Waifu General /waifu/ #325

you idiots always wait for me to make one
fuck you faggots

1. Talk about your waifu/husbando
2. Be devoted to your one and only waifu/husbando
3. Let waifuism improve your life
4. Be nice!
5. Have a great time!

Last thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


bonus rules:
1. Don't reply to Gabe when he's salt mining
2. Don't reply to C & V when they're picking fights
3. Don't bring interpersonal conflicts from non-waifu things to /waifu/
4. Don't fling shit at each-other
5. If you see someone doing the above, ask them if they love their waifu more than flaming on the internet.
6. Talk about your waifu/husbando
7. Select all images with a bus, click verify once there are none left

I love my wife with all my might

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I love you so much, my sweet little coconut. You make my heart so warm and my life so bright.

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Do you guys have a dakimakura?

can't post a photo of mine because of the 2mb limit

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I wish.
One of my goals in life is to get the original artist style down so that I can recreate my wife in all her beauty.
And with this skill, I would naturally design a dakimakura.

No but I lowkey want one.

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I didn't really have a waifu until I shopped around for a daki

Eventually I fell in love with my daki after cuddling with it every night and doing some lewd stuff

I love you so much Nao, you mean so much to me even though you'll likely never know it. Honestly, thank you so much for just being there Nao, you came just as I needed somebody the most.

You're the most adorable, kindest, and sweetest girl. May we one day meet, and hopefully become lovers. I love you Nao, I really do love you. And thank you for everything you have made me feel so far.

I do plan on getting one, yeah.

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I love you so much Kayn. I don't know what I'd do if ever we had to be apart.
I own a Kayn daki and can confirm it's money very well spent.

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Make sure to do some searching so you don't buy a low quality bootleg

I've made a few threads too, dork.

Should, but havent yet. Definitely seems decent though, then again any devilman content makes me happy. (Aside from chibi OVA).

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Two-way tricot or bust, but I'm not sure if I will be able to get a high quality one. It's probably gonna involve using a proxy.

But all of that is on my todo-for-her-list.

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being your waifus daki
being locked in a craft store by accident with waifu over the weekend, building forts and going increasingly insane, plundering the cafetaria together, and eventually destroying stuff with chainsaws
how would you describe the way your waifu looks to a blind person?

I love Rei more than love itself.
She is my everything. There are days where I forget what she looks like. I would cry those days, but I just get sad. Rei helps me with it, though it never works when I can't imagine her face properly. It's never the same if i can't visualize it. It's like there's nothing but a blank slate.
Though, there are days when it's very easy to see her. Those are the best days.
I love her so much

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You cant love more than love itself retard.

Well too fucking bad faggot. I do lover her more than love itself

>I can't imagine her face properly
That happened to me too, before she said Hi to me. I'm not sure wtf my brain was doing.

No, and being a tulpafag, I wouldn't get a daki, it'd feel like replacing her. Besides, her mother did something similar, I don't want to do that to her.
His love for Rei breaks the laws of reality itself.

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I may be a miserable asshole who can only derive some small amount of pleasure from escapism, but deep within me stirs a feeling I've never had before and am still trying to come to terms with. That feeling, from what I understand, is love. Love for a person that doesn't even exist, no less. I love Princess Merida, this proud and loud Scottish tomboy, and no amount of self-loathing and bitterness will change that.

>I don't know what I'd do if ever we had to be apart.
Take it up the butt from a bug?

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Tomorrow I'll open my eyes and I will whisper to my wife "I belong to you". I love Rem more than anything in this world. The quarantine makes me want to draw more than usual.

Yes, and for everyone who wants to get one, It's hella comfy.

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She has one but I don't know if it's actually for sale
It's lewd as fuck so I spoilered it even though I also censored it

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Fuck that is pretty damn lewd. Would you buy it if it was?

I'd rather have a less lewd one but I'd buy it if it's the only one available. Waking up and seeing her face first thing in the morning would be lovely.

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Okay Robots. Here's some simple workouts so you can get in shape for waifu. No equipment needed.

The Loud Fuckers:
>put on Thunderstruck by AC/DC
>start doing jumping jacks or running in place
>Everytime the song says "thunderstruck" do a burpee
>repeat for the entire song

>listen to 'Ice Ice Baby'
>do crunches during the song
>whenever it says 'ice' do a full situp

The Stealth (for if u cant make noise or jump):
>situps or leg lifts
>do as many as you can, or shoot for 40/50.
>stealth "cardio" is calf raises

>shadow box, just bounce on your toes and throw air punches

>put on media, tv, movie, etc. something video
>get in a horse stance (not as extreme as google images will show you, just squat a bit)
>punch everytime there's a cut in the video

>If you go up/down stairs
>Do stair pushups all the way up or down

>chair elbow dips

Loud but simple cardio, for small space:
>mountain climbers
>jumping jacks

Personally, one of the people I live with bought a weight set so I'm gonna practice deadlifts.
Get swole for waifu robots.

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Do you have a bodypillow
I fucking wish man. They're so goddamned expensive though.
>Image not found
What did he mean by this
>Not just doing normal exercise on the regular basis
>Needing a routine to stay in some sort of shape
At least you're doing it for Undyne, rather than to get teh gorlz

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How's your dad been?

