Boy confesses his feelings to me over text

>boy confesses his feelings to me over text
>I tell him no
>he replies with "Okay."
>debating whether to upload our conversation to the NiceGuys subreddit

Should I?

Attached: 1584792733952.jpg (1432x1604, 991.73K)

That's one of those cute nip cartoon girls you've posted, thanks for posting I'm downloading her now.

Fuck off and die normalfag
Yas Forums is for social outcasts only
redditors will hang

Attached: 1582096708946.png (728x702, 311.35K)

>bully vulnerable individuals
>shocked that there are so many mass shootings
I swear normalfags are fucking retarded.

what did you want him to say???


I dunno, something that can't easily be interpreted as sounding moody and irritated?

it's hard to not be moody and irritated after being shot down
just cut your losses and move on

no please dont bully him hed be even sadder

femanon can i please be your boyfriend?

>"okay" is moody and irritated

Stop reading into things.

Niga just acknowledged your disinterest and moved on.