What is the emptiest advice you've ever been given?

What is the emptiest advice you've ever been given?

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>Just be yourself
>Just believe in yourself
>Just cheer up
>Just forget about it
>Just have faith
>You have to put yourself out there

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Probably shit like "shower every day" and "wear nice clean clothes", as if just because I have trouble with women I must be some sort of disgusting slob.

>just think better thoughts
>just stop thinking about it
thanks you cunt, if only it was that easy

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Accurate. Having a schedule is important, the issue is that I can't or don't keep to it. That's the part I need help with, fuckwits.

showering and wearing clean clothes are just basic tips for being alive. it makes you feel better and makes other people feel better about you in any situation, not just ones involving women. please tell me you don't actually think that showering and wearing clean clothes is optional or a meme.

>you have to learn to love yourself
But the most dangerous advice I've got is people me to approach complete strangers in order to make friends. As in, interrupt people going about their lives. As if anyone has actually made a friend by talking to a guy reading a book in a cafe.

No, I'm saying I already do those things because I am not a fucking animal, and I am offended by the assumption that I don't.

Just go up and ask them out.
Yeah this backfires most times if you're not Chad.

>As if anyone has actually made a friend by talking to a guy reading a book in a cafe.
If you've never done that even once in your life, you must have some form of undiagnosed autism

>If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.

It's actually worked though. I was a bitter asshole in middle school and most of high school, took until my junior high school year for a girl to snap that line at me after I said something sarcastic, and the fact everybody just looked at me like they'd wished they had said it and realizing nobody thought I was funny.

So I shut up and stopped talking to people and I was actually well respected in college because of it.

>As in, interrupt people going about their lives.

there a lot of people who actually enjoy being interrupted. it gives them energy to have a positive interaction with a stranger. it makes them feel less alone.

>As if anyone has actually made a friend by talking to a guy reading a book in a cafe.

plenty of people have found friends this way..."Oh, is that "Incredible Buttholes Six"? I loved "Five". Are the buttholes still as incredible in this one?"

You just don't get how odd this is now irl. Retard fuck off and die.

Where do you live? Because it's not socially acceptable to do that here.

>took until my junior high school year for a girl to snap that line at me after I said something sarcastic
that girl sounds like a cunt. I don't care what kind of shit comes out of an autists mouth, no one should be told to say nothing at all if they have "nothing nice to say". That's hot bullshit

Anything relating to sleep. "Just take a shower that'll calm you down," "try exercising," "don't eat before bed," NONE OF IT FUCKING WORKS EVEN AN INKLING my body decides when it wants to sleep and I have no control whatsoever over that.

OK, well who is making this assumption? People who know you in real life and can see and smell you directly, or random internet strangers who know nothing about you?

If it's the former, then maybe you're not showering or laundering enough if people who actually know you are suggesting that you do it more often. If it's the latter...why are you offended? They know *nothing* about you. Just ignore that part of the advice, or say "I already do that" and move on.

Maybe you're just not socially acceptable. I made some of my best friends just chatting to them at a cafe or a bar or whatever

if showering and exercising don't make you feel good then you may have some sort of serious disorder, like something that is actually preventing your brain from connecting fully with reality. this is like saying that you cannot taste things when you eat them or hear birds when you go outside. you are apparently not part of the common human experience of being alive and should seriously consider some sort of external, professional assistance.

>Maybe you're just not socially acceptable
No, user. Where I live, you don't spark conversations with strangers unless you live in a very small village. It's considered impolite and people will think you're weird or possibly American.

>>you have to learn to love yourself
Unfortunately that shit is true but the problem is that it pretty much is the same as saying "just be like... happy maaaaan". How can I love myself when I am the way I am? I tried to rethink the way I look at myself, figure out positive things I could see in myself, but I just end up realizing how shit I am, just hating myself even more. I also see others that don't hate themselves as arrogant cunts I despise, ending with me surrounding myself with low-self-esteem people from the internet instead that keep me in my rut. But what can I do? I'm socially too inept to interact with normal people anyway.

