How easy is it to get a virgin in the Japanese countryside, English teachers of /r9k?
Japanese virgins
if you're white and speak japanese it's very easy, but she's most likely not going to look like pic related
Before I arrived: very easy
Now that I've been here for 4 years: You'll have to wait for the next batch of JKs to become legal.
I thought that a large amount of Japanese girls were virgins What went wrong
There's fuck all to do here but fuck, which is why there's so many single mothers straight out of high school. Down in the city there are other things to do, but they still sleep around.
I wish japanese women would like me, I think they're absolutely beautiful and no it's not because of anime, but I doubt they'd want anything to do with a white american, I was only ever able to get every other type of races ass besides asians.
I spent a year in Japan for work, I work for Barclays and the opportunity came up so I took it. I did pretty well and could afford to rent a fairly nice apartment in Roppongi. The girls there are very promiscuous, its the only place Ive ever been that women would frequently come up to you in bars and buy you drinks. I cant imagine many of them are virgins but its really easy to fuck them if youre white and wear a suit.
Came back to London after a year as the work ethic is fucking retarded, 15 hour work days are expected and the conversation literally never changes. Every day is the same. I have no idea how salarymen do this shit for 40+ years.
Also fucking virgins is very overrated.
So those statistics are all bullshit
You still waiting for virgin JKs or what
Depends on your standards and how low you can go
If you literally want a meat hole with the paper bag on her head then it's fairly easy (though you'd have to make it without the paper bag)
If you want something like OP pic then you should give up and don't waste your time
A 4/10 that is a virgin is fine
>if you are white
So doesnt matter if i lift and have a good body?
>Also fucking virgins is very overrated
>t. Cuck with a netonare fetiche
If you're black, brown or korean there's no way virgin jap girls will date you
Seriously no one who wants to have sex with a new person wants to have sex with a virgin. Theyre almost always shy and unsure of themselves, the sex isnt very good, and theres a lot of baggage attached to it. If you manage to be a virgin as an adult female youve done something wrong and it almost always points to greater personality defects, especially as losing your virginity is a basic developmental milestone most people achieve in high school.
Oh shut up you whore.
Its true. Adult virginity in either gender is a sign of a deeper problem. Thats why its a turn off.
But having stds is A OK! You're a coomer.
80% of STD infections come from homos. Most normal heterosexuals never get them if theyre sensible. And anyway why is an std worse than any other form of easily treated communicable disease? Sounds like cope to me
Virgin cope llllloooooolllll
Do you really think robots are after virgins for the hedonistic experience of a hookup?
By hedonistic you mean a normal health sex life right?
Imagine sticking your dick in a Japanese Virgin and hearing her moan and say that youre too big.
Hot stuff.
>Theyre almost always shy and unsure of themselves, the sex isnt very good, and theres a lot of baggage attached to it.
What's the point of sex if it isn't to have a girl holding you very tightly and becoming forever infatuated with you ?
The dick fart that is ejaculation does not get any better whether the girl is experienced or not.
The main attraction is to either make the girl cum a lot thus making you feel like The Man (but once you know how to do it it gets boring quickly), or carving the memory of your body deeply into her psyche.
Virgins >>> masturbating >>> roasties
loss of virginity incurs STDs? haven't you heard of condoms grandpa?
>The girls there are very promiscuous
women are all the same fucking whores with no self respect for their bodies.
>one chance at life
>born a nigger
>will never get a Japanese gf higher than a 3
>if I do she will be the biggest roastie with a high body count
Might have to get plastic surgery so I can look arab, anons
how many layers of fantasy are you on?
Japanese women are women. There are cultural factors different than say, the US, that influence how they interact and how attraction works, but fundamentally they're not magical unicorns.
>if you're white it's easy
if you're white, it's easy to get a lay in roppongi since that's where the gaijin hunters go. Japan as a whole is not as accepting / eager / attracted to foreigners - you get a lot of confirmation bias since Tokyo, roppongi especially, is tourist friendly and specifically tied to western media / markets / influence. Not to say there isn't a distinct Japanese flavor, but that the people who date for white are generally focused there.
Also, one need to talk about lays vs. actual long term relationships to see where the story breaks down - a lot of men, Japanese or white, have a hard time with longer relationships in Japan due to missing social cues and responsibilities, etc..
ehh this isn't exactly true. zainichi (Koreans born in Japan) are yelled at by boomers but anyone under 40 is generally normal with them. It's hit or miss with black people, but they're getting more and more accepted. Brown people have it the worst, especially the American born Indian diaspora, but they have stereotypes of being smart and dedicated, especially if they speak the language well, whereas Indians from India are generally made fun of. If you show yourself to be well spoken in Japanese, hygienic, and overall attractive (helpful, I know), then being brown isn't much of a barrier.
source: am brown, postdoc at uni, have had good success
>postdoc at uni
What was your degree and what did you do in Japan?
