Probably the last day before lockdown edition
Won't be clicking a single link posted ITT
Haha look at this lads! Oh my DAYS
not first for Angela White wanking
thick tasty yummy meaty tits
Ordered from Amazon on Saturday and it's out for delivery now wahey
This. Nationalism is a very brainlet ideology
did you buy another dildo lad?
Vitamin B12
I don't have money for toys
10am and I'm bored already lads
I'm starting to bloody miss the early-mid 10's, mostly related to video games and tv
we had shit like dark souls coming out for the first time and nothing since has given me the same feeling as playing that for the first time. then in tv we had the peak of Mad Men, then towards the end we had True Detective, among others. It was a great time before this whole 'box set' thing became standard and everyone and their mother was making boring soulless box sets trying to ape the earlier stuff
Can't wait for the shitstorm when people realize this isn't going just to blow over in two weeks or whatever
any of you going to do this?
>Bojo: No unnecessary travel, stay 2m apart
>lmao let's pop to Wales for a little bit of sightseeing
um, do I look like an impoverished slav immigrant to you?
Isn't the consensus at least 3 months?
I'm just suprised people still play video games and care this much about TV
the same shit happened around here at devil's dyke
The British public continue to show how arrogant and retarded they are
Almost all regional online news outlets use the same template. Sad!
Literally the exact same shit is happening in Italy and France to this day, but yeah typical British!
This tbqh. The public response has been a combination of selfish hoarding and belligerant indifference
In France it was so bad that now there's on-the-spot fines of like 150 euros I think, but if you get caught a second time it's a 15,000 (fifteen thousand) euro fine.
>if you get caught a second time it's a 15,000 (fifteen thousand) euro fine
Heard that on Nick Ferrari's show this morning yeah
The youngest of my sisters has shacked up with a 36 year old white guy
My family are not happy about it
I feel like introducing her to posters from here will show her that she can do better
Amer has no Paki friends and his sister does not want a Paki lover. Speaks volumes.
>Coronavirus: UK deaths rise faster than Italy and China at same stage of outbreak
LMAO. It's going to get a lot, lot worse for us. Literally everything will be closed and nobody will be allowed outside. Boris has fucked us
15 grand is insane
They must've really not been listening for them to need to be that harsh
Woke up too hungover to venture out for a last ever mcmuffer
i smell a resigning after all this
>haha those normies are fucked why can't they just stay indoors not like us based /britfeel/ers
>w-wait I-I can't buy a Big Mac?? :'( it's gone too far!
Don't underestimate the power of stubbornness and stupidity lad. Some people just think they know better
>b-but we had to do things gradually!
>m-muh public burnout!
as soon as the death/infection rate started to build a couple weeks back we should have been in lockdown
I might pop in around lunch time to have a final double cheese and some nuggs myself
just a flu bro
He more or less said it yesterday. Think his exact words were "ohhhh you naughty, nobody staying in, man wiv bangbang stick make you listen"
Do it man.
I should be alright as I bagsied nabbing the sausage and egg mcmuffer stuff from my local mcbuggers when we start looting.
What you planning on looting?
working from home lads
maximum comfy
We did everything half heartily and boris seemed to be making calls on a whim. We had the advantage of being behind many other european countries and seeing how bad things can get. Yet we ignored it and just sat on our fucking arse. At the current rate we will be the WORST hit country in the fucking world. This will destroy our economy and push us straight down into a 'developing economy' country for many years to come.
Working from home too, it's pretty comfy isn't it?
*cracks whip*
I work at a University lab so my working from home is checking my emails and answering phone calls. Since the lab is closed no one has any reason to call or email me. 6 weeks comfy minimum on full pay.
Oh I'm not going to loot, I'm simply going to break in to my local Maccies, barricade the doors and just claim it for myself, make a comfy bed somewhere and start living there. Practically unlimited burg and soft drinks
Nah, the public love him and think he's doing brill right now
give it a month. a lot of people still seem in be in denial about how bad its getting. fuckers literally went on a night out the day before pubs closed
It's not like that at all. I enjoy my job so prefer to work as it gives my day structure
>Practically unlimited burg and soft drinks
They're all being totally cleared out of their inventories tonight between 7-10pm. You'll just be a fat hungry mong sleeping on a greasy floor.
I'm in a big boring conference call which is telling me that there's no work and that I should probably take the week off
Pretty chill desu
>started a new job wednesday
>getting trained by a portuguese lass and a romanian guy
>can't understand them
How will the chumba wumbas of /britfeel/ survive the next few months?
Ebin eats wraps, not burgers
Just smile and nod lad, smile and nod.
is this the end of life as we know it - or are journos just hyperbolising?
I was only being silly to hopefully put a little smile/smirk on your face.
It's good you enjoy your job.
Good stuff. Hope you get a nice chill time out of this.
Haha it's alright lads, even if the resturaunts close, we can still use ubereats to get maccies right? Right lads?!
I'm doing exactly that. I just hope I get to work from home soon so they talk to me in emails and skype messages so I can read their words rather than try to hear them.
I've grown to fucking hate Welsh people. Every single one has far too much pride in their country. They're no different to iToddlers. They'll have stickers on their cars, their usernames will be dragon related, they never shut the fuck up about being Welsh. That bitch on bake off last year literally couldn't go a single minute without mentioning how Welsh she is.
Honestly, your country is shite. It's fucking destitute, your infrastructure sucks, there are no jobs, you're all thick as fuck.
Nobody wants to be in your club.
Not him but, thought he just drank lattes.
Ah I misread you. Sorry
you'd literally have to be retarded to believe the first statement so yes
Fucking Maccies is closing down lad, draw your own conclusions
Did I say I was waiting till they close down? Hell no I'm storming the place with a shotgun
Italy has closed everything expect a select few grocery stores. They only let a few people in at a time for social distancing so it can take 2 hours to do a small shop. we are going to be worse than them
Don't eat there myself (not a fatty) so I like that /britfeel/ is in a state of flux because McDonald's is closed.
No. There'll be no Maccies whatsoever for however long this lasts.
No, don't apologise. I should have put my name on, it was a breddy shitjoke.
Sorry about that.