Fembot Thread

Fembots, when did you realize your life was utter shit?

When did you pass the point of no return?

When did you realize you were trash?

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The thread is silent because fembots don't actually exist

They do but theyre shy although most girls here now are degen whores. But most of the guys here now arent much different

Probably the fact that growing up everyone around me hated me and I fit in nowhere. When your own parents resent and bully you too that's how you know you're fucked.

Sounds like a bad environment more than a bad person but this one comment won't help you, you'll probably think you're a terrible person forever because of the formative experience with abusive parents

Still no reason to turn into a slut, you whore.

yea but we'll always love you

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>Life sucking in elementary school because I was different and didn't have friends, waited for middle school for it to all change
>Life sucking in middle school because I was different and didn't have friends, waited for high school for it to all change
>Life sucking in high school because I was different and didn't have friends, waited for college
>Life sucking in college

combine this pattern with severe depression + anxiety, eating disorder, and shitty home life. nihilism out the wazoo

I learned to hate the father, step-father and mother of a woman who was very troubled.
No matter how much care and love I'd show her, I don't think it'd be enough. There'd always be that barrier where she thinks of herself as worthless and that hurts me a lot.
It makes me feel terribly weak that I'm unable to help her.

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Thank you anons. :')
I'm sorry to hear that, it's hard to accept love after being told you're unworthy your whole life by the people who are supposed to love and care for you unconditionally. I hope you both can work through that pain.

Are your parents alcoholics or are they just cruel?

Why do fembots identify with doomer girl?

Do you think the lack of friends and attention irl is why you seek attention online in negative ways?

>I hope you both can work through that pain.
No, I couldn't.
It became unbearable for me and I hate myself for it, but I had to pretty much cut contact with her. All we exchanged since then was just two "hellos" and then I was talking with other people around.
I've pondered about it for several weeks what to do and I couldn't see any other way out, without making myself feel more miserable. I don't think I can ever really talk with her again.

Sorry for making this about me, I'll stop already. lol

Obviously I don't know you as a person, but just know there is somebody out there somewhere that would accept you, with all the baggage you have. I can't guarantee you're going to find him though. Or her, if you are into that, which is fine too.
Kids don't deserve to be mistreated by anybody and it takes a whole life of work to fix the damage that others did to you. Please never give up.

I hope you find somebody who shows you how it feels to be loved and truly appreciated one day, fembot.

Games BPD femanons like:

life is strange
persona 5
the new animal crossing game
breath of the wild
night in the woods
pokemon in general, especially mystery dungeon

so true kek

I think girls with BPD should be brutally gang raped, impregnated, and made to bring the child to term. Maybe that way you worthless cunts will learn to stop being overgrown adult babies :-)

Surprisingly no alcohol. My mom is very mentally ill but high functioning and my dad has a lot of anger issues. They won't acknowledge their problems and always took out their frustrations on me.
I guess so. If I had a better upbringing I definitely wouldn't be here posting on r9k.
I do have someone, and I'm starting to see how badly it's affecting him just like it did for you. I don't know what to do, what did you wish she did differently? I want to make changes.
Thank you, same to you.

So games everyone likes?

if i had fit in and flourished i definitely wouldn't be here. but i really just use a trip code because it gets a rise out of people who get mad over little green letters and women. it started as cute positive/encouraging avatarposting but now it's mostly to troll

I don't think this is true ana. You use a tripcode for roughly the same reason you send people nudes: attention.

How does it feel to be ruined, in the sense no decent man wants you?

All you faggots who think they have issues because in 2013 you banged you toe needs to fuck off.

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>How does it feel to be ruined, in the sense no decent man wants you?
You're an asshole, I would love the opportunity to love and support a woman like that.

when have i sent someone nudes? post em if you got em

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fembots, can you at least understand why men on here might find you annoying when you complain about being lonely and yet get so much attention as soon as you mention being a girl?

Don't take the bait,just ignore posters like that

I'm pretty sure men enjoy those vidya and make videos of it. However I did edate a man who gave up vidya to work on college instead so it's less gender related and more what you have to do in life

How is it women's faults when men trample over each other to get their attention?

Moron. They'll forget you within three months if that. These women don't need altruistic love, they need hard discipline and regular beatings.

101%. simping is a plague, and females definitely do come here baiting. Or naive girls that think they're the first females on the planet to discover r9k and post the "tfw no _____ bf" shit.

Danganronpa at least is peak female BPD. Likewise for Persona and AC.

Can you go away and get raped or something?

What do you mean by ruined? The fact that I'm posting on r9k? If you mean sexually that's not the case. The man I'm with now is very decent. Hence my concerns.

>You're an asshole, I would love the opportunity to love and support a woman like that.

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that's a fair point, but I'm more talking about those who clearly know they're going to get responses, have a bunch of guys literally offer to chat and ignore every single one

Well it's an anonymous image board. Those people claiming to be women that ignore men that ask for contact could just as easily be bored men wanting to get easy (you's). Girls that actually want to talk would be smart enough to not post their own contact information that isn't a throwaway on here

>The man I'm with now is very decent
Then let him find somebody who isn't a basket case. I've seen too many good men's lives get ruined by insane women.

