Creepy Fembots

So who is the biggest femperv on Yas Forums? Surely the innocent maidens of Yas Forums would not be among them. Surely.

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>innocent maidens
>Yas Forums

lol, most of these sluts do nothing but exchange nudes and discords. You would be hard pressed to find any worthwhile female on here.

i am sure they all masturbate to rape hentais, forced porns, bbc gangbang and shit like that.

I masterbate to the memories of being molested and raped by my older cousin when I was younger

This. They are excessively depraved, even by female standards.

Most of them are guys, who post pic of fems from porn sites.

And most don't post or respond on discord.
It's why females on r9k don't exsist.

>tfw no Yas Forums fembot who masturbates to bestiality porn

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>You would be hard pressed to find any worthwhile female on here.
It's like looking for a diamond in the sewer. Sure, some dumb bitch flushed her engagement ring down the toilet, But good fucking luck finding it.

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Not me but my friend has a horse bf, she's pretty perverted I guess.

Let me take a wild guess, She's white.

why don't you also get a horse bf

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Yeah she's white. Lives alone so has the privacy to do it.

I wouldn't want that because it's illegal! Absolutely not for me, just my friend.

Her name begins with a Y, but she adopted an awful 'online' persona and prowls r9k for orbiters to fawn over her while her obese cuck boyfriend sweats in a corner

what the fuck is wrong with your brain

I do not know I was drunk the first time I did it and cried afterward

She's a female human.

Holy fucking shit I never realized how much I want a perverted fembot friend to talk to until now

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I knew a girl who stalked someone who lived near her from details she found on him through archives

They surely wouldn't send me any nudes, right? No way they would do that, they wouldn't be appreciated anyway. They wouldn't send Amarali#8088 any nudes for sure!

>Thinking there's actually girls on Yas Forums that aren't just LARPing men
You people really are retarded, aren't you

you're probably doing it to feel like you're in control of it

>there's millions of lonely men who wants nothing more than to love and care for a woman
>some random white bitch: I'm fucking my horse owo

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That ain't how you get nudes, chief

that is so fucking hot how fucked up that is

To be honest, I might be stupid, but nothing feels like the correct way. Do you have any better ideas than my shitty one? And I ask that seriously.

I think you are right user it was also a time in my life before my parents went through a nasty divorce so I think I miss those times too

I did that before too. Waste of time, he was a pussy

Meet people in real life or on dating apps. Sorry to break it to you but you're not going to find girls on Yas Forums.

In my experience, you have to get to know the girls on here before they just give you nudes most of the time. It helps if you don't expect nudes and just treat them like human beings (I know I'll get shit on for that last remark).

do you do it a lot or do you only do it if you feel like shit:?

It is mostly when I drink and going through a hard time. I think about it a lot when I am having guy problems. It was my first sexual experience. I am going to see a therapist I think.

what is it about female psychology that makes them get off to being abused? is it the abuse specifically or just because it was your first time? i know a guy that was raped by a woman for his first time and he has that fetish now, but women seem to really get off on being abused and used in general even if it didn't happen to them.

Because women are worthless and the know it. Being used by superior men makes them feel like they have a purpose.

You probably should see a therapist. If CBT doesn't work insight therapy might.

because they're submissive and many of them have this in-built thing where they want a guy to force himself on her. it's a pretty fucked up sexual thing and it's probably some type of adaption for them being rape fodder for a very long time

when we were young i was touching my sister's ass while she's asleep and even forcefully fingered her ass by capturing her under my arm. wonder if she gets off to these :/

Because many women do experience physical and mental abuse, but also have the societal pressure of being pretty and submissive

I do it to monsters. They can be ganfbang raping me or me raping them doesn't rly matter. Either way. So long as they are non human.

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Why the attraction to non-humans?

i get the feeling in the past women used to have fantasies about getting raped by demons

Honestly I was molested as a child. First time it happened I was 3 only a few times at that toddler age by a girl child who was a few years older than me. I think that it preped my low self esteem and fragile victim lookingness for when I was about 9 to ten or 11 (memories rly foggy) and then got molested by a non blood family member in his 60s. Then as a teenager my first time having sex was rape. I think I just developed some kind of disgust at humans. Even the ones I like I find some sort of cognitive tricks to pretend they are different & superior (like me hurrrrrr), or I'm more likely to accept them if they enjoy being viewed that way. Funny thing is that with monsters it can't rly be rape. Have you ever heard a girl say something like 'its not rape if he's hot enough'? I feel the same way just I have a different definition of hot compared to the regular person...

I used to spy on my brother when he had sex with his girlfriend. Kinda regret it, kinda don't.

Not fembot, but basically this. Non-humans feel safer

That makes an unfortunate amount of sense. Would you please elaborate on what makes a person or monster "different & superior"?

i often masturbate to my teenage, female cousin

They ain't you.

is your brother a chad? were you jealous?

Pretty sure I know who this is. Fucked up

How often is this monomaniacal masturbation?

I'm a nudist and masturbate alot, wouldn't really call myself a femperv for that.

Not really, by all measures he should probably be a robot but he dates a girl from his dnd group. She's actually really pretty in fairness. I wasn't jealous so much as curious.

Do you have a garden to frolic in? Or cool pond?

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Would you enjoy other voyeuristic opportunities or do you think this was a one off?

To be honest I'm not sure how to answer. One of the last guys I developed feelings for I was convinced that we both heard one of the same voices. The more I tried to push and prod the more confused he seemed and didnt want to talk about it eventually. But the ability to connect with that being in particular really did me in. Because this voice (really makes more sense to call it an enetity/being cos it doesn't rly speak) means a lot to me. I somehow thought we could get to know each other deeper through our shared understanding of who that being is. Btw he's a very good/helpful spirit.

With someone else many years ago I started to develop feelings simply because I thought he was capable of accepting my real gender which is none binary. But no.

Still another more recent guy I started to develop feelings because he shared the monster fetish but with him too it didn't work out.

I'm sure you can tell how sane I am.

I'm sorry that happened.
It gets better.

What's monomaniacal masturbation?

I have a small little garden. A pond would equal mosquitoes, and fuck that noise.

Not if you have a fountain. The moving water keeps them away.

I think it was probably a one off. It was hardly even a sexual thing to me, it's difficult to explain.

That is really intense. Fascinating though.

Masturbation obsessed with a single topic.

Do you ever wear a flower garland?