...did you actually buy into the 'muh pure Japanese waifu' bullshit? Did you not know Japanese infidelity is a huge issue lmaooo
It's fine if you're black, don't worry fren. You'll have to wade through a lot of racism, but you do hear and see cute black - Japanese couples a good deal. Usually, it's the Japanese women and white men who end up leering and staring with aggression, and no this isn't a slight against white men
phd in math, and I did a postdoc working jointly under a math professor and a theoretical computer scientist (though if we're being honest, there's little difference between a math and TCS researcher). I don't want to divulge too much about the work I did
I'm not that high IQ, I just have an arts BA so idk what job that'd get me in Japan that isn't teaching english
Lmao this is such intense cope. The whole "only liberal city girls" want white guys has never been true. If anything, it's the opposite, considering that the city girls are exposed to more white guys and see they're not that special.
Country side girls in Japan all fantasize about a romantic white man Ala titanic. Every Asian girl ever talks about titanic its fucking weird. I've had Chinese girls, Japanese girls, Vietnamese girls, Korean girls all gush over titanic and the blue eyed, blind haired pretty boy. That movie singlehandedly let's millions of white male virgins get laid by Asian women every year.
The only thing bad about country side girls is that they usually know less English, so it's a way bigger barrier.
well I give up women are all fucking sluts that will cheat on you and empty you wallet.
>Japanese women and white men who end up leering and staring with aggression, and no this isn't a slight against white men
LOL the average white man in Japan is a liberal s 0oiboi pussy who would encourage this, literally look at all the "protests" in Japan they're All filled with white western s 0 ibois
You have some serious projection going on imo.
Imagine actually believing this. There's so much more to sex than how experienced you are.
it's not about IQ. Teaching English is fine in Japan, but don't do it for women.
>The whole "only liberal city girls" want white guys has never been true
where did I say this
>Country side girls in Japan all fantasize about a romantic white man Ala titanic.
ah I see you're baiting, nvm carry on
>Every Asian girl ever talks about titanic its fucking weird
women talk about DiCaprio more than titanic. I've found Johnny Depp and Leo DiCaprio are favorites as far as white celebs
no, the point is that all women have the capacity to be a great partner or a shitty one. stop holding pussy of a specific race to be better or worse - what's important is finding somebody you're good with
>serious projection
where did I imply I'm white
I'm brown, as I said here
>where did I imply I'm white
>I'm brown, as I said here
I know you're brown, that's exactly my point. It seems like you're the one who hates seeing white males with Asian women or some shit
The white dudes in Japan are all super left wing. The ones in other Asian countries may be more racist, but even then they're usually too stupid to be racist
>women talk about DiCaprio more than titanic. I've found Johnny Depp and Leo DiCaprio are favorites as far as white celebs
Pic related is from the past 2 weeks alone I don't know why they bring this shit up so much
While this is true, sex with a virgin isn't the big connection you think it is. If you're both inexperienced, it's a nice laugh to have afterwards when you guys get good at sex together (which is in fact a cute process), but the virginal sex actually sucks. If you're not a virgin, ''taking'' a virgin is having sex with someone who is adjusting to the physical feelings. It's mostly an exercise for your ego and not really a major bonding experience - again, all of the actual bonding over sex happens over time and repeated affection. Virginal sex is bad for most parties involved.
Sex is good in the first place because of attachment and experience. The physical pleasure shows up later (that is, it ends up being as easier or easier to give yourself pleasure as it is with masturbation) only after you've had a lot of practice. You can have this with any person, virgin or not.
>Teaching English is fine in Japan, but don't do it for women.
I'm okay with teaching, but I wish it paid better than 30k is all
Supposedly making the leap from ESL to regular teaching is really difficult
Eh the only difference is if the girl has a genuinely tight pussy, then it's way better than masturbating.
>It seems like you're the one who hates seeing white males with Asian women or some shit
I don't. I'm not a fan of the stares I get from some of them, but I have plenty of white friends and think nothing of it either than that these subset of people are "oh, those types of guys"
>The white dudes in Japan are all super left wing
no they're not. Expats tend to be all over the place. If they're in the university program, they're usually very lefty (I mean, I am lefty myself). If they're teachers, then either they're casually liberal or fairly conservative with muh waifu ideas about Japanese women. There are white men in-between, but white dudes in Japan are not super left wing by the majority at all lmao
>Pic related is from the past 2 weeks alone I don't know why they bring this shit up so much
2 related messages from messages, probably picked up from a dating app? Do I even know these girls are asian, or that these are conversations with girls?
It's really not been the case in my experience, perhaps because we both lost our virginities to each other but it's one of the more meaningful experiences I've had. You're looking at it purely from a physical point of view, which is the totally wrong way to go about it. A massive part of sex is the mental/psychological part of it, and you're ignoring that in it's entirety. Opinions will obviously differ but in my mind you couldn't be more wrong.
>2 related messages from messages, probably picked up from a dating app? Do I even know these girls are asian, or that these are conversations with girls?
