Societal collapse

The biggest Corona threat isn't the virus itself (which is dangerous as fuck) but the collapse we'll see in the following months. Everything is shut down, people shut in, millions of jobs lost, money not flowing.
Do you think countries will pump out money to the unemployed if this keeps going on? Most countries are giving out cash that barely even covers rent for most people.
Get a gun, stay prepared, people will be looting soon.
Please prove me wrong nothinburgers

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War is hell, I don't doubt that, but I'm looking forward to the collapse as a happeningfag. My life is shit and shallow compared to that of normies, I have no looks, no skills, no money, and no life. I'm fit and prepped for the collapse, though I doubt it'll actually happen desu.

I was also looking towards a happening fren, but I don't like this one.
Our lives will turn to shit, only for the goverment to tighten its grip on us and install martial law after a shit ton die.

Same, it'll probably be a slow burn.

>All because the Boomer elites are afraid of catching it and having a small chance of dying a decade or so early

And we're called selfish if we don't care about their well being and don't openly accept them kneecapping the economy when they're already well off and we'll have to bear the brunt of this shit for years to come.

Just today my state, Indiana announced it was shutting down for two weeks starting Thursday and the company I work for preemptively fired all of the temporary workers, which is like 1/3 of our staff and includes some really good people. That and for the full time employees like myself, all of our vacation time and sick time is going to be used up and credited to us to "pay" us while the place is closed. So if afterwards one of us actually gets sick with the virus we';; be forced to either come in and spread it to everyone else or get fired for unexcused absences.

This is so fucking stupid I can't even wrap my head around it.

I honestly don't know if it's possible to "fix" the economy other than having a hard crash and reset. Let alone making it big, working 9-5 and being able to afford a house is a huge struggle for most people already.

>stocker at a grocery store for a few months now
>made $9.10 an hour beforehand, now its only a dollar more until the start of may
>tfw multiple cases of corona in the past week in the same area and county I live in, one of which was a transit driver
>tfw exposed to hundreds of potential infected just shambling around and treating the fucking place like a social club on a near daily basis
>only measure taken so far is to cut down store hours to only 10 just so everyone can deal with the horde
>toilet paper is becoming even more scarce, not a single roll came in today
>now working a minimum of 6 8 hour days a week
>only real defense I have is a bolt action rifle and more than 100 cartridges of .308 ammunition
>tfw this is only the beginning
Quite an opening into my 20s, I will give it that.

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Good, I am waiting for everything to collapse so I can make the excuse to blow my head off. I want to get infected but I can't, I want to die more than ever and if everyone else suffers with me that is a bonus. I hate this world

Im excited and happy

I too was fired from my job that I had for 2 years, now because they made some bullshit excuse to let me go and most of our staff, I can't obtain unemployment. This is fucking bullshit, I hope this kills millions of boomers, they fucking deserve it. Just crash this country with no survivors.

It makes me excited more than ever to see those in the past who gloated or looked down on people due to their wealth stress at losing millions of dollars, people who were well off losing their 401ks or stocks. I hope this destroys the Economy in the USA.

our economy is based on usury, and therefore our wealth is false and illusory

The system "collapsing" (ie adjusting to reality) is a good thing

Yes, if corporations are gonna receive bailoutbux from this, I expect coronabux as compensation

>Get a gun, stay prepared, people will be looting soon.
Looters will be shot

>Our lives will turn to shit, only for the goverment to tighten its grip on us and install martial law after a shit ton die.
as long as normalniggers are pissed off by it, I am happy

Boomers are based in this case. Make normalfag millenials suffer.

Good, if they get another goddamn bailout from this again.... I hope they all die from corona. I fucking hate this never ending rat race of capitalistic greed. We need a reset, I hate this country.

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Yes, this. Boomers need to suffer
I already had it and I went to the largest nearby city and infected everything
If you are a boomer kill yourself

I want to see boomers die in agony fuck them and fuck everything.

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Maybe in the US, lots of cucked countries don't allowe their citizens owning guns.

Sorry to hear that bro.
Do you have any savings? Any other source of income? Family to support you?

Family is gone.
No savings.
No income.
Yes I am waiting for the fingers of blame to be pointed at me. Yeah I was stupid for not saving my money because I had to scrape by.

this is all thanks to china

Boomers are never based, if you wan to hate Millennials as well, fine, but the "solution" the boomers have come up with for this situation is going to hurt people like me and you far more than the virus would.

Its going to hurt me as well

It is a very small price to pay to see normalfag niggers suffer. If I suffer, they should suffer too.

I am not gonna blame you dude, I'm legit fucking worried.
How the fuck will you survive?
And it's not just you, there is a shit ton of people worldwide in the same exact situation.
When hunger kicks in, things get nasty

I have a sword, a hatchet, a couple of knives, a 4'11 filipino girl and a colourbond fence enclosing my property.
We're noguns here in Australia but at the same time so is everyone else except for the boomers and gen xers who stocked up back in 1996 and never turned their weapons in.
I also work in a bread factory so I have unlimited bread for as long as it stays open and my freezer is currently full.
The supermarkets are a mess, every day something else disappears from the shelves never to be replaced, the dollar is crashing, the market is fucked, businesses are going bankrupt and people are lining up around the corners of the welfare offices because their website crashed due to people claiming benefits all at once because they're all unemployed now.
Working in one of the jobs that are essential means I'll be the super alphachad of this new world I guess, so that's cool I suppose.