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What if showering does but not exercising? I've been to the gym plenty of times to get a feel for it and I can not enjoy it

>If it's the latter...why are you offended?
Because of the assumption that my situation could only happen to a person who is a piece of shit.

Some people on this site are really bad at reading comprehension.

>or possibly American
Well excuse the fuck out of me. I'm sorry that I don't live in wherever shithole you live where everyone is equally an antisocial turbosperg as you
I'm just going off my experience in a country where people actually socialise and the population isn't declining because of rapid autism rates

>How can I love myself when I am the way I am?

by accepting that:

1) some things about you cannot be changed, so it's pointless to worry about them

2) some things about you CAN be changed, and if you choose to change them, you will feel better once you have

it's also helpful to realize that absolutely everyone who has ever lived has struggled with this, even (and sometimes especially) the people who seem like they haven't. we are ALL like this. forgive yourself for being a fragile human being on a spinning ball of rock in space who is going to fuck a bunch of things up and the die someday. it's not your fault, it's just what happened. once you do that you can start to enjoy the things about yourself that are good, both to yourself and to other people, and figure out where you are supposed to go in this terrifying hellscape of disappointment and cruelty we call life.

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No they make me feel good they just don't help me fall asleep that's what I was talking about

"Practice makes perfect"
The problem is if learning disabilities are involved it incurs extra costs or a need for tutoring otherwise with some endeavors you're slamming your head and not making any headway.

>"user, you should try X"
>tell them thanks but you did and it didn't work out so well
>they get angry and start yelling at you

y tho?

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I think you're smart enough to know that *most of the time*, the reason someone cannot get it on with the ladies is because he's a clueless retard who lacks basic things like hygiene. so it's a reasonable assumption for a complete stranger on the internet who knows nothing about you to make. I don't understand why you would get angry about it, as it's literally impossible to take this personally, and furthermore whoever is giving you this advice is just trying to help you. you might want to take it down a notch and not get so worked up over things like this. that's at least one character flaw which I, an internet stranger who knows nothing about you, can recognize from your posts.

anyway, if the reason you can't get laid has nothing to do with the frequency of your shower and laundry activities, then what is it?

Well, I can live with being left alone by strangers than being beaten up by a pack of Niggers, only to be shot to pieces by some random police officer showing up seconds later. Fucking amerimutt.

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Seriously, imagine wanting to do everything and not being able to complete anything. It is agonizing and I want to die, no I am not lazy I just can't fucking do it.

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> *most of the time*, the reason someone cannot get it on with the ladies is because he's a clueless retard who lacks basic things like hygiene

No it fucking isn't

Go to hell you individualistic nigger loving Amerimutt, I hope you die of starvation.

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okay, I get you. sorry, I'm a little drunk.

well, if your sleep schedule is all messed up, it could be caused by a variety of things.

for me personally, when I go through periods where my sleep schedule is completely fucking wild and unhelpful, it's because I've fallen back into a pattern of drinking too much and playing videogames too long (like tonight), which definitely interrupts my ability to sleep. the alcohol either keeps me awake too long or puts me to sleep too fast, and regardless of when I fall asleep I always wake up a few hours later because of that thing where alcohol metabolizes into sugar and gives you a sugar rush in your sleep and/or because I need to pee. the videogames obviously keep me wired and focused on stupid shit so I can't sleep even if I wasn't drinking. both bad habits support the other. I also don't eat very regularly or healthily when I'm in one of these funks which just makes the whole thing even worse.

I find that I sleep best when I have a schedule, and the thing that helps me set a schedule is external factors like having a job and a gf. when I have a job and a gf, I have absolutely no problem with sticking to my schedule and avoiding the drinking-gaming-notsleeping cycle.

I'm just using my own problems as an example, I'm not saying that's necessarily your issue. everyone has their own thing that's fucking them up. when I have control of my problems, I sleep and feel just fine. when I don't, I'm a wreck. naturally.