Ohhh you just outed yourself. You can't tell what WeChat, the number one chatting app in Asia is? It's not even used in the west, and I could tell it's interface from anything :)
By the way, there's 3 individual girls there, count
I don't think WeChat is big in Japan at all. Don't they use Line over there?
Yes, regular instruction is hard because you have to address people with a much higher presence of mind and experience.
Eh, sometimes I like to fly solo when I'm tired or when I want to be alone. Other times, only sweat, kisses, and pounding from behind will put out the fire in my dick. I think it comes down to whether I want to pay aggressive attention to my needs by my own means, or if I want to connect and give to a partner. Two different moods.
>You can't tell what WeChat
I haven't used WeChat in years since I don't spend much time in China. I do have a KakaoTalk, but I mostly use LINE these days.
>By the way, there's 3 individual girls there, count
..and? Are we going to aggressively generalize based on 3 girls on WeChat who like titanic? Do you not see the confirmation bias at play here?
you can still get a hot Japanese looking sex doll black bro. also only one time payment for unlimited sex.
I just want a live Japanese gf user
>I don't think WeChat is big in Japan at all. Don't they use Line over there?
Yeah its mostly in China, though some in Japan use it
I thin 3 girls mentioning it randomly in a 2 week time span is pretty significant but yes. My point is that it's a big deal. You probably don't have it mentioned to you all the time because you're brown.
I spent a month in Japan with my girlfriend on a vacation type of thing. While I was there I was hit on by multiple women, but none of them looked like 10/10 pure angels like you think, but still. My gf was PISSED and insisted I stop being so nice to girls. When we returned home three months later she cheated on me with chad and I had to break things off.
I regret not reciprocating with the girls in Japan. Take me back bros.
I'm not looking at it from a purely physical point of view. I'm arguing that while being with the girl who took your viriginity is nice, the meat of the relationship comes from the meaningful parts of your more mundane intimacy - that is, your regular sex, your regular flirting and cuddling, etc.. I'm saying that these meaningful experiences aren't necessarily tied to virginity, especially in sex. No, you don't want to be with a total hussy who sleeps with everyone, but I feel like the emotionally special parts of sex are shared over time, rather than a single moment like virginity.
I just gave you the cheat code to life if you are black. why not end the suffering and get a sex doll?
>I think 3 girls mentioning it randomly in a 2 week time span is pretty significant but yes.
Not really? Again, confirmation bias - if you're getting hit up by girls who like white girls, and they want a way to make conversation, things like titanic are easily recognizable. There are signs in Japan that reference popular anime in the west made for foreigners. These are small pieces of syntax that convey an easily understood idea without much hassle.
>my point is that it's a big deal
not really? Again, the actors are more a big deal than the movies. I've actually heard more about la la land in Japan than titanic
>You probably don't have it mentioned to you all the time because you're brown.
what exactly is this supposed to mean lol? If your assumption is correct, it bolsters my prior point about confirmation bias. However, in the more likely case that you're wrong, it's that you had 3 women in the span of 3 weeks tell you about a popular movie that everyone's seen. This is tantamount to somebody telling you about marvel movies and how they think captain America is really hot.
Totally wrong imo. And you are looking at it from a physical point of view which is why up to this point you've consistently emphasised how "bad" virginal sex is, as if that's an argument against it. There are few moments as profound as mutually losing your virginity, and yes the greater part of your emotional bonding is over the course of a relationship but there are few, if any, singular moments which can compare.
Probably because I'm attracted to people and not plastic dolls.
Not confirmation bias when it gets mentioned to me thrice in the past 3 weeks and you 0,now is it?
>This is tantamount to somebody telling you about marvel movies and how they think captain America is really hot.
Except titanic is basically 20 years old retard lmfao, not even close to comparable, I'm not. I'm looking at it holistically. I had a laugh about virginal sex with my partner, but it did endear me to her. I say all the sex was better later because intimacy, actual real emotional intimacy, matures with time, and it gets way better. I value the time I had losing my virginity and doing so with my girlfriend, but I think it would be a sad reality if the sex, on *both* a physical and emotional level, wasn't more interesting, significant, intimate, and enjoyable now than it was when I first lost it. If anything, what I have now is more important to me than the beginning.
lol you literally don't understand what confirmation bias is. Whether it's 2 weeks or 3, having 3 girls off a site mention titanic isn't nearly a large enough sample size to come to any meaningful conclusion. I swear, if 2 girls came up to you and said "I don't like men" you would conclude "well, most asian girls are lesbians."
except titanic is an iconic romance film starring one of the hottest names in Hollywood. again, I hear more about DiCaprio than I do Titanic.
I suppose it depends on when you lost it. If you lose it quickly when you're barely invested then yeah, whatever. We'd been dating for, what, 15 months by the time we did so we were already pretty emotionally there. It's physically better now but not emotionally, and that's not to say we've grown apart but like I said it was a profound moment.
Virginity is a big thing, I don't know why you're afraid to admit it. It's strange.