Cathartic letter/vent thread

Cathartic letter/vent thread.

Get stuff off of your mind/chest/shoulders.

Write about anything.

If you think someone you know is lurking and you feel confident that they might recognize you...

Include initials.

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is a berry nice board

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You should have really gone through with it.
For all the awful things you've done to others
for the way you try to justify cheating on people and actively seeking to ruin the relationships of others
for being a hypocrite and trying to use an ethot like your personal weapon then turning around and talking mad shit about ethots like you aren't trying to desperately copy their style between the crow's feet on your face and the gross rolls on your stomach that outsize your chest
for how you let your parents down and got outed to your own sister
for how you can't even make your boyfriend happy and he now resorts to ethots behind your back like karma in action
you should end it before the stretch marks on your arms and legs get worse in those sad thirst traps
You talk a lot about Karma without actually knowing what it is, but it's not needed
just end it if you can find a rope strong enough for your lardass

To nobody i think
Im trying to not texting anyone and wait for the others to text me
Very few people seems interested in me
Someone i think was interested is in truth only texting back politely and maybe is annoied by me

Ur all a bunch of nigger-fgtz

but ur my nigger-fgtz

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(Using last initials)
Do you still use this board? Do you look at these threads? I have not seen your posts around, but I have avoided searching because it is just self torture. I used to spend hours at a time scouring threads for you.
I feel like what I had with you, and the happiness and carefree certainty I felt at the beginning when things were good and I was not aware of the bad things, is something I can never reclaim. First love is a once in a lifetime occurrence. You have loved before me. Tell me, is everything after the first time tainted by the way this beautiful connection, that you hoped would be the consummation of all your dreams, failed? Or is that sort of idealization not something you experienced with girls before me? I am afraid I will never love anyone again the way I loved you. I am afraid that you ruined me like you said you would. That you really did turn me into yourself in the end. You are always right about everything. I miss you. The more I think about it, the more certain I am that this is all my fault. You said I never did anything wrong, but I did. And even if it was not an explicit action I took which drove you away, then it is just who I am as a person, what I am as a physical being, which was wrong, which was not good enough. I refuse to believe that nothing is enough. There has to be something I could have done that would have made me enough for you.
Pointless now. It is over and it will be over forever. If I could have you back, I would not take you. It could never be reclaimed. I could never hate you, though. I love you still. It will be a long time before I can love again.

Dear t
I fucking hate you you abusive piece of shit. I hope you rot alone with no one to bother anymore.

I didn't realize when you said "somebody" you meant me. I didn't know I hurt you until it was too late. I really liked talking to you. I'm sorry.

>Im trying to not texting anyone and wait for the others to text me
i am also doing this, it shows they have interest in me
so far nobody has texted me where i can see
it hurts


i would like to inhale the air in and around your butthole. also, don't trim or shave your pubes i need the full stench. thanks

You be safe out there. My stupid mental bullshit aside, you need to be safe, special star. I bet you're magnitudes safer than I am, but I still worry about you. I've got everything under control here.

I'm doing okay. All stocked and healthy. I worry for you as well. I wish I could do more. We could just cuddle fuck through this. Stop taking ibuprofen and Advil. It can accelerate the virus. Take a Tylenol. I miss you every day.

>We could just cuddle fuck through this
Not my person, but you do you!

fuck you honestly for leaving me when i needed you the most. and i don't just mean breaking up with me, because honestly if you wouldn't have we both know i probably would have eventually.

fuck you for ignoring me and treating me like i wasn't important, and the making me feel like it was my fault and like i didnt do enough. fuck you for telling me i wanted a fairytale. i just wanted to TALK TO MY GF. i did so much. i fucking loved you. i still love you and it isn't fair. you fucking suck! and all your friends have flocked to me telling me that this is just what happens with you, that you do this with basically everyone you date... i dont want to believe it but honestly i have a hard time not believing it. fuck it is going to be hard to trust again after you, to try again.

