Yas Forums are you single because your standards are too high?
List your
>requirements that your partner MUST have
and your
>preferences that you want but are willing to compromise on
Others rate whether they are realistic or not.
Yas Forums are you single because your standards are too high?
List your
>requirements that your partner MUST have
and your
>preferences that you want but are willing to compromise on
Others rate whether they are realistic or not.
>don't be a lying whore.
that's my only standard and apparently that is asking too much.
-shorter (im 5'9)
-not black (not a requirement but it practically is because i've never liked a black girl)
-long hair
-feminine features
-unjudgemental enough to deal with me
-has a nice family
-good skin
-other stuff
my only actual "rule" is that I'm not dealing with someone elses kids
>At least 5'4+
>Not pajeet, arab, southeast asian, or black.
>Average penis or larger
>An income, form of transportation, and shelter
>Shares my interests and has genuine affection for me
>Has sexual desires in line with my own
>18+ but under 26
>6.5in+ length
>Can cook, clean, basically self sufficient
>Enjoys being a sub
>Open to experimentation
>Income over $40k yearly
>Willing to be a father
>>requirements that your partner MUST have
>big bubble butt
>pretty feet
>>preferences that you want but are willing to compromise on
>rown (preferably Arab or desi)
>but not a spic
>crotch gap
>pretty face
Arab women are hot tho.
>>requirements that your partner MUST have
>>preferences that you want but are willing to compromise on
not obese
Everything else comes down to the individual person. There's a huge variety of (often conflicting) traits I could love in my partner. One day "virgin" will move down to just a preference, but I'm not ready yet (I'm a virgin, myself).
That ideal is for MEN. As in I'd never date an Arabic guy
Arab women don't have penises
Women in general don't have penises user
-level headed
-not obese or malnourished
-everything else is fine
>requirements that your partner MUST have
don't make yourself feel like used goods to me, that feeling of disgust will rot and fester inside of me.
average height I'm 5'9
womanly bod, average face.
have something she does and enjoys (school, work, hobbies, etc just something that occupies her mind)
>preferences that you want but are willing to compromise on.
anything but cheating at this point in my life.
He must be capable of falling in love. He must not be right winged. Not a racist. Or sexist. Also.. the most unrealistic part is that I want us to share sexual fetishes. Mine are so fucked up & rare cos how I want raped and molested growing up. So I don't expect any guy to actually share my both disgusting and rare kinks.
Preferences are Hes rich and we fall in love and get together fast. Like tomorrow we move in fast. Yes I understand how unrealistic it is I'm just desperate.
>Biological female
That's really it. Healthy genetics would be preferable but intelligence is the necessity.
>>requirements that your partner MUST have
>shorter than me (1.83cm)
>very affective
>tells me often how much she loves me
>hugs me often
>libertarian (or at least not commie or feminist, god pls no...)
>doesnt judge me by my tastes (anime, hentai, political points, etc)
>have a personality like Sanae-San from Clannad
>doesnt have a bitchy dominative personality
>>preferences that you want but are willing to compromise on
>no one, I dont want to get married, In any moment that bitch could change from one day to another and stab me in the back.
>Yas Forums are you single because your standards are too high?
The woman must be faithful, honest, not morbidly obese and love me.
Clearly, I have unrealistic standards.
>requirements that your partner MUST have
-biological woman
-not a degenerate
-not an e-girl
-not a weeb
-not a stick figure
-not obese
-decent human being
-theist or agnostic-theist
-biologically female
-wants children one day
-gets along with my mom to some degree
-not promiscuous (doesn't have to be a virgin)
-pro life
-willing to be a stay-at-home mom at least while our children are young
-healthy sex drive
-wants me to be "the man" but also wants us to work as a team and a unit
-not obese (chubby is more than okay)
-has stuff in common with me but also has her own unique interests
-doesn't have kids already
-cute feet
-cute butt
-pervy/slutty (but only for me, of course)
-much shorter than me (I'm 6'3 so that isn't hard)
-great interest in arts of all kinds
-into paranormal stuff
My requirements are really just shared values and a few other things that are extremely important to me. Aesthetics is really mostly just preference.