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>you're not depressed, you're just sick
a psychiatrist told me this. this motherfucker went to school for serveral years, and interned for several more just to tell me to my face that i wasn't depressed, just sick, and that the feeling would pass. granted i was sick, and i eventually recovered. however, the feeling never did. i never returned, not wanting to ever look back. i realized, that during my last visits with him, he was just talking to me and using me as filler for a time slot. fat fucking slob. hate

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...yes, it definitely is. did you not go to public school? do you not regularly socialize outside of your house? the vast majority of men who can't get laid are hygieneless dolts who dress like they're children. it's a thing. step one to fixing being that thing for those guys is to take a shower and wear normal clothing so that they are not automatically repelling everyone around them at all times. you could have a giant dick, a genius IQ, and unlimited charm but if you are a stinky person who looks like a total loser nobody will ever find out about those good qualities.

if that's not the problem facing a lot of these people, then what is? and what is your problem?

This comes down to a fundamental issue; what is it to believe something?

A lot of people will argue that in your situation you need to "fake it 'till you make it." They recognize the Catch-22 here, but still think that being your own best friend is the only possible start. But why can't you just start loving yourself, just start believing that you're a worthwhile person? Why not, right? Beliefs and thoughts are just something you decide in your head, they don't have to correlate to the real world at all.

Or do they? Well, we all know that this is a different kind of "belief" than a real belief. This is like being a Muslim who drinks, or a Christian that just mumbles the words on Sunday. This kind of belief is really flimsy, put on or taken off like a hat, predicated on no experience of any sort, and often only held because the belief demands no serious costs.

Real beliefs are things you believe even when nobody's looking. A real belief is the certainty you have that when you throw a ball, it will fall to the ground. You don't believe that because it's useful or because other people say you should or because it'll get you a GF. You'd believe it even if it did the opposite. You'd believe it helplessly, because it's true. Because that's what you've observed.

Real, actual self-esteem can't be manifested by a sheer act of will. It, like all other real beliefs, must be compelled by evidence. It must seem like it would be true even if nobody were watching and you had no stake in it. This is why it's curiously lacking even in many people who are successes by all measures; they just never find convincing enough evidence that they're awesome, and so they never truly believe.

I think it's backwards. Rather than trying to just bootstrap into a false consciousness of egoism, just ask yourself what would convince you that you're a valuable person, then try to do those things. If you succeed, hold yourself accountable for that and allow more self-esteem.

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"You'll find someone when you stop looking. That's how it worked for me"

- my mom.

Idk, you're right in that alcohol tends to not help, but my sleep schedule's been haywire the past few weeks and I'm doing absolutely nothing different. It always evens back out in the end and it's frustrating to get all the shallow rehashed advice from people. Sometimes your body just has to work shit out on its own and there's no magic pill. At least that's how it is for me.

>>you're not depressed, you're just sick
Better then a psychiatrist just giving you basic platitudes for 15 minutes and asking for $500.00 payment 5 minutes before the appt ends. I hate it fuck this place.

never done that, never will do that, have actively tried to scare anyone who has done that to me
bothering people you don't know is wrong

Not so much empty, but I believe it to be genuinely malicious:
>women want a reliable, stable guy who can provide for them and take care of them
Women DO NOT want this and often pursue the complete fucking opposite.

My own mother sabotaged my life.
My own mother.
I don't understand why.

when I have to get into a better cycle REALLY FUCKING QUICK (as in, tomorrow), I just stay up all night, drink a fuck ton of caffeine and eat a ton of food all day, suffer the effects of exhaustion, then crash out the next night. sometimes I actually stay up AGAIN for an additional 24 hours because my brain is an evil animal that hates me, but even if I stay awake for 48 hours straight I will always return to a normal schedule again as long as I make certain to crash out at roughly the correct time for the schedule I'm trying to obtain. it's just painful to do this which is obviously why I avoid it and prefer to spend all night playing games and all day sleeping like a retarded idiot.

>bothering people you don't know is wrong

if you do it right you're not bothering them, you're making their day better. that's what people are trying to say.

if you're just one of these miserable miscreants who hates people and never wants to be approached for any reason, fine. but the vast majority of the human race is not like that. people like to interact with others.