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tell me about your person. I wish I was that person..

I have many issues with them but I still wouldn't have them come to any harm. They're my true north, whether I like it or not.

The leaves showed themselves
Underneath the melting snow
Colorless pieces
Picked up by the wind
A small dance in the cold breeze
Gently slipping to the storm drain
Encore in the sewer water

S, and another I forget, C
Due to some technical difficulties I won't actually be able to correspond with you again. Your insights were very helpful for a few things we spoke about, and changed a bit of my thinking slightly as far as I can tell. I'd sort of like or argue a bit more about high or low fantasy semantics. I'm pretty sure you're a high fantasy advocate despite being low fantasy fanatic. I'm still looking over a few points of your perspective, but have you considered that perhaps your low fantasy points have inspired the worse drudgery that misses the point of riding the slack when it comes to drudgery? Making the best of the worse, and adhering to the finer points, I get that, an objective and trying to put people there. I really like a lot of your point of view because you catch a lot of nuances others miss while trying to touch on the same sort of subject, same thing different means. I'm about 1/4th of some of your talking points and I don't disagree with your style. It's given me a lot of ideas or just rethinking some other ones and at least being somewhat more comfortable with some decisions while deciding some future ones. I already know we have a couple of major differences and I'm glad yours works so well it can make me rethink some of mine.

Even when I come to ruin, please don't loathe me.
Even the fragments that remain in this hand belong to you.
Even though I've lost everything I would still have something to give to you.
Even my burnt out emotions.
Even my heart covered in wounds.

Be safe over there, you loser butthole.

what bonds you to them so tightly?

I'm in love with them and always will be. That's just how it goes.

This is hell, loving someone that doesn't love you is hell. You should try and get out.

It doesn't matter if they love me, really.

To genuinely thought vomit into the void

I feel as if I should be worried about the state of the world but I am not
I really enjoy this new social acceptance of order, give me my shit, disengage as soon as possible. It's efficient.
And the lonely streets is great. But I miss going out and knowing things would be open. Even if by myself.
I miss just going for a stroll in a plaza and getting to people observe.
I have taken up learning programming, it's been fun and I am determined to have something like a portfolio by the time things return to normalcy because I do not want to deal with people in person every day when it comes to work, and make enough to put away for rainy days. I'm not even looking to break the bank, they say people in my area make an average of 60k, I'd be fine with half of that.
I know I'm getting better at it, and that I have the natural inclinations to keep going at it. I don't doubt myself for once. It feels amazing and scary. I want to be the highest earner in my family.
I feel happy, even currently being out of work. Should I feel guilty? I feel worry free even with the bills on the horizon and no current income. I feel at peace.

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That's sickening. You tried reaching out to a professional, buddy?

Yeah, you could say that, a couple times.

Doesn't it hurt you?
I was in something similar and lived with a constant lingering feeling that i wanted to cry.
It's a little gay, so you're probably not like that, but don't you feel anything close to that? Doesn't it seem unfair?

Doesn't really matter. It is what it is.


I'm disappointed you still won't talk to me. I have tried everything possible so I suppose I can finally move on. At least no one can fault me for not trying, short of threatening to commit suicide I guess lmao (which I won't do because it's unethical). I still doubt you will find someone as good as me though but you probably aren't looking for someone like me.

Love is more complex than that. I wasn't honest with you. I did it for you. When I recognized you and saw your history I started to worried I might do more harm than good. It's not that I'm not to blame. I was selfish. That's not right. I love you R.

The only thing we can do is go forward. It's the path we choose. I want you to do the best thing for you. You come first. Always.

So I want to choose a path googling a devotimational poster about a girl with thigh high socks getting fucked in the butt giving a thumbs up sign with a caption underneath saying "who's awesome?" "You're awesome"

I've accepted the fault long ago. I love you R.

Based M poster. Welcome back. What's on your mind?