-height 5'10"+
-age 20+
-not balding
-not underweight or overweight
-ok size dick (like 5"+)
-university educated
-I have a ginger fetish
-big hands
-minimal body hair
-kind eyes
-good facial hair
- not black
- intelligent
- not fat
- passionate about some not normie hobby/interest
- loves me
- kind/caring
- soft spoken
- not indian(i'm indian)
good luck lmao. This post is 100% original, of course
are you by chance looking for gf right now
I guess you could say that, yeah. I'll be honest I'm not really happy with myself right now (that's kinda why I come to r9k) and I don't know that I have much to offer anyone at the moment but I'd certainly love to be with someone if they wanted me.
Thank you user and good luck to you too.
>not younger
>shared worldviews
>celtic ancestry, preferably Irish (doesn't need to be 100%)
Beyond that I don't really know, I don't really ask for a whole lot extra I think.
That being said, I don't think it would be considered reasonable in this day and age, but I really don't care since I hate the world.
>NOT a normalfag
>socially conservative
>generally trad (not cringe LARP)
>never had sex outside of a committed relationship she REASONABLY expected to last
>wants marriage and children, takes dating and relationships seriously
>would be a good mother
>lives near me (Australia) or is willing to move, LDRs are trash
>no recent illicit drug use
>sensible with money
>happy with a modest but comfortable working class suburban lifestyle, does not seek to emulate bourgeois lifestyles
>not obese
>under 5'7
>wants to wait until marriage
>Christian (doesn't have to be especially devout, God knows I'm not perfect)
>wants to be a housewife
>brown hair
>brown eyes
>likes reading
>likes plants and gardening
>likes and can properly participate in conversation
>hobbies that are not consuming jew media
>knows about the jew
>will listen to me rant about the jew
>wants to name our daughters after flowers
yeah good fucking luck finding anything remotely close to that
>Must be this precise racial composition
That's all I want. All or nothing.
>White or asian (and latinos are white you retards)
>Age 18-20
>Not fat
>Not a tranny
>Decent face
>Personality that isn't annoying or fake
>Monogamous when in a committed relationship
>Has interesting hobbies, even if they aren't the same as my hobbies
>Accepts my interior design choices
>Won't judge me for my 1970s calculator collection
>Won't make me sell the Mini Cooper and get a real car
>Isn't a loud eater
>Can cook better than me (not a very high bar lol)
>Similar music tastes
>Plays retro video games
>Fit/good figure
>Not looking to have kids anytime soon
>Not a fucking commie
Am I asking too much? I feel like I'm asking too much.
>He must not be right winged. Not a racist. Or sexist.
Go back to r*ddit you fag
Have tits and a vagina and be a biological woman.
Absolute requirements my future wife must have:
>wants kids
>100000% loyal and will never cheat or do anything to hurt me
>loves me
>we have common interests and we're like friends when we're not like lovers
>wants lots of sex in many different positions
>doesn't spend a lot of money
>doesn't work and stays home
>plays video games
And I'll give my stats so people can see if I'm being unrealistic.
>5 inch dick
>make over $100,000 a year depending on my hours
>few friends
>never go out
>4/10 at best looks wise
My standards mostly sound reasonable on paper, but I don't bring enough to the table to stand a chance
Average face
Not severely mentally ill
Some sense of humour
Hasn't fucked a whole lot of guys
No kids
Kind of a shutin
Shares some of my interests
Don't be black or a feminist.
Be female
Dont be fat
No more than 5 sexual partners since having lost virginity. This is cancelled out if they were all had in a short period of time or as more than one a year.
>white or asian
>not a whore or drugfag
>Be feminine
>Not overweight
That's it
-I think they are cute
-shorter than 5'9
-long or medium hair (preferably long, but absolutely not short)
-nice ass
-fairly low body count, preferably only sleeping with boyfriends and not casual hookups
-obvious interest in me
-shorter than 5'5
-makes me laugh
-genuinely a bit strange or alternative in some sense
>not lazy (if fat then she can get skinny)
>good enough hygiene
>18 - 22
>talented/has hobbies/more to offer than the pussy
>agaisn't degeneracy
>very good hygiene
>middle class
>good education
I honestly don't have much else, what do you guys think am i going to find one eventually bros?