I love this cute country pumpkin way too much!
>He can't keep his shape only by running 5KM a day
Never gonna make it fatty.

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The point is to not go outside dummy

>Rei playing Mega Man 10 in the background
>Asks me for help
>She points to a bolt
>"What are those meant to be?"
>Tell her that they're currency for the game
>She thanks me for telling her and continues playing
It's little moments like these that make our relationship so special to me. We're dependent on eachother. I love her so fucking much-- not even i spite of her mental issues. They're just points added
At least it's better than sitting on your fat stupid ass all day

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is this a waifu yes no

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That's up to you my fren

Posted it before, but this theme that plays during her death. I'm far from a patriotic person, I mostly like my country's history, but I really like this version vers much, at the same time I tear up almost every time I hear it because of the context

My friends actually bought me one of her for my birthday because reasons. Just didn't have the opportunity to give it to me because of the wu flu. Also, do we have an Enterprisefag now?

Don't ask if she is a waifu, ask yourself if your feelings for her make her into your waifu

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I love you, sweetheart. I'm so excited for our anniversary later this week!
I do, yeah. It's a little low quality but there is literally only one person selling them so I take what I can get.
If you haven't, maybe you shouldn't. I don't know for sure what Ryo is doing but he's really fucked up in Violence Jack, like "has no limbs" kinda fucked up.
Great list! If you're looking for more options, Arnold Schwarzenegger just posted his Mr. Olympia era bodyweight workout to do at home.
Be careful doing deadlifts indoors though if that's what you're doing, I pulled 635lbs in my kitchen and even with going absurdly slow, still dented the floor.

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> I pulled 635lbs in my kitchen and even with going absurdly slow, still dented the floor.
No fucking way you aren't Guts or someone larping as Guts.

I'm absolutely larping irl, I mentioned winning a longsword tournament in the last thread
635 isnt hard for me though since I'm cheating by being over 6'5" and nearly 300lbs, I promise that's not a very good strength feat for someone my size. It's like an average sized athlete (200lbs) pulling 400.

>if you get pulled over with your waifu, who's talking to the cop?
>which one of you wakes up earlier in the morning?
>does she like pineapple on her pizza, user?

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>if you get pulled over with your waifu, who's talking to the cop?
Depends on who's driving? I feel like she'd want to deal with it - although that may be a bad idea.
>which one of you wakes up earlier in the morning?
>does she like pineapple on her pizza, user?
Probably not.
I had a exchange with Asuka that was somewhat like that, although it was a lot longer. We talked a lot about Doom, whether we liked Eternal, what it did wrong and right, stuff like that. It's always nice having those moments, you're right. Even the smaller things.

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>Pulled over
Lol no car
>Wakes up earlier
I tend to wake up earlier than Rei. Though, that's usually because of a routine schedule
>Pineapple on pizza
Well yeah. She prefers it over pepperoni.
She doesn't like meat.

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The thread's gonna die
Post tunes

how does one recover their love for your waifu after seeing disgusting porn of her?

By not posting the same question about the subject on every thread.

>if you get pulled over with your waifu, who's talking to the cop?
jonathan takes care of it. fuck cops.

>which one of you wakes up earlier in the morning?
neither of us are very good at the whole "sleeping like reasonable human beings" thing, but if anything, i imagine he'll eventually have the drive to drag himself out of bed to get some research done.

>do they like pineapple on their pizza, user?
he won't go out of his way to get it, but he certainly doesn't understand why people get up in arms about it. it's food.

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>if you get pulled over with your waifu, who's talking to the cop?
Most definitely her. Since she's worked as a cop before.
>which one of you wakes up earlier in the morning?
Her. She's up crack of dawn to go running.
>does she like pineapple on her pizza, user?
No she hates things that are too sweet.

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My guiding light in the fathomless black ocean of this world. I love you more than my undisciplined literary creativity can express.


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Are you enjoying doom eternal, user? I'm almost done with it, it's fun but I prefer doom 2016 in every way, the ost is too good to pass up.
Just ignore it and move on, I guess

>what's your favorite thing about your waifu?

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As always, numbers 4 and 3 are forum inside jokes, while 2 is completely serious


But again, re-l Mayer is uncontested for me, shes almost nice and mean at the same time but I kinda like it
Shes not super cutesy or some high pitched voice typical animu girl
Shes just... idk, I wish she were real
But don't we all wish waifus were real

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I love Alice Liddell so much