To me, you are like the Christ.
And yes, I'm actively defrauding you~

What isn't? It's basically the plot to Dante's inferno on acid. I don't think there's a way not to look subjectively at it. I've tried, believe me. It's a different thing living it though.

Thank you for that. It made me smile.

I must bumper disbread.

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Ive been seriously fantasizing about beating the guy who molested me with a bat lately. I feel like much of my mental issues stem from him and the reason my life has turned out the way it is. Its getting so bad that I am starting to genuinely not care if I go to jail anymore. I just need to let out over a decade of pain on him and keep swinging until I feel all the pain go away. I have too much of an inferiority complex despite being fit and doing martial arts for years, that I think beating him to pieces and seeing that I can assert dominance over the man who causes this will fix all of my mental issues and im willing to go to jail to do so.

Bit of lovecraft as well with the madness dilemma. Needs more tentacles to be honest. I can only do the best I can. I believe and if in the end I'm crazy then at least I'll get a book out of it.

Dear C,
I saw your post and replied, I hope you are safe and I miss you.

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This is what retardation looks like

And if I'm right or she understands. I have love.


I miss you. Take care!

I was unaware that Yas Forums corrects 'to be honest' acronym to desu. It's not a good night for me.

Dear R,
I guess I really can't blame you for leaving. I can blame G though. He was supposed to be my best friend. Turns out, you two were alot closer than I thought. Maybe I will get lucky and this pandemic will do for me what I have always been too much of a coward to go through with.

Love, W

You should tell them this, you're no better then that person

how much longer do you want to keep holding out for? i can wait i guess

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I like these images for some reason. I wonder what your story is.

I downloaded their image

im just waiting on someone special

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You should have told me about your cancer. I would have paid every dime I had, dedicated every second of time, poured every last ounce of energy left in my body to make sure you survived. I don't care that you wanted me to lead a financially stable future because all that money I saved I had to spend on counseling, therapy, and antidepressants. you meant the world to me and I feel empty without you. I wanted to follow through with that dream of yours, I wanted to watch us grow old.
all of this could have been a thing if you told me about your cancer. I swear I would have helped you survive.

I want you to do what is best for you despite me. Timeline says 6 months on my end, though that is pretty tight. The entire ordeal is bewildering.

praying to God that this could be real my response would be
just say hi again, i wont ignore you
but most likely you are not my one

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I don't understand it myself. I was butting heads with my project before. I'd have this feeling that I can only describe as 'dont' or 'do' and would logically deny the 'dont' when the proper solution was clear. More roadblocks and brute forcing. I asked a friend in the same field and he was bewildered. Never seen that problem. I started trusting the feeling after this happening a couple times in a row and it blows my mind. From right field with no apparent connection something would happen and it would progress to the 'right' conclusion. I've been trusting it more, though when I lied I felt the 'dont' and went ahead because I thought it was better for you that way.

country rooooooaaads take me hooooome to da plaaaace i belooooong

I was just thinking how much Alien covenant was a tragedy yesterday.

i love you. i never stopped. when you were fucking her i was alone missing you. sorry im a simp. you were my first everything. except im still a sad virgin, unlike you. yet here you are trying to simp for me, now. all you want is my body but you try to lie and pretend you love me again. i dont know what your intentions are or what youre thinking. i don't know what i want or how i feel. i hate you. i miss you. i despise you. i love you.

mfw R is my initial

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>I'm in love with them and always will be. That's just how it goes.
>It doesn't matter if they love me, really.
I'm actually in the same boat and was trying to explain this to someone recently, actually. What's your story? I was rejected 3 years ago and I love them so much and felt so much of a connection that even, like, just jokingly flirting or getting intimate with others makes me feel like I'm cheating on j, despite never being with them

Im sorry. This shouldnt have happend to you. You tried it just once now youre in a ward. I somehow hope its just all a dream...please come back. Will you ever? I know you used to love me thats why this hurts. to look at you and you arent there anymore. I miss you but I dont know if ill ever see you again. Where did you go


I furget yer name hot stuff, but I want 2 fug ya