>having standards
standards are a spook
-is a girl
-level headed
-open minded
-not into extreme ideologies
-not obese
-enjoys affection (I want to shower them with it)
-enjoys getting to know each other
-wants to be comfy
-from the western US
-wants to go on roadtrips together
-enjoys going to museums together
-would be nice to my mom
-shorter than me (I'm 5'11)
-dont necessarily have to share the same interests but willing to share them with each other
-wants to listen to music together
I need someone who Iikes me back
-Natural color hair
-Close to my age (younger better)
-REALLY short
-Kinda asian looking
-4 or more years younger
-Long hair
-Same likes and hobbies
My only physical standard is that she be as physically fit as I and not facially disfigured as I am not so I think thats fair.
As far as personality I just want her to have the same interests as me and not be attracted to me purely on the basis of status.
Thing is that all the girls that are as physically as fit as me and have the same interested want turbo chad and only care about status when considering a mate. But due to the fact that I am severely anti materialistic I am a low status male, so naturally I feel like I only attracted very unfit girls who share no interests with me as theyre too low self esteem to care about status. You
- look similar to pic related
- live in a cold country
- low bodycount
- has a decent job
- introverted
- has values similar to mine
- likes anime and/or vydia
- has a nice sense of fashion
- likes anal
>not fat
>not stupid
>not too damaged
That's the best I can ask for.
>loyal, or at least honest enough to end the relationship instead of cheating
>interest in any form of art
>at least as tall as me
Guess that's pretty much it
Not obese
Not completely mentally fucking ill (which i keep running into)
want kids
Preferences: know how to cook
long hair
>xx chromosomes
>is nearly as attractive as me
>shorter than me (6'1)
>is obsessive of me
>is clingy
>hates hypergamy
>will have nice children
>at least in one sd above average iq
>shares my beliefs
i dont even know at this point i know (((she))) doesnt exist so why type it out
My partner MUST:
1. Not be addicted to stimulants
2. Not Abusive/Violent/Homicidal
3. Not be physically deformed
4. Not morbidly obese.
5. be a Biological woman, no transitions
I prefer:
1. 7+/10 Looks
2. Kind
3. Thinks I'm attractive
4. Has hobbies other than Netflix and social media
5. White or Latina
6. Not obese
7. Above 4ft and no taller than 6'4
8. Has ambitions
9. She is open to having friends
Added: affectionate, hygenic,
I don't think it's that unachievable. But then again, I've never had a girlfriend. I've never even held hands.
This is quite a tolerant list. It feels very reasonable. Good luck user.
>An income, form of transportation, and shelter
we live in a society...
But really, get your own damn car. This being a deal breaker is absurd.
Wow, you seem smart! I bet you kill it out there man? How scarred is your dick from masturbating to porn all day?
>>requirements that your partner MUST have
-Not fat
-Share some interests, like videogaems, anime, fitness, or the such, maybe has a gayman pc to play or watch anime with
-Mutual and loyal love, can't do without the other
>>Shit I don't care much for if it happens or not, but its nice
-Cute, cute, CUTE
-Shorter than me(I am 6'0, albeit 5'2" or shorter girls sure turn me the fuck on)
-Anything but black
-Less than 25 yo
>My stats in case I am being unrealistic or shit.
-8" dick
-Women said I have a great cheekbones, nose, and hair
-Semi chink eyes tho lmao
-Most often go out, quarentine now is killing me on the inside
Please help me I don't want to keep being alone FestRad96#5413
Decently attractive, smart, determined, driven, ambitious
>not obese
>not psychotic
>wants kids
>loves me
>shorter than me
>willing to stay home
>doesn't have an overclocked sex drive
>above 140 cm / 4'7 but below 185 cm / 6'1
>of healthy weight
>not much older than me
>loves me
>no children
>not a druggie
Prefer (this one is harder and honestly some are subject to change based on my mood and other factors):
>above 155 cm / 5'1 but below 178 cm / 5'10
>good waist/hip ratio
>5.5-7.5/10 facial attractiveness for a reasonable looksmatch (being cute is better than being beautiful or sexy)
>IQ above 115
>not completely flat-chested
>not cow-titted
>nice butt
>wants to have children
>low body count or even zero
>open to having her ideas challenged, able to listen to logic, able to coexist with a person that doesn't necessarily share many of the same beliefs or political views
>into or at least accepting of my hobbies (weebshit, vidya, sometimes sports or exercise)
>ability to live an independent life (life skills such as cooking, doing the laundry etc.)
