
Several weeks of wanking, playing vidya and shitposting to look forward to edition

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Grinding Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 18 hours a day Edition

based High Wycombe mentioned

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B and M were selling toilet rolls today lads, loads of people walking out with 2 though. Wonder how long the shortage will last for.


this ones a laugh and based

fucking hoodlums man

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i managed to get two 4 packs in tesco earlier today

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Had a shot of that the other night on your recommendation, it was ok, wasn't immediately drawn to it though. Tbf I probably didn't give it long enough.

>housemate bought reduced chicken chowmein yest
>was stinking the fridge out, had it for dinner tonight
>house absolutely stinks
hope it hadn't gone off

please nubsy, i just want to know what colour your knickers are

Properly thought it said benis when I read this
in southern nigeria which Portuguese had visited especially the benins

>pokemon subject on mastermind

fucking hell

>stinking the fridge out
>house absolutely stinks
>hope it hadn't gone off
hope you've got plenty of loo roll lad

Stay house, no! You say you wan club, now club don club you, you are saying security people should beef up

All Greggs closing tomorrow.

Perhaps the darkest day in Norf history.

be a right laugh to put a britfeel ad on nairaland, cant imagine it would cost much

carol vorderman is my milf-fu

What about you lad?

Ello ello lids i'm watching a broROGAN podcast and finishing off my omlette

had a comfy day playing battlefront 2 and shitposting

what you boys bee doing

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really is just like this place

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Fair lad, mystery dungeon games are pretty niche and just cause it has pokemang don't mean you'll like it
Any noseslaw qs?

>To place ads on Nairaland, the first step is to get your ad banner designed by a good graphic designer. Your ad banner must be borderless, 318 pixels wide, 106 pixels tall, less than 30kb in size, and in the PNG or JPG format. Once it's ready, go to www.nairaland.com/campaign and click (Upload Ad) to upload your banner ad and landing page, and wait for approval. (Your ad might not be approved if it's deceptive or illegal or morally questionable in some way).

>no greggs, footie or going down to the pub for at least 4 weeks
Big Baz's house is a ticking time bomb right now

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>morally questionable

Gets better when the afrocentric starts to seeth over the greyboy dude


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So what will this lockdown actually consist of? Police and army men on the streets arresting those without hall passes? Blockades on motorways? Shutting down airports?Forceful detaining of suspected infected? No car travel unless you can provide proof of essential business?

Don't be stupid and we could get a genuine ad here. This could be funny.

i imagine there'll be hefty fines for people who go outside without a good reason

Fucking keking meself lads keep 'em coming this is the quality content we need atm

Most Africans think Yas Forums is weird and scary and full of racist white people.

Checking out this thread of a new migrant in the UK. lnteresting to see what they say in their own corner of the net

haha lol norfs lmao kek

nothing you can see me swede and potatoes. do you wear cute knickers nubs nubs?

holy shit is this new? great stuff

>Haven't heard much about Newcastle, how beautiful is that place. If anyone has been there please share photos

We don't have to do it for Yas Forums.
could do 1 for britnormies adverts n bullshit corp or something.

*prepares for the britfeel towers lockdown by drowning the retarded apus*

>You alone wears the shoe and know where it pinches

>I can be confident and I can make conversation with women, especially in a club environment, I've talked to women in clubs a couple of times and in college when I was a munter I got approached a couple of times but was too awkward to capitalise on it
>I've been told by friends and some girls that I am facially attractive.

In all likelihood then mate you will be able to get laid easily. You'll probably even get a gf. It's only the ugly, sperg or completely mediocre dudes I was talking about.

didnt even know nigerians had like computers and internet and that

thought they all lived in mud huts

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Woah lads, amazing memes real high brow content 10/10

*dumps a bag of estradiol powder in the britfeel towers water supply*
haha i proper love playing pranks me

forrun pokemons out
keep galar galish

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Nigeria is pretty decent as far as Africa goes. Have the biggest amount of Internet users in Africa

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They invented underground cable networks because all the lions kept playing with the above ground wires confusing it with string. FACT.

>I am in the part of England known as East Anglia, it is a beautiful place, layed back and free of the congestion and razzmatazz of London.

Me? I'm having a nice sweaty wank right now. Simple as.

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yer fukkin wot lod ill go wer ah want

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you can look around nigeria on google maps streetview a bit

looks like a proper shithole desu but quite good for africa, at least they have concrete roads

What one? the Duncan Trussell one was good, shame you didn't start Battlefront 2 a while ago would have played with you.

I've been trying to sign back on but I don't have my security key anymore and I'm too scared to ring and get a new one

wat do yer mean ah onleh wun one peeh? tell ya whut ill spark yah out Noel and yer big pink bloobeh mate

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Bojo giving a statement at 8:30pm.

The fat Tory bastard will probably announce a lockdown. Only two weeks late.

lts the same story as a lot of developing nations. Middle class upwards live pretty good lives but the gap in wealth gets larger and the lower classes live in shit

Ok so how the fuck do I propose a first date with a gorl without coming off as forced, especially with the whole lockdown ting.

Matched on tinder a few days ago, been chatting, going Well. I'm just a fucking anxious train wreck.

Also any date ideas are welcomed lads.

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is the UK really going to go into lockdown? how am i meant to see my long distance teen bf?

How did you end up with a normie female flatmate? Is it just you two in the flat or are there others? And why are you such a pushover?

Reckon ive got quite a good immune system from eating my bogies all these years

> dating in the middle of a fucking pandemic

Cor, I bet her carer sniffs her panties

for fuck sake ahm not walkin' dat far, Sammy, can weh not get a taxi?

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>is the UK really going to go into lockdown? how am i meant to see my long distance teen bf?

Just straight up ask her. Trust me, they really appreciate it that way, and it isn't awkward. If she actually likes you or wants to get to know you, she'll be very happy with how upfront you are about it.

Take her out for cocktails and drinkies

>work at Argos
>literally the only place in town apart from supermarkets and chemists that is still open

>26 cases in Dudley
>31 in Sandwell
>69 in Wolverhampton
>37 in Walsall
>137 in Birmingham

Who is this? Looks so much like a girl I know I'm pretty sure it's not but still can't find anything on google

They've just sent an epg update down. BBC programming has been replaced by an emergency broadcast on bbc1 5min speech.

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and I live in the midlands

>Looks so much like a girl I know I'm pretty sure it's not
It isn't, no.

Spoons is closed m8

>no spoons
>no greggs

What's the point in living.

Alright, greatly appreciate that homie, would I be better off just planning something for after this whole thing has blown over Or?

dont care happooner virgin

Make the cocktails, mohitos are ez

you now have an excuse to skip the dating and go straight for the shagging

have you seen theyve finally started knocking down cavendish house
good riddance

they'll close it and deploy you to sainsburys
one winning team and all that

I'm not even too interested in the shagging, sure there's an aspect but like, I want to do normal things, fully clothed things with her. What the fuck

The common folk in the north of England are fat and stupid, unlike me.

don't be so selfish, what if my kettle breaks in the middle of this crisis