user's favorite thread? Post em boys
User's Favorite
Template for user's favorite
Pretty fucking based, down to the pokemon but Walter Mitty and iCarly aren't doing you any favors.
absolutely based all around, my friend. except for that porn, tsk tsk tsk
based Vanilla Coke drinker
The thing is I actually like those things instead of trying to fit in by putting something groupthink. Norm is pretty based tho
It was a really hard choice for me to put Deus Ex over half-life, half-life is definitely has more enjoyable gameplay but dx will redpill the uninitiated (me). I like the choice of weapon, user.
>Kenny Vs. Spenny
based af
I need to watch TV or something I am so fucking boring
that took a lot fucking longer to fill out than i thought it would
based instrument
I don't have any favorites orig
This faggoty thread again...
>Fender Jazzmaster
right back at you, buddy. based beyond belief
I believe in you, user. Just put together things you like. You don't need to have a thesis statement to defend the things you like, just post em.
based straight shota fan
I'm on mobile with no editing shit so here
Country-Scotland (I'm from here)
Vidya- csgo
Movie- ready player one
Band- either blink182 or ACDC
Album- dookie by Green Day
TV show- bojack horseman
Instrument- ukuleles are cool
Cartoon- south park
Anime- konosuba
Book- ready player one
Weapon- ak47 or Famas
Vehicle- Tesla model x
Porn- hentai
Superhero- spoodercunt
Pokemon- umbreon
Celeb- Elon musk
Politician- Stalin
Comedian- frankie Boyle
Hobby- fixing computers
Drug- weed
Alcohol- strongbow or Smirnoff vodka
Food- pizza
Soft drink- dr pepper
Location- my room
Animal- cats
yay i have been muted for 2 seconds because my comment was not original.
>tfw this took fucking forever
>favorite movie
>the secret life of walter mitty
Why is it only pretentious retards list this as their favorite movie
Actual faggot
it's messy looking but here
I got lazy halfway through, sorry.
Beatles and Twin Peaks are good.
Don't know about the rest.
Interpol, Half Life, and guitar are cool. So are the Venture Bros.
I like the capeshit image for the superhero option too.
Why do you all pick Jazzmasters as your instrument of choice though? Little gay.
Finally, a Stratocaster.
Nice trips, but Keanu Reeves is a bit of a Reddit celeb, no?
this was hard om :}
based and top tier album
what's that
please be my gf pretty please butiful lady
The model of guitar that you (presumably) posted. Everyone else posted Jazzmaster guitars.
so are we forming a band or what?
>Everyone else posted Jazzmaster guitars.
fuck you, i love my Jaguar to death, you gotta notice the differences in pickups
>When you're so boring you can't even fill out half the chart
>waaah joos bad wypipo must be brotected!!!
Shut the fuck up nazi germany normalfaggot. Go back to Yas Forums and let brown people tell you how to think
Based Over the Garden Wall and baking
Okay, but we need a drummer.
Oh shit I meant to change that. I did used to be Yas Forums fag you are correct. Thanks for reminding me to change it, brother.
I love City Connection too.
I realised shortly after starting just how autistic this is. Is it normal to have FAVOURITES of your CONSUUMING genre?
>25 from UK
Dont watch porn anymore so not sure why I filled that one out. Also watched fight club for the first time about a month ago so its my favourite film atm, it changes quickly. Favourites for me are fleeting, they change on how Im feeling at certain points in my life.. Its dynamic
Bam bam
Cheers mate
forgot pic because im dumb
Im making a conscious effort to stop CONSUUMING so I dont really identify with a lot of these. Like favourite drink? Senpai I drink water and coffee almost exclusively. Same with food, I dont really pine for anything. I like loads of different foods. Depends who cooks it. Theres no 'best food' for me
+twin peaks
+apocalypse now
+robin williams
+twin peaks
+bill hicks
+next gen
-paul mcartney
+hitchhikers guide
+ fight club
fl studio isnt exactly an instrument
holy shit i fucked that
gender - f
Country - norway
Vidya - csgo
Movie - kill your darlings
Band - suicideboys
Album- in the aeroplane over the sea
TV show- breaking bad
Instrument- guitar
Cartoon- simpsons
Anime- konosuba
Book- metamorphosis
Weapon- m4a4
Porn- solo male
Superhero- spoodercunt
Pokemon- umbreon
Celeb- Elon musk
Politician- Stalin
Comedian- frankie Boyle
Hobby- fixing computers
Drug- weed
Alcohol- strongbow or Smirnoff vodka
Food- pizza
Soft drink- dr pepper
Location- my room
Animal- cats
fuck i just copy pasted and overlooked all the ones after porn
ok if its not clear
vidya - pokemon crystal
movie - lost in translation
band - death grips
album - 98.12.28 fishmans
tv- limmys show
instrument - harpejji
cartoon - tatami galaxy
anime - evangellion
book - anne frank
weapon - music
vehicle - feet
porn - no
superhero - no
pokemon - azumarill
celebrity - steve albini
politician - trotsky
comedian - bill hicks
hobby - music
drug - weed
alchohol - heineken
food - noodles
soft drink - dr pepper
location -edmonton
animal - bun
I think this is the only "user's Favorite" I've ever seen where every single thing is consistently bad, congratulations on your exceptionally poor taste
Breaking bad is based though
Wow that took a while and was fucking pointless.
gender - m
Country - usa
Vidya - fortnite
Movie -dark knight
Band - none
Album- none
TV show- the office
Instrument- piano
Cartoon- south park
Anime- konosuba
Book- none
Weapon- none
Porn- overwatch
Superhero- batman
Pokemon- charizard
Celeb- none
Politician- none
Comedian- none
Hobby- shitposting
Drug- none
Alcohol- none
Food- burger
Soft drink- red bull
Location- none
Animal- cats
most disgusting chart I have ever seen
Fucking based user.
>user's favorite thread? Post em boys
old one is close enough
good album, but im more of a TCFSR kinda guy myself.
really wanna play doom eternal but i dont got money :( .
i also thought that was the most presentable burger on google images.
whoops, forgive me, forgot image.
You took my original idea for superhero. Also straight shota is based
These are my tastes, have fun tearing them to shreds.
>Susumu Hirasawa
You are based
limmy's show was my second choice for tv show, and limmy himself was second place for comedian
Based film and based Hermes e Renato. I'm also a paulista
oh I just posted a random electric guitar lol
I don't play music but I have always liked the sound
how do you do fellow war thunder bro
I'm boring and don't have preferences
Most based
Took me 3 hours
Nicht schlecht gar nicht schlecht,ihr deutschen habt doch ein bisschen Geschmack
60 watt light bulbs are brighter than my future
Eternal just came out my guy kek. But Im guessing you really like it for it to be your fav. Personally think 2016 is only better just cuz of the SSG
so am i a faggot?
that's actually a based instrument
t. Mexican