>not materialistic
>not a nympho
>not a frigid wench with cobwebs covering her vagina
>not too clingy
>sense of humour, doesn't take life too seriously
>not a mean bitch
I should add that I'm not looking for a gf as it stands and perhaps never will since I'm a hikikomori mess but this is what I'd like to have if I ever get my shit together.
>be female
>be asian/indian
>be attracted to me
Thats it
Forgot one more:
Don't be morbidly Obese. My racial preferences aren't too much because I literally live in a city full of brown and yellow people anyways
Loyal, funny, talkative yet can listen, a good soul, looks ok. Not even asking much, i want someone who won't bore me to death and won't cheat on me.
>18-20yrs old
>Below 5'2" (I'm 6'2")
>not overweight
>Not overly indulgent (Limited drinking, no drugs, sex outside relationships, unhealthy diet)
>Not an Ideolog (Nazi, Comie, Feminist, Anarchist of any stripe, if you think all problems have one answer your clearly not very bright)
>Relatively smart
>Likes kids (Not anywhere near ready for this as only 19 but somethings gone wrong if the instinct isn't there)
>Shares some hobbies
>Introverted/Not overly outgoing
>Likes physical contact (Hugs, Headpats and kissing on forehead)
>Hygenic and likes things in order
>Kind person
>Humourus preferibly unique to her as a person
>No weird or overly desturbing fetishes (Findom, Polyamorous or cuck stuff, Unhygenic shit, Extreme BDSM/Femdom, Animal stuff etc.)
>Engages in some form of excersize (I like hiking, skiing, running a few times a week and I'm thinking of starting swimming after Carona ends)
>Cute enough to be attractive to me 5/10 plus but maby 4/10 if you appeal to my specifc tastes
>Not a social media addict
>Enjoys my company and is attracted to me
>Not particularly lazy
>Rational person
>Willing to cook with me
>4'8" to 4'11" (perfect hieght cause can hug her head to my chest)
>Low Healthy weight (40 - 45kgs)
>Understands the 3 best countries to live are NZ, Switzerland and Norway
>Wants a big floofy dog like a newfoundland dog or something
>Modestly Curvy (B or A cup with a small but nice shaped ass)
>A respectable small layer of fat on her thighs so there soft and squishy
>Likes being picked up
>Wants to live in small town/rural area
>Likes cold climates and cuddling indoors
>long hair
Might be a couple others but can't think of any right now
requirements that your partner MUST have:
>similar age
>no past or present drug addiction
>not obese
preferences that you want but are willing to compromise on
>shorter than me
>younger than me
>no mental illness
>not super political
>has similar interests
Not a crazy list but stringent enough that I haven't found a girl who met it.
>be biological female
>tolerates my interests
>5/10 at least
>+/- 3 years of my age
>be non-normie
>not a stupid racist
>be white or east asian
>actually share some interests, or have similar ones
>be virgin
>let me hug and cuddle all the time
>be my equal
AKA: Goldigging psycho bitch that wants a cuck and his money to live with while she takes a train to pound town with chads to explore her fucked up rape fantasies.
Get help.
>requirements that your partner MUST have
at least 5'10
has a job
2 or less partners
wants children
wants to be isolated together
has weird ticks
blue gray green eyes
enjoys being worshipped
coomer only for me
>preferences that you want but are willing to compromise on
true neutral
speaks more than one language
possessive obsessive and clingy
enjoys artistic / creative things
out and k stuff
Within 10 years of my age
Will not cheat
No kids from past relationship
Tolerable personality
Not fat
Physically attractive (to me)
Outwardly caring and loving
Does not pick fights or manipulate me often
Does not demand a high cost lifestyle
Not dumb and stubborn at the same time
Not terrible hygiene and living conditions