I hate America. I hate living in this cultureless shithole. Theres nothing pretty about america...

I hate America. I hate living in this cultureless shithole. Theres nothing pretty about america. This whole country is soulless with uninspired architecture and bland landscapes. I can count on one hand the amount of decent cities in America. (St Augustine, Charleston SC, Savannah also I guess?). And those cities are literally Europe-lite. And that's giving those cities a lot more credit than they have any right to recieve.

All I do in my spare time is watch YouTube videos of traveltubers vacationing to beautiful Mediterranean countries like Italy, Greece, Croatia, Cyprus, etc. and historical middle eastern countries like Lebanon, Turkey, and Israel. All countries where many wars have been fought, many great architects and artists have left their mark, and all have natural jaw-dropping landscapes..

Even a city as limited in history and culture as Dubai, you can tell they're actually making the effort to MAKE culture and history with their beautiful buildings and overall layout of the whole city. Its modern architecture, that's not soulless. I go to Atlanta, Charlotte, Dallas, Houston, it's all the fucking same. Boring skyscrapers everywhere you look. No history to be told, just money to be made.

God save me. Even Africa is better than this.

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You really want to go to turkey?

The grass is always greener, as they say. A country as young as the United States isn't going to have much old architecture around, oldest you'll find is some colonial stuff on the east coast.

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>Be me
>Upper middle class
>Earning 100k a year
>No kids
>Decide want to take a vacation to Europe
>Start looking at Rome
>Gypsie, Jew, Romanian and Nigger pickpockets/criminals EVERYWHERE
>Every travel blog says to be on high alert for petty crime
>Every youtube video mentions it distinctly
Honestly? Most of europe is a shit hole due to the influx of immigrants. The only place I've really enjoyed for it's culture, it's architecture, and it's natural beauty was Japan. Hell, I was supposed to be there this week, but my fucking flight got cancelled due to chink virus.

damn nigger

then lets change visas
Ill give u my venezuelan visa anyday
we have ancient ruins everywhere Theres exotic jungles volcanoes beaches snowy mountains forrests deserts shit

we even have a german colony so

give me my visa bitch im hungry

Nah, America is a beautiful country.
>America America
>God shed his grace on thee

>Theres nothing pretty about america
Louisiana, Vermont and Massachusetts?

>posted user from his air conditioned room after a nice meal, on his fancy device

Whatever you say user
I do. Antalya is beautiful and Istanbul is literally one of the most historical cities in the world. What's not to love?
The colonial and civil war stuff is okay, but it's no Europe or middle east or Asia. It's honestly just not even that fascinating of history.
I said Africa was better user, not south America.
>Most of europe is a shit hole due to the influx of immigrants
Well that's already America, but America is 1000x worse so idc. Japans history is dampened by overcrowded tourism.

Crowds always lessen the experience for hisorical cities like Rome, but when it comes to Japan, it REALLY ruins the experience because their entire culture is centered around peace, tranquility, and harmony. You dont get that feel when you have chinks cursing at each other, Pajeets staring a hole through you, white people screaming that they cant fucking hear anything, and Japanese girls doing anime dancing tik toks all in front of Senso-ji.
Lousiana has been ruined by black people. And I have never had the desire to visit New England even despite its historical background. I'd rather be around the southern civil war cities, because at least the weather is nice.
Shut up third worlder. You dont know how good you have it.

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>Shut up third worlder. You dont know how good you have it.
>third worlder
>how good you have it.
Jesus Christ, get your head out of your ass. There's a reason so many third worlders want to go to America.

>but when it comes to Japan, it REALLY ruins the experience
I really didn't get that when I went, but I think it's because I traveled in the off season (Early March). The weather was cool, but comfortable and the tourists for cherry blossom season hadn't arrived yet.
I mean...A couple of places were crowded as per usual (Shibuya crossing, Harajuku's main strip, and Osaka's main market street), but I experienced so much in terms of that tranquil, peaceful experience that you describe...Hell, I stumbled into a shinto shrine around Inokashira park while just wandering about and it only had a few patrons giving their prayers and alms.
Same thing with in Nara, and even parts of Kyoto were sparsely attended. I guess it really matters when you travel.

