I hope everyone is doing well today, what is everyone plans today? It is very warm today now that spring has arrived. I miss the snow and cold weather.
I hope everyone is doing well today, what is everyone plans today? It is very warm today now that spring has arrived...
Dying because of loneliness
You're not alone, you have Yas Forums and me.4 What is bothering you user.
Trying to get myself to practice guitar, write something, cover something, anything.. but the heartache making it hard to breath or focus on anything.
Very nice user, what're you currently drinking. I just took some cough medicine as I was coughing up blood earlier.
Ah guitar, that is nice I should get mine sometime but I currently do not have it. What kind do you have, what music do you play? Why are you hurting user. Personally, I miss playing drum kit..
The golden stream man haha, no thats not a piss fetish but actual beer.
Damn man wtf coughing blood? Isnt a bit more serious than cough medicine can handle?
For a moment I thought you were referring to a piss fetish... Good to know its just some brew name that was an interesting name.
Eh its been on and off the past few weeks. I am sure it will eventually go away. I can't afford to go to a doctor currently. Maybe it is just stress.
day is almost over here, just watch a few movies and sleep
>I should get mine sometime but I currently do not have it
Get one a cheapo one that feels good for you and see if you really like it/interested in it or just for the meme.
>What kind do you have
Couple of electrics (8's, 7's and 6's, mostly play 8), couple of acoustic Taylor's and a cheapo no brand classical one that sounds and plays surprisingly good after some fret work.
I usually post my autistic snippets in /creative/
>what music do you play?
Autistic tech-death and generally shredy techy stuff (short attention span)
>Why are you hurting user
Age and loneliness.
>I miss playing drum kit..
Never liked playing them, but I always appreciate a good drummer, the more autistic and technical the better.
What movies user?
I have a fender strat, spent $660 on it but just not into it right now, too exhausted.
I enjoy playing mainly doom metal or metal in general, grunge too and sometimes rarely classic country or military marches on snare.
How old are you user, I am lonely currently too. Guess eventually it will fade or get less heavy. I have a short attention span too.
On the menu for tonight is Centurion and Pitch Black
dom, if you're reading this then go fuck yourself sideways
Isn't dom from the game dukem nukem' user?
Cute gif.
>I have a fender strat, spent $660 on it
Sounds good, should cover all the music you like to play/want to write.
>just not into it right now, too exhausted.
Same, but it's the only semi working cope and activity that I still like.
>I enjoy playing mainly doom metal or metal in general, grunge too and sometimes rarely classic country or military marches on snare
Easy stuff, Try practicing a month for 3sec part of autistic tech-death solo and then another 3 months to get the song tight and clean.
Now write the most autistic shit you can come up with for a solo project and never finish it nor release it, Stop playing for 2 years, Start playing again and discover that not only you have no idea how you wrote it but also no idea how you played it in the first place.
>How old are you user
>I am lonely currently too. Guess eventually it will fade or get less heavy.
I hope so, for both of our sakes.
>what is everyone plans today?
Going to wash my bedsheets. Been having sinus congestion and pain lately, I don't think it's corona though.
I want to get back into playing bass clarinet again but even the used ones on ebay look so expensive. I miss band.
>I want to get back into playing bass clarinet again but even the used ones on ebay look so expensive. I miss band.
That must be fun user, I miss playing percussion and Jazz band when I was in high school years ago. Were you good?
I hope you feel better user.
One day maybe, I feel like eventually everyone leaves.
I was good enough. Bass clarinet parts are easier compared to normal clarinets. How was playing percussion?
Percussion was nice, I was not that good honestly as my coordination was not up to par. Isn't bass a larger instrument, how are you today? I miss playing military marches on snare though, jazz hits. The only times my life had meaning was when I was playing music.
chups is the only good glt poster
I just enjoy making glt threads, it is a great series and nice art from tkmiz.
I just woke up so I'm feeling kinda groggy so far. I always thought percussion was hard considering all the percussion kids would always get chewed out by the band director. Bass is larger but because you can rest it on the floor like a cello you don't feel the weight.
Do you miss playing it, what was your favorite scores to play? Are you learning anything else. I've been up for quite sometime hope you feel better soon. Percussion did a lot, I did because I would fuck up at times in timing.
I really miss it. I loved playing the christmas-themed scores and there was this one millitary-themed score that sounded like two jets having a dog-fight, I forget what it was called. Not learning anything atm. Spent of a lot of time doing homework while pretending to make marks on the music, it was great.
I also loved Christmas scores and really that sounds neat, if you can find that song let me know. Any plans for today? I miss it at times, although I know looking back, I was not that good it was very entertaining.
i love the potato moeblobs!
