i already go to church sadly enough, god cant save me

you have nice bitties, id suck on them fo sho

do you have original access to a car?

Find a bridge then, this really is easy.

[email protected] with another tit pic if you want some upvotes

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I'd give you my time if you can prove you're who you say you are, not just some troll

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Either this is the first time in history that the
meme should have been deployed and wasn't.
Or you're abusing memes to bait us.

no car, i cant drive

closest thing would be a bridge on some traintracks but i honestly resent the idea of my death being on the mind of some innocent train driver, i believe that is utterly selfish and i dont want my death to inconvenience and traumatise hundreds of regular people

How hypersexual are you? What nasty shit have you done?

You can buy rope, you know?

Kill him first, revenge gets underrated.

have some more noots, i dont care anymore, im going to die

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climb a tall tree and jump off it, get lost in the woods, go swimming in the thames, ask a local robot to kill you holy shit dude you have too many options

i can't take what he did away but i can give you a hug

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Real talk:
No internet degenerate is going to be able to desaude you from offing yourself. That shit can only come down to you.
It absolutely fucking sucks that you got raped. Honestly and truly, I feel for ya, but your first step is going to be reigning that baggage in and dealing with it.
Therapy, meds, whatever. If something doesn't work, try something else. If you really want to keep living in this stinking hell hole, then you will try and find some other way. Otherwise...A drastic change of scenery or life style can give you a new perspective.
Just listing off some shit that worked for me in the past when I was ready to an hero.
Also nice tits, would play with them.

>I showed my nipples and I'm pretending to be suicidal, now GIVE ME ATTENTION

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ok guys it's over

if we're going to get into that, ive slept with men 2 decades older than me, ive had sex in public, in bars, ive cheated on every single boyfriend ive had, ive been with multiple married men, ive let myself be chased through woods under the guise of a rape fanstasy, ive had sex with my sister

the list goes one

Be less fucking stupid, r9k.

I was already hoping you'd kill yourself but now I'm really hoping you kill yourself

Imagine basing the fact that you're a fucking whore on something that happened years ago. You're a fucking whore because you straight up refuse to control yourself and have a convenient excuse. Good riddance.

you're hot, want to frot?

What's your reasoning behind it?

lmao ur right user we got baited

Fuck off faggot
Said in the most original way possible, of course

this warmed my heart i wont lie, thanks random stranger

All of them seem whatever just typical slut stuff, but

>ive had sex with my sister

Damn how the fuck did that happen?

what do your tits have to do with your wanting to an hero

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>not even a timestamp
they arent even trying

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as did this, thanks for kind words but nothing can save me

im 21 and at my wits end, ive self harmed and cut myself to shreds since i was 12, no one this degenerate or broken deserves to live

>no one this degenerate or broken deserves to live
Agreed, so why haven't you just killed yourself already

If you want to suffer an enema suicide is the way to go, get a hose and shove it up your ass and seal it the best you can so no water comes out, then turn the water on and wait until your intestines burst, that's the painful part, then your insides will be filled with blood and bacteria from digestive organs which will infect you beyond saving, and then you will die from internal bleeding, not long after the seal you made will break or your skin will rupture, spilling the contents everywhere. That would be an interesting way to go and a bigger mess than the faggy shotgun to the head. Bonus points if you live stream it for science

i would show face and tits to prove this is real but i dont particularly want that all over the internt

my standards are slim but they exist

wouldn't it be kind of hot to feel the pressure of our hard cocks swelling against each other, though?