>natural jaw-dropping landscapes

I understand your disdain for the architecture, but America definitely isn't lacking these.

tourism really does just get worse and worse

Youre wrong user. I do think Arizona, the southeast coast, and Oregon are probably the best looking states nature-wise, but there is literally nothing in the Americas that even comes close to comparing to European, Middle Eastern, or Asian landscapes.
America is a dream to the ones aspiring to move here. It's a nightmare once they've actually made it here.

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I thought my little town sucked. But once I found beauty in it I can to appreciate it more.
All in all, just don't idealize places, or people, or anything

wow that's so crazy you actually went to japan

The problem with America isn't the physical surroundings. It's the people. You can see this in the way that they still act like indecent assholes when you plop them into those "beautiful Mediterranean countries" they visit for vacations.

American culture is the "got mine, fuck you" boomerism writ large. It's based on continual power/status games and humiliating and degrading outgroups. In that sense, they're not too different than most slavic shitholes.

go eat shit and fuck off then

Colombia and Venezuela are paradises if u got money

It's the consumerist architecture. Most companies, cities choose profit over beauty

Only faggots like stupid looking euro buildings. Concrete and glass are the future, no one gives a fuck about the trash-tier three story brick shacks Euros have.

Dont take it personally user. It has nothing to do with south america or even Venezuela in general. The entire Americas is just boring all around landscape-wise. This entire side of the world is just soulless.
I think you have a stigma towards Americans user. I'm not saying Americans are the nicest people, a lot of us are assholes. But the same can be said for most European countries as well. I dont want to go to these Mediterranean countries for the people or hospitality. I'd be severely disappointed if that were the case. Latinos and white people are the rudest people in the world. Asians, Mainland Africans, and unironically most Arabs are definitely the friendliest.

90% of culture got created because preening piggish richfags were patreon-funding tasteless artwhores to show off how rich they are to peers or impress the potential enemies beyond the border.
Any beauty created by this shit is purely accidental imo.

>It's a nightmare once they've actually made it here.
I can tell you from personal experience that you're wrong. You don't know shit.

I am an american, born and raised, as much as they would rather that I wasn't for nothing more than the way I look, and I freely say that they are shit, shit shit. What I describe is more apparent if you don't look like the stereotypical American. That's another thing: they literally cannot think except in stereotypes.
The events of the past 10 years, last 5 in particular, should make this fact extremely obvious to literally anyone with functioning eyes, ears, and brains.

The most toxic thing Americans have come up with recently is this cultural expectation to always be happy, or else. This is why we drug ourselves numb, legally or otherwise, and then shoot each other up when we realize it's impossible. It's also incredibly rich that they never give you a reason to be happy beyond "or else".
While most other rational cultures can see than it is unrealistic, if not harmful, to force yourself to be happy all the time, and that sadness, anger, and other "bad emotions" are just a fact of life, not Americans. Americans will try to shame you into pretending things are great even when it is obvious things are not. No other people will do this. In my experience, even white people from Europe will at least listen to you and try to cheer you up, never resorting to the belittling, degrading "smile, or else" slogans and routines Americans typically subject to one another. It's never actually out of concern for the well-being of the victim either: it's always to give the attacker an ego boost.

The only problems with America are nonwhites and obesity. Other than that we have just as beautiful landscapes as any other country, go travel down the west coast you stupid faggot.

Also no shit our buildings aren't that old; we've only been here a few hundred years and the whole place was populated by savages in tents. The fact that we have so much on this land despite not having been here long is actually amazing. Anyway KYS fag.

Turkey is actually an incredibly beautiful country. Most of the Middle East is incredibly beautiful, if you ignore the retarded media about it.

The land is beautiful but the population is subhuman.

The land was built by that population. And speaking as someone who has went on vacations there, Arabs are some of the most hospitable people on the planet. They will give you stuff for free, invite you into their homes, treat you like a lifelong friend.

