User, why don't you just settle for a 4/10 trad gf?

user, why don't you just settle for a 4/10 trad gf?

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That girl is pretty easily a 6-7/10.

That's a 4? And where the fuck am i supposed to find trad girls?

Because I made an oath to never settle for a 4/10 trad GF until Bill Cosby is free from Prison.

Why would a 4/10 trad gf settle for me.

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>tfw no 4/10 trad gf who take up the ass

You two are originally newfags

>*sigh* looks like your the only one who bothered to show up user

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She's cute, how do you all have her pics?

what do you mean we're all? i'm just one person

I've been on Yas Forums since 2008, and I don't know who the fuck that is.

she's some irrelevant who posted on Yas Forums like one time 10 years ago and niggas won't shut the fuck up about her

Trad women are a meme, 4/10 women still have hundreds of orbiters and they despise 4/10 men.

marky is high 7 if not 8 surly
inb4 >dont call me shurley

Did anyone else see that new Sam Hyde video where he drives around in his car yelling about cops.

You and op
Can't post if it isn't an original comment

They're not a meme and they're really caring people. You can easily find them at christian gatherings and by volunteering

This is getting repetitive. It's not that I wouldn't be fulfilled with a girl who looks like that (I wouldn't considered her any less than 6), she just doesn't desire me, nor do other women.

I probably wouldn't desire her either if I had easy access to many females more attractive than her.

She's 4/10? This girl is at least 6/10, considering various peeferences

Counterpoint: why won't a 4/10 trad gf settle for me?

That is a 0/10, e-thots deserve to die.

I'm not settling for anything less than a 6 lol. I can't even stomach the idea of waking up to a 4 every morning.

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I can't see myself living a woman. That's why.

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>imagine saying marky is anything less than a 9/10

newfag detect

Are you a faggot that thinks Ciara is better than her?

cause she doesnt like me :(((

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As long as she ain't fat or degenerate I'll take

bitch looks like a goblin or a irish girl with fucking down-syndrome

I would set with anyone (female) that truly care for me. Even if she was hideous.

i would wear green everyday for her

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The day you remove her from the pedestal on high and see her as a regular human being is the day she stops having control over your life

and i would wear a fucking red clown nose for marky, but she it atleast worth it.

she deserves control. she is that special. she will remain on her pedistal forever as absolute queen of r9k.

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i hope you kill yourself for calling this goblin lookin ass the queen of r9k while marky is still existing.

What's with all these ewhores wanting to be trad now?

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beautiful goblin queen kasper > J*W M*RKY

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Because, OP, I have only one attempt at life confirmed. Only one. Belay all religions promising eternal afterlife and/or reincarnation. Those are unproven. I know I live only once.

Therefore, I want the most out of that one single life. The best that I can get, and better if I can. I don't want to settle for less because it's the right thing to do, and then spend my life regretting it, thinking how would it be if I had more.

Trad values sound great, sure, but 4/10 not so much. At least 6/10 would be nice, but I wouldn't refuse 11/10 either.

I want more, user. Even if I cannot get it. But I'd rather die fighting for venison chop then live off the bones for the rest of my life.

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sounds gay, just convert to islam and youll get Virgins in paradise.

I cannot believe you got those dubs for that comment. There's so much irony in there you can build an entire fleet of ships from it.

But marky doesn't want to be a trad girl, trad blood has been running through her veins since she was born.
She's the perfect farmgirl gf, she can cook, she makes her hands dirty with goat shit on the daily and is able to train dogs to guard the chickens

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imagine putting on clothes that are this shitty looking and still having the vanity to take pictures of yourself.

marky is always the best choice.Always.


Trad women are easy to find, you just have to look in the right places

"I'd rather have nothing than only good."

Pic related - three virgin Trad girls I met at a church dance my chad brother made me attend.

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i think you can see the place where that fat guy broke her nose after fucking her lmao

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Because I still struggle with masturbation-related sexual sin. I feel, therefore, that I am unworthy of such a thing. After all, if she is expected to withhold herself from sexual sin, why should I not be? As such, I refuse to date at all, lest I corrupt others with my degeneracy.

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I did, and then she broke up with me. Said she didn't need a boyfriend.

user, yours is the best comment itt, it may convince people to have unrealistic expectations, but being highly motivated to make your wishes to come true is commendable.
I hope you're living by those principles, and if you do i really envy you

Yeesh, too attached to her parents?

I honestly fell for this meme multiple times. I'm a fitbro with a good job. Average to above average face. Not a trace of soi. I was part of a smaller Catholic friend group. Shitload of tradwife 4-5/10 material, atleast what appeared to be. I count myself a 7/10 atleast and in that group was a subjective 9/10. Dated two of them and holy fuck. Tradwife is a meme. They were all infected with feminism to the max but just thought that they weren't which made it worse.

Ended up marrying a tomboy big titty goth girl who is actually based as fuck but you wouldn't know it. Never ever date someone out of your league, even if that means dropping to a lower league, they will resent you for it and the majority of women are infected with feminism anyway regardless if they appear based or not.

youd perfer if she wore no cloths then? and i like that outfit fag.

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I wouldn't mind my children having jew blood if i could marry a cutie like right

something like that, yea.

No, she frequently had nosebleeds cause of meds she was taking at the time. She's not that unpure fag
I wish she would post more nosebleed pics, they're so cute uwu

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They're all Catholic. Super nice. I thought the one in the middle was the prettiest

Lots of delusion going on here

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Good facial structure, thats a 7 for me

>Ended up marrying a tomboy big titty goth girl who is actually based as fuck but you wouldn't know it. Never ever date someone out of your league, even if that means dropping to a lower league, they will resent you for it and the majority of women are infected with feminism anyway regardless if they appear based or not.

You're a fucking stupid idiot.

>Never ever date someone out of your league
There ARE NO women out of *my* league you weak fuck

I wish they'd date me too fags but lets get real here and set realistic goals

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they say im a dreamer, but im not the only one...

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shamelessly copying marky's hair

Why are you mooks mooning over JoJo the Chimp Girl?

it looks better on her

cause she is so beautiful and kind. inside and out she is platonic perfection.

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The fact that the male version of her would get 0 female attention while you exist proves the 90/10 rule.