Ever wonder why we don't have flying cars, space colonies and nanobots that cure all diseases? That's because the collective Intelligence is simply too low. In order for society to be this way, everyone must have the intellectual capacity to be a scientist and engineer, not just the cognitive elite. The only way to achieve this is to financially incentivize high IQ people to reproduce and the low IQ to be sterilized and or executed.
Ever wonder why we don't have flying cars, space colonies and nanobots that cure all diseases...
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Yeah let's just ignore the arts and have everyone live a boring and depressing life. Sounds good, definitely conducive to improved productivity.
Benefits to getting rid of all no poverty
>less crime
>nobody would struggle to survive
>technology would advance faster
>space colonization
>age of consent would be lower
>diseases cured
Actually, you need to have a high level of spatial intelligence in order to be a great artist. Living in a society where everyone's brains make connections and solve complex problems faster would guarantee a degree of emotional intelligence that would ensure a high degree of mental health.
People should get what they deserve. I have a high IQ, but I'm lazy, so I barely contribute to society, and I'm ugly and boring, so nobody likes me. Why keep someone like me around? Nobody wants me.
It's kind of funny and infuriating at the same time. People always tell me they wish they could clone me. Yeah, you know, there's already a way of cloning people, and no one's doing it with me. They're cloning my coworkers who can barely read and write instead. It's just one big fucking joke. Why do you care what's best for society? Society sure as fuck doesn't. They don't deserve flying cars, they deserve to live in fear of the sensational media and clinging to superstitions for comfort. If smart people care so much, they can just leave and build their own country.
For the time being, we still need 90 IQ people. Just refuse welfare to anyone who doesn't get sterilized.
I care about society because I want humans to survive past any great filters there may be. In order to become a space fairing civilization everyone must become a supergenius.
I wish smart people could also draw like da Vinci, oh wait...
Well, the people who created the last 500 years of civilization have decided to throw it all away by burning money to give brown people food and shelter. So, you should take your ideas to China.
Yet at the same time not every artist is smart like da Vinci, oh wait...
You already got BTFOd in the last thread. Why make another one?