>just ignore them user
and other short stories

Yeah that's how it tends to happen for me, I'll probably attempt it tonight/tomorrow since I woke up at 6 pm today.

>Follow this advice, but if it has bad results it's because YOU'RE EVIL AND DESERVE TO SUFFER!

Such empathy and compassion.

this reply makes no sense whatsoever. the worst possible thing that can happen from attempting to engage a stranger in friendly conversation is that it ends after a few awkward pleasantries are exchanged. you're acting like trying to be nice to someone is the same as raping their dog.

All you have to do to not feel alone is have sex with some guy.

Rule 1: Women don't know what they want. Your mother included. She didn't lie. She told you what she thinks women want. She has about as much of an idea as you do.

Rule 2: If a woman tells you what she wants, she is looking for your approval of it. Women (including, again, your mom) stop maturing emotionally at 16. Womens need is to make babies and care for them. This begins and ends at 16.

Women are emotional children who don't know what they want. All of them. ALL of them. The minute you accept that and stop trying to put your male understanding of love, loyalty, honor etc. on them the more sense they make and the better your life will be.

Emptiest advice is
>Just cheer up lad and dont worry

HOWEVER, the emptiest response is
>not doing anything about it
>continuign to live like shit

You see, ive realised something. The REASON why most people are depressed, anxious etc. Is because they live like shit. They cant objectively look at the state of themselves and realise theyre doing it to themselves. So they see IMPROOVING as a pointless endeavour.

The advice is true. If you started exercising 1 hour a day, got very healthy, addressed trauma, slept well, ate well, cut back on porn, alcohol, drugs, gambling, screen time etc. Your depression would be decimated.


Yeah ok bud. Keep living like shit then complain that your life is shit. Cognitive dissonance

the single worst piece of advice i have ever gotten was "just smoke some weed." the very notion of the sentence pisses me off to high heaven. like smoking weed is just going to make all my worries go away? fucking stoners.

women do actually want that. but they also want to fuck every bad boy in town.

men are the same way - they want a loving, stable, traditional wife...and they also want an endless parade of filthy whores.

the trick is finding people who can resist their urge to pursue the second thing.

Hi im user, you may know me from the series, 'just put yourself out there' or 'Just don't worry about it and think positive.' In my next hit series 'just find something you enjoy doing."

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have you ever smoked weed though?

it won't make your problems go away, and will in fact give you a whole bunch of new ones, but it can help you enter a different mindset than your usual one and sort your existing problems out.

>Women DO NOT want this and often pursue the complete fucking opposite.
>My own mother sabotaged my life.
Your mother isn't trying to fuck you.

Cope, eurofag

neither is anyone else

ba dum


I'm American you fucking Nigger loving faggot.

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why are all europeans like this?

Because America is a shithole the same as any 3rd world country masquerading as a 1st world nation. I hope it burns to the ground.

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Self-hating American'ts make my nonexistent big black peepee hard.

sir, this is an arby's.

I do all of those things and I'm still depressed, now what?
>Uhh.....dude it's like your mindset or whatever I mean huh t-that negativity is keeping you down bruh!!!

They bite the hand that feeds them their opinions, entertainment, safety and gadgets when its fashionable for them. They lick our boots when they need to get out of their storm cloud of a mind. The cognitive dissonance is fun to laugh at.

That reminds me of something. I got myself a figma to open when something nice happens. It's been over a year now that nice thing still hasn't come. I don't know what it will be, or when it will happen. Graduating for university with the best possible grade wasn't enough, but I figured getting accepted into a grad school I applied for would do it but I was rejected by all of them.
Someone also got me something to open for when I pass my driving test and that's been unopened for almost three years.
With everything in life I try my best, but that just isn't good enough. My self-esteem has been in the toilet for years, and it's never recovered. The upside to this is that after every blow I face it doesn't get any lower.

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>men are the same way - they want a loving, stable, traditional wife...and they also want an endless parade of filthy whores.

I genuinely have no desire for the latter

Did this with an entire crew of brick masons just to make pussy jokes. Now we talk shit every day.