*giggling intensifies*, edition
Am I gonna fined if I go out shopping for pepsi and ice cream lads?
pissed off with myself
missed doing squats so today I clean and jerked 60kg onto my back and did a set of 12, easy
but I just spent 10 mins trying to do it again and couldn't manage to clean the weight properly
how did I manage it once but can't do it again?
I can feel my fitness motivation leaving my soul as we speak.. save me /britfit/...
fuck sake boris why did you have to announce the lockdown this evening rather than earlier in the day so people can get some answers as to what exactly will be open
first for lockdown choons
Imagine the concept of being arrested just for going outside. Fucking hell lads what is this timeline?
>decide to check out Alex Jones for the memes
>he's shilling his 'The Real Pill' supplement as a treatment to the virus
holy shit to think l used to have some respect for this nutter
lads I haven't left my uni accommodation yet, am I stuck?
>britain in 2 weeks
Gathering for funerals : still allowed.
So is now a good time to tent up in some bumfuck nowhere area in the highlands so I don't have to sit in my four walls like a prisoner all day?
Old folks anthem
It's a time line with a global fucking pandemic, Ian.
l know mate 1984 is real lets all go out and lick strangers fight the power
Business idea: all say we'll meet Amer somewhere, he goes there, we obviously don't bother, and the police arrest him for being out without an excuse.
>'The Real Pill'
The Real Red Pill*
its a fucking FLU. A FLU
Who wants corona so they can just get it over and done with. I'll come over and shag your arse for free, 100% transmission that way.
Nah it's essential you get home. Check the timetables for shit though as will probably be disrupted.
>being old
Why is this allowed again? Logan's Run utopia when?
vitamins do help with the flu
>b-but you have to stay inside!
For now yes. Enjoy lad.
Just seen coronavirus going 100mph in a Ford Mondeo southbound down the M6
sure but you can buy vitamins from any shop cheap as fuck you dont need some meme overpriced supplement that idiots are gonna take thinking it's a magic cure
Don't worry lads the UK has good Internet infrastructure I wouldn't worry. The networks have already said they aren't even near capacity and that Europe are being a bunch of pussies.
We need to send some of the lads down Scarborough to protect Ebin, while there's still time. If we lose him then Britfeel is as good as finished.
He's gonna start attacking any non-locals so no thanks
living for the tunes lads sadly got now cans tonight fucking gutted
You will end up bringing the virus home to your parents you idiot. They could die. You need to shelter in place.
>a young person moving in with some old people for no reason
Don't think so. The government advice is clear. You can only leave the house for the reasons they stated. Moving house isn't one of them.
4 litres of Jamesons whisky, 8 rolls of bog roll, Rice, few kgs of potatoes, Venison in the freezer and the .22 rifle by my armchair.
Life by myself in a bungalow in bum fuck no where about 5 miles from the nearest shop.
Good luck with the apocalypse boys
london looks so much nicer without the crowds of people
Had coronavirus round for a chat. Not as much of a bad bloke as he's made out to be. Very unjust representation in the media
>youre supposed to only go food shopping every 10 days
Yeah because that's going to work in uni halls where we are given a tiny fucking fridge and freezer to share between 6 people. Fucking cunts live in a bubble.
I am willing to lose a few lads to his rage as long as he's protected.
>You will end up bringing the virus home to your parents you idiot
I never go out lad even pre wuflu lad.
>simps getting ripped
pretty based if you ask me, fuckem, Alex was always a pill pusher
Few years and I'll be classed an a OAP, if I survive this first pandemic.
Good little serf. Give 'im a dog biscuit, Boris!
>covid fucked my chances at going out on a second date
>still no gf
might just fucking end it lads
group of youts in york hopping cars got banked up by police
shall I whip my willy out, lads?
Ah well you'll be allowed out of uni for food stuffs and the like.
You lads got your respirators, right?
First the media turns on Jimmy Savile, now Coronavirus. It's not on
Just buy some flour along with it. Or even, make ice cream and fizzy at home.
might just have a wank i'm so fucking bored
7 days till riots
It doesn't matter. You aren't going anywhere. Sorry lad.
If I'm not out before April 4th I have to pay rent for third semester, reckon I might head out and if my family dies, so be it.
>American Martial Law memes are back
based. Missed this since Obama
Nope, need to wait till bennies day tomorrow.
Is amazon closed?
Honestly, the police and army should just shoot any fucker breaking the rules.
>Eat meat once every 10 days
>Be vegetarian 9 days out of 10
Lol fuck that. Along with the #stayathomebigot, it sounds like a ploy to deplete my dopamine and make us into fat, depressed media-consoomers.
>lockdown choons
Video call her and date over WiFi. She'll find it cute.
Watching Snatched and sold for sex on Channel 5 lads
love a choon
i've got a really dry mouth right now lads
lmao how are single normies going to go 3 weeks without shagging
Just being silly with these corona jokes lads. can't speak for others but I'm just trying to lighten the mood.
Looks like you've got corona mate, gonna have to put you down.
>might head out
Good luck, you walking home? Because you certainly aren't getting back any other way
Me mams picking me up.
If I am having a walk in the park and not going within a hundred meters of anyone, how exactly am I endangering anyone or myself? If I am forced to stay in my house and fully snap, it's gonna be much worse
Cyber sex crimes set to rise
Holy fuck, with this lockdown worldwide and everyone on the internet, there will actually be internet police.
you gave me a giggle, you're doing a good job lad
So... that's us stuck in until the 13th April at the earliest then?
*twiddles his thumbs and stares at the clock*
Is my birthday tomorrow lads. BoJo y
>Cyber sex crimes
How are these even real lmao like close your eyes, turn off the computer
Alri Sp's bro
You're a nice normie lad only a matter of time till you get on.
The coronavirus will be our time. The isolation shall turn all of the normies into robots!
Because if a million other people wanted to do the same its not a lockdown anymore is it
Just turn the webcam off and stop wanking bro.
Having a beer, lads. Is it gonna fuck my immune system?