I am now in the mood for Potato dishes
last week i got a bag of cut potatos from trader joe's and didn't realize they were moldy till like the 6th spoonful i ate
Fuck psychosis man fuckfuckfuckit fuck it with a railroad spike a d set it on fire like my stupid brain
Haven't seen them here in awhile
I don't recall who this is even though a lot of people made GLT threads. I miss them every day. I feel like many stop posting or some commit suicide maybe.
Oh man, are you sick, I ate a lot of raw potatoes and found some to be greenly.
I know this feeling, I can only describe it as permanent drunkenness.
Aaaah, I can't find it. I don't know what I'm gonna do today.
I only found these related pieces but they are not as menacing or up-tempo compared to the piece I was talking about.
I miss the threads at times and the friends I made but everything comes to an end eventually. Just get along with hopelessness.
They were posting steam friend threads some time ago
I believe that was just some spammer posting stuff like this, I don't know I haven't been on Yas Forums in months. Although, maybe I am wrong.
How are you user?
nope thankfully not, just had mild indigestion. i was kinda amazed that they sold rotten food though even if it was just a fluke
It is scary how much retailers get away with, glad to hear you are okay, they should be more mindful of it. What are your plans today?
as for the rest of the day's plans? not much. the day is mostly over. all i did today was start my online classes. my friend and i though of an idea to emulate a webcam and put a small 5 second clip of me just sitting idle and then if i need to talk just playing a 2 frame clip of me opening and closing my mouth and then speaking. pretty dumb sounding but i wanted to see how far i could get away with doing it.
you know that is just ch*otic right user
still a good poster nonetheless
That sounds like it could be useful to get away with things or just killing time. Did you do it?
Online is the way here to go now, although I haven't really been to class or studied German since maybe January, too exhausted even though I enjoyed it.
I set up the software necessary and recorded the clips for it but my prof. emailed the class saying not to use your cameras for the class. So i'm going to see if tomorrow's classes require a webcam during lectures/ for participation credit. Also german sounds cool user, I was obsessed with learning it for like a week when i was much younger and then quit, as it's a very challenging language to learn.
Oh really, that is hopefully good using a camera or remote viewing software for online classes sounds like such a pain in the ass and privacy violating in my opinion.
German was okay, I do not see a point anymore and it would take 8 years to reside there, seems like a waste of time and thinking of switching it to something else I am better at learning.
i feel like absolute shit :(
I am sorry user, why are you feeling bad?
Hope you feel better soon.
i want to get high and drunk too but no money unfortunately
I am very stressed out and I do not have any plans just going to do the same shit I do everyday rot away in my apartment play vidya and post here.
That is a shame user, I have a lot of money but nowhere to get drugs... Too dumb to buy them online.
That is how I feel too, stressed out due to life and such but I ignore it by posting here. Just don't care anymore, when I am soon evicted that is when I am finally killing myself. Even gaming and anime, reading does not cut it anymore.
yeah i agree with you there, if all my classes end up not requiring a camera that'll be a relief for sure. you were thinking about moving to germany at one point?
smoke cbd hemp if it's legal in your area, it helps to alleviate those sort of things. its like regular weed but has no psychoactive properties, just helps to relax without getting high.
I am probably getting evicted soon too user my family cut me off and now I can not pay for anything and no one will hire a shut in I can not even pretend to ignore it anymore. I am just really depressed and this is the only place I seem to get any support as sad as that is.
I was planning it but it in all reality isn't going to pan out. All but given up on everything a this point. Can't even get my money back on the ticket I spent $1,200 for a few months ago.
It isn't sad, ignoring the rude posters most people are sympathetic at least. It has to suck, I recently lost my family a month ago due to suicide and having to go on paying everything while under the stress of this virus is making me go insane.
Are there places hiring maybe perhaps near you user?
damn that is really rough user I am sorry to hear about your family that has to be so hard to deal with please stay strong. No-one is hiring anywhere near me everything is closed down and even if they were they would not hire someone who has never had a job and have been a shut in for 8 years. No one wants to take on that kind of risk
I suppose that is true, however a lot of places are placing a hiring freeze. You have rights to stay where you are especially during this pandemic. When are you by change being evicted?
Well I can not pay my rent and I have no idea what the process of eviction is I am assuming soon tho. I really do not know anything about that kind of shit and am too depressed to even try to understand it. I will just rope myself when I get the eviction letter.
I've already received my eviction letter weeks ago, trust me if you're stateside they cant evict during this period, at least it gives you time. Even then, sorry to hear user, most will work with you I am sure wish you luck
bumparo origanali
Oh why are you bumping the thread I'm not the best at conversation.
neither am i user, and yet i must bump. what is your favorite animal, mine's the blue ringed octopus.
I like Panda bears or Squids.