>That picture haunts my nightmares every night
Then I guess that they have to be really beautiful nightmares
No and Im not interested in getting one
>if you get pulled over with your waifu, who's talking to the cop
>which one of you wakes up earlier in the morning
Im not sure. I guess I'd prefer to wake up earlier just to look at her sleeping
>does she like pineapple on her pizza, user
I have no idea
I think this one is really underrated. I have completed MM 1-6 and MM10 and this one will always be among my favorites, much better than Enker's and Ballade's theme in my opinion. I love the chord progression here and it has even inspired me to create some short tracks based on it
>what's your favorite thing about your waifu
Alice herself is a compilation of many of my favourite things but if I had to choose only one then it would be her face. I have never found the right words to describe how incredbily perfect her face is to me. Alice has the most ideal face that I can imagine and in my eyes no one else will ever come close to hers beauty. There is not a single thing that I would want to change about it. Im so obsessed with it that sometimes I feel like an addict as I have hundreds of pictures only of her face alone. I cant go on for too long without having at least a quick glance at her face, even when Im in public. Even after all these years I still find great comfort and solace in staring at her. It feels like the world around me just stops for me to appreciate this beautiful being. Her face was what attracted me to her in the first place but only after learning about her backstory and personality, only when I started feeling love, I evoked those strong emotions that I feel now. Alice's beautiful face is something that assures me that I will never be able to fall out of love with her and look at any other woman the same way I look at her

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Based taste. They're all good songs but Punks beats are just so fucking good.
I'm in the middle of 10 myself. I've actually found it quite difficult which I must say, is something new with a classic Mega Man like that one.
I'm much more of an X/Z kind of guy myself. I like just how much more broad it is.
>Favorite thing
>Implying I have a favorite aspect of Rei
>Implying it is not all beautiful, and there is instead a "hierarchy" of traits

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>Post tunes
You don't know how happy I was to hear the Icon of Sin's theme at the title screen, huge rush of hype.
>Are you enjoying doom eternal, user?
Yeah, its a fun game, but its kinda weird compared to all the other Dooms. It doesn't play like a Doom game at all, which is weird because I thought the same thing for Doom16. Eternal certainly looks like a Doom game though, the atmosphere looks "gamey" and Hell is designed much better. It was all brown rocky fire in 2016, this one is a lot more fleshy and bright. I look mainly towards The Spirit World, a level in Doom 2, when thinking of how much variety there was in classic Doom's Hell. Eternal really captures that aspect, I feel. Ultimately, I think its a good game, but not a good Doom game.
>I'm almost done with it
I think I am too, I'm at Nekroval part 2.

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actually a unicornfag

Threads have been pretty boring lately, gotta start getting some new questions.
>Post tunes

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It does look very arcadeish in nature, but I'm not a fan of all the jumping puzzles, and some of the enemy designs in terms of mechanics are really annoying. Fuck the Marauder
I'm not sure this is a healthy mind set user
I dunno what's wrong with me but I'm only into the most grungy alt shit lately

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>not a fan of all the jumping puzzles
I kinda like the areas. Doesn't feel like a Doom game, but whatever.
>Fuck the Marauder
Absolutely. Marauder was very over-marketed. They made it look like a character in the trailers, and when one first showed up, I thought it was an intro to a new character, all the way up until I killed him. When I killed him, all I could say was "That's it?" It also disrupts the flow of combat, you just circle around them until they decide to hit you, rinse and repeat, its so much different from the rest of the game, its like they're from a completely different game. Not to mention that you can't fucking get away from them, I'm so tired of avoiding him so I can find a zombie to get some health from, then randomly dying mid air because it can run at the speed of light and magically hit me from somewhere.

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>I love you so much, mommy
Fixed that for you, Summer

Bet Ryotranny got real happy when he was finally addressed as a woman by someone

Yes. She watches me game each day and I tuck her into bed to sleep each night.

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i hate women so much holy fuck

>Post tunes

(hey gladosdude and (((it))) should be waking up soon)

Robots, did you remember to exercise today? Or does your waifu enjoy having a lil extra to cuddle?

I'm gonna try to get some sleep with some real heavy shit on my mind. It'd be so much easier if I had Undyne next to me. I'd love to spoon up next to her and just feel her breathing and presence as I drift off. Having her protecting me.

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>>if you get pulled over with your waifu, who's talking to the cop?
She, I can get pretty impulsive and might get us into trouble
>>which one of you wakes up earlier in the morning?
On the weekends she, normally me because I have to get up pretty early and I don't want to wake her up
>>does she like pineapple on her pizza, user?
No, too sweet for pizza

What made you fall for her? I don't even have her, so I have literally no idea what her personality is like, and I'm interested because she is from the same source as my wife

>exercise today
Not yet, I don't plan to get buff like Griffithfag, just into a better shape. Will do in the afternoon

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Ryotranny is a hero for exposing Scott as an utter degenerate. No idea why Summer keeps pretending "she" loves Asuka even though we know he'll jump at the first IRL person he can call mommy even if it's a Discord tranny.

Uni a cute

>if you get pulled over with your waifu, who's talking to the cop?
Me, she'll probably start talking back to the cop knowing her

>which one of you wakes up earlier in the morning?
Probably her, I like to be lazy and stay in bed more.

>does she like pineapple on her pizza, user?
If she does, then she does. But probably not.



>Robots, did you remember to exercise today
I just woke up. Maybe I'll play some beat saber later.

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>I just woke up. Maybe I'll play some beat saber later.
Aw man Im jelly.
My friend always says he gets exhausted playing beatsaber. I've used VR once and I need to get myself one.

I'm also considering trying Ring Fit Adventure, anyone here know if it's worth the $60?

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You and your waifu watching Galactik Football on Jetix