>I do have someone, and I'm starting to see how badly it's affecting him just like it did for you. I don't know what to do, what did you wish she did differently? I want to make changes.
I don't want to give any wrong advice, because a romantic or friendly relationship is a very delicate thing. It's especially fragile if there is an unbalance, like one having way more problems than the other or one not reciprocating the feelings of the other. It highly depends on who each of you is and how you think of eachother.

I can only speak from the perspective where she was the one with the mental issues and unable to reciprocate romantic feelings.

Probably the most important question is, do you think/know he loves you or does he see you as just a friend? If he truly loves you, he will try to see past your faults and see all the good inside you. Whatever he likes about you, he will focus on that. He will still try his best to understand your problems and "shortcomings". I suggest analyzing eachother together. Have in-depth talks, so you can comprehend the situation.
Everytime you talk negatively about yourself, he will feel a sting in his heart and sometimes even experience anger at you to some degree. He doesn't want you to hate yourself. What kind of person is he, if he likes somebody who hates herself? He might be asking himself that question at some point. Not hating yourself does not mean you can't talk with him about negative feelings. Just please don't say things like "haha I'm worthless". Because it hurts him every single time. When he offers you reasonable help, accept it.

Ultimately, it all depends on the kind of relationship you two have. These are just my feelings.

I'm going to bed now.

Probably when I was 9. I know I still have things better than most people but it was at that point I realised I wasn't going to have a normal social life and be like my older siblings and stuff. Still I try to make the most of things and I'm in a better headspace than I used to be. All in all life could be worse, so I'm grateful.

You are a ugly huge cumgurgling dumpster slut. No wonder your family hates you.

Why do so many damaged girls turn to casual sex as a way to cope when by all accounts it just makes you feel more miserable?

What about Dark Souls 1 and Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin?

Kys you disgusting piece of trash. Nobody wants you anyway.

question 2: Do you sympathise with the loneliness men face and talk about on this board?

i wasnt the poster who said my family hated me friendo

Honestly, I think a lot of us just want to be raped. For me, I know I'm so worthless that I deserve to be raped and it turns me on weirdly. Knowing that I'm serving my purpose. I sure as hell don't deserve a decent man.

why do you feel you won't ever have a social life? at least you're more positive than most about it.

totally. i understand and respect how different that aspect of life is for malebots.

>Nobody wants you anyway.
I'm aware.

Well I'm sure they do anyway

Ok, LARPing incel.

Why does it anger girls on Yas Forums so much when you remind them that their dads hate them and wish they'd never been born?

>ugly but has sex

This is a new kind of insult, if she's ugly why are men having sex with her? Try harder and add some minor details. Not simping. Your insults need work


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Certain things in my life make it difficult to make friends and stuff.
>at least you're more positive than most about it.
I think I'd go crazy if I solely focused on the negative things in life.
It doesn't anger me so much as confuse me. My dad provides almost everything for me and lets me stay at home with no expectation of paying rent or anything like that. We have a very good relationship.

>It doesn't anger me so much as confuse me. My dad provides almost everything for me and lets me stay at home with no expectation of paying rent or anything like that. We have a very good relationship.
and you pay him back by e-whoring?

his little girl, the person whose virginity HE should have the right to take.

I don't e-whore though. I just give insight into stuff when asked, like in this thread.
>the person whose virginity HE should have the right to take
That's a very strange way of viewing father-daughter relationships.

>That's a very strange way of viewing father-daughter relationships.

Father / Daughter relationships have a lot of sexual tension since you're a younger, hotter version of your mom.

I think you've seen too much porn user. There's no sexual tension between my dad and I.

Hitting 25 and still being a disgusting fat virgin who does teenage shit like cutting. Never going to get married and have kids. Probably going to kill myself at 30.
But I know this thread is just for anons to larp flirt with dudes/whores pretending to be a hot doomer gf i'm so sad depressed teenager uwu so whatever.

>that feel when no fembot to save

I used to know a teenage femanon who did the "UwU" shit, if it means anything, you sound like a more bearable person than she is.

No, this is now a cuntoid hate thread.

Fembots dont exist and you arent welcome on my board
>Daddy didnt love me
>Chad wont fuck me
>Chds friends spit roasted me again
>Fucked another guy off tinder
>OMG pregnant
>Only 50 orbiters on discord
>My pussy smells
Is that why you became an e-whore?
SIMP faggots
Shut, tits then GTFO slutoid.
>if i had fit in and flourished i definitely wouldn't be here
You shouldnt be here. Fuck off cuntoid.
>How does it feel to be ruined, in the sense no decent man wants you?
>If you mean sexually that's not the case. The man I'm with now is very decent.
>My life is so fucked
>Oh but I have a bf and have heaps of sex


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