Duhhhh watever happened to men??...

duhhhh watever happened to men??? hurr durrr we need a war lololol easy times create weak men omg feminist government putting stuff in water supply to lower testosterone XD duhhhhhh estrogens in plastic creating a generation of pussies hurrrrr society hates masculinity feminism is going too far lol drooooool

Attached: men.jpg (700x685, 121.59K)

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The real answer is Jews

from what I see in that image, the males on the right are suffering and miserable and devoid of love and happiness, while the males on the right are happy and expressing themselves.

Because there is no need for technological societies to have traditional men

A soiboy who likes soi lattes and can work on a computer is just as useful to society as some bodybuilder chad who can work on a computer

Even modern war involves tranny faggots operating a drone to kill men who look like the left side of your picture (ie jihadis with AK's who camp out in caves). Technology is far more powerful than masculine strength at this point of our historical development

Feminism is gay, but it is an effect, not a cause, of modern social changes

>be op
>go to Yas Forums for le epic nazi trolling xdd
>get blown the fuck out
>sperg post on other boards to cope
Guess what, Nigger? At the end of the day, They will always be right.

90% of the guys on the left fertilized a German field with their corpse so they didn't reproduce.
Maybe the military should extract semen from tough guys before they send them off to blown into little bits and start a soldier breeding program.
Otherwise they'll just run out eventually.

>the real men on the right
doing and wearing whatever the fuck they want, even though they look like aboslute degenerate faggots in people's eyes, still give no fucks what others think of them. These are true alpha men.
>"men" on the left:
Useful idiots, following orders of the elites like good puppy doggos. Will be purged in the next fake oil war that the hooked nose men would start among their puppets. Believe they're doing something good by murdering people. Just mention jesus or muh america once and he will die for you being as dumb as he is

This is the real "redpill". I don't know why all these idiots glorify war so much. It's shit.

absolutely based objective truth

Attached: 18.png (806x596, 807.71K)

Jews, communism, feminism and the Chinese.

Attached: B7D7027F-94F3-451B-9BAC-2A9B15307C81.gif (300x192, 1.48M)