>azn cutie
Yup, you're set.
Lucky bastard

Not just the U.S. the world is going down. I hope latin america and europe fall flat

Which boltyboi? Just bought a Tikka CTR in 308, it's coming in the mail.

If it really gets that bad they'll just send all the plebs off to die in another war for bankers.

aren't bolt actions/pumps still okay in Cunt?

More cute girls in masks please

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>live in UK
>can't buy a gun
>can't even legally defend myself as the courts will always take the side of the criminal in self defence cases

Not looking forwards to any of this, plenty of knives but most scally bags have guns to not a whole lot of use any way really.

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Yes but you have to have a licence, register each weapon, have a good reason that cannot include self-defence, have a gun safe bolted down in your house and also allow inspectors to come onto your property whenever they like.
It's total bullshit.

Time to start lifting weights lad. If everything goes to shit youll need self-defense and more importantly the ability to handle yourself.

This tho I'm not fit and I'm a foid so I'll get rapped.

>have a good reason that cannot include self-defence,
oh, so Euro style cucked then.

Americans are really privileged that the founders were decent enough to make guns a non-negotiable right

Buy a crossbow then. Even in noguns countries they're almost always unregulated.

America looks difficult from a lot of perspectives but I truly am jealous of the 2nd amendment.
I'd be happy just to have a .303 and a couple hundred rounds, I don't need a.30 caliber ghost gun that can disperse 30 bullets within half a second with a 30 magazine clip.

lol lifting weights wont do shit, people aren't going to be going around getting into fist fights, most will probably have weapons and if you are unluckily enough to get into an unarmed fight you'll be fighting multiple dudes at once at which point it wont matter how many weights you've lifted.

Illegal to use them in self defence because this country is full retard

Anyone else wonder what the end goal of this virus is? Maybe it's a distraction from something big about to happen, who knows could be martial law, could be war, could be taking the spot light from the elite about to get exposed. What do you think?

Learn to run, stop smoking

I am planning on an heroing once I am either evicted, running out of supplies or food. I am planning on maxxing out my credit cards, trying to pay someone to get me a passport out of this American shithole into an actual developed country. I really do not see anyway out anymore, considering I was already planning on killing myself in Europe a few days ago but my goddamn flight cancelled. I have nothing to lose anymore, the worse everything goes, the better I feel honestly.

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Same here

Soon 34 year old Chinese diaspora NEET wizard who is running out of welfare this summer....

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>America looks difficult from a lot of perspectives but I truly am jealous of the 2nd amendment.
This. This is the only thing I like about being an American. That and the fact that we have a lot of open space and wilderness, unlike Europe

The one good thing about the UK is that the UK police are also unarmed, so you aren't in immediate danger of getting fucked by the constabulary.
Though obviously that's not helpful if your house is being raided by pakis or a tactical response team catches you blowing up the houses of parliament.

I hope it all burns, I hate my life and I hate the rich too, I hope they go hungry and lose everything and are torched in the streets.

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Probably just the next phase of whatever elite plan there is. I'm guessing the real goal is to crash the economy and justify more overt authoritarianism/techno-fascism.

Sociatal collapse, chaos, then martial law, complete tracking of citizens, etc

Fuck dude
Reccomend me your fav animes before you die bro, I'll watch them in your memory

Absolutely this, No skills, no hobbies, no passions, no hope and no future in this economy the way it is going, I am not relying on assistance anymore, I don't have much more left as it stands and I am thousands in debt, I could care less what happens. I hope I am either murdered under martial law, kill myself or die from corona.

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>The one good thing about the UK is that the UK police are also unarmed, so you aren't in immediate danger of getting fucked by the constabulary.
The problem is it also means they're useless. It's why they tend to go after minor crimes and ignore serious ones because the stupid bleeding hearts have tied their hands behind their back. Wouldn't be as much of a problem if self defence was legal, but the same bleeding hearts also made that shit illegal (saying you're only allowed to use "reasonable force" which is retardedly open for interpretation and since most judges are pampered faggots who've never had to deal with anything like that, they'll take the side of the criminal usually because you didn't do 500IQ calculations in your head to determine how much force to use without giving them brain damage).

Girls last tour, K-ON!, Haibane Renmei, Aoi bungaku.

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Arigato fren, and good luck

Yup you too, if this virus doesn't kill me the economic fallout will.

lol come work at amazon im making 36 bucks an hour from home telling karens to fuck off

Give me the fucking link to apply and I will faggot if not fuck off with your larping.

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virtual customer service associate, obviously not posting referral link here


Just like I had thought, it literally is no where to be found there. Tsk. Fuck this shit.

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>which is dangerous as fuck
>2% mortality rate

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45% of resolved cases in Italy are death you retard
Stop reading Chink propaganda from a month ago

>all of them old people
big fucking deal faggot, the only thing this corona shit has proven is how much of a pussy bitch some of you cunts are
>b-but think about the old people
fuck them

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>a 10% fatality rate from the world's most contagious disease is nothing
>he thinks it can only kill old folk when almost everyone is a smoker with shit lungs

Say that when you see your loved ones dying from this. Lol I hope you eat those words.

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so dont smoke