Fuck off OP
New England is fucking beautiful

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>The land was built by that population.
Nope. They are roaches living in what Greeks built.
>And speaking as someone who has went on vacations there, Arabs are some of the most hospitable people on the planet. They will give you stuff for free, invite you into their homes, treat you like a lifelong friend.
T*rks are not Arabs and would NEVER claim to be such. I doubt you have ever been there.

then get the fuck out of my country you retard lmao

>Greeks built
Greeks built nothing. All the modern buildings there were built by Turks.
>T*rks are not Arabs
You're a retard who takes Yas Forums memes way too seriously. Turks do not mind their shared cultural heritage with Arabs, and a ton of them have Arab ancestry. Spend less time on Yas Forums and actually go outside.

t. Never left the USA.

As someone who has traveled a lot, I can tell you America has a shit ton of culture which is so strong it transcends borders. You will find American culture all across Europe. Fashion-wise, America was the birth place of the baseball cap, T shirt, and blue jeans. America developed industrial manufacturing especially for vehicles as well as the food industry with fast food. American culture is all about civil liberties like freedom of speech, press, religion and many other things which are suppressed in Asia and Europe.

Americans are also much more friendly than large swathes of European countries.

You are simply ignorant of the culture in a land you were born in like a fish is of water.

Here, this is a place in Iraq. This looks way more beautiful than the soulless concrete garbage you see in New York.

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Byzantinians* are not Turks. Ottomans are trash

>Hey look ma I did it again, I cherry picked

You get assblasted on there for being a fried chicken man. No wonder, you're a partisan to inbred goat fuckers who like every other shitslim always lies about having solidarity and are too scared to fight the jews they hate so much so they help themselves to other countries like flies on shit .

I can pick more places for you, I have tons. The point is, the Middle East infinitely has more culture than whatever shitty consumerist, concrete jungle America has to offer like New York or Las Vegas.

It's honestly one of my favourite places to travel to. The amount of respect the average citizen gives to his fellow man is amazing. Plus the food is BANGIN!

I don't understand what you're going on about, nor do I really care. But here's a pity (you) since you tried so hard.

I'm glad Hungary and his retard best friend Poland at least have the balls to tell you to fuck off.

Its my dream to travel across the Middle East. But being a woman, its unsafe. I wish I had a bf or at least a male travel buddy to accompany me and explore these places.

Just get a travel guide lol. I am a female too, though I'm mixed (half black, half white).


Of for fuck sake I should've expected this.

Excuse me? I only replied to this thread like 5 minutes ago, I think you're confusing me with someone else.

Yeah you would not mention things like Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone Park, the Colorado Rocky Mountains, Nebraska in Autumn. You always default to supposedly shitty major cities. Guess what, Budapest is shitty, so is Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca which both smell like fucking diesel and cigarette smoke. The streets are horrendous. Vienna Austria is also trash, London looks like an indian Suburb, and Germans is basically a bigger Vienna. Dont even get me started on Thailand or China. Cities are garbage the world around, its nobodies fault except your own that you fall for a deluded idea of the world because you vicariously watch people travel on the internet. Let me tell you, I have done it and a lot of places are more shittier and trashier than Dallas, Houston, or Atlanta.

Tell me this isn't you.

Fuck off. All humans are "got mine fuck you."

At most they'll extend their got mine to their loved ones.

On the flip side, if I busted my ass 60-70 hrs a week for 3-4 years to save up 100k cash while you sat at home like a meet, you have no right to be offended that that person didnt want to share their resources with you.

You lazy meet fucks often confuse someone not being a doormat with some selfish greedy cunt when in reality, you're the one who wants free gibs without having to work, and.those who do work you call them retard wagies.

Literal nigger behavior.

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Capital cities are shit in general, who would've guessed. USA does have some beautiful places, but let's be real with each other, most of it is imitation of other countries. I am American, and we have no fucking culture dude. Our culture is being retarded European children that our old countries didn't want, that's it.
It is me. Your point is?

No would you be so kind as to give that 100k to moi please?

No it doesn't wtf is wrong with you.

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Wow dude, skyscrapers. wow wow wow. It's still the same concrete soulless garbage, just from a flattering angle you dingus.

I just explained that American culture is very unique and you are blind to the fact. What is your basis of culture, really?

There are little to no pick up trucks in Europe, no cowboys in Europe, baseball is an American sport which invented the duck billed baseball cap which is worn the world over. Blue Jeans were invented by American miners in the west during the gold rush. Cowboy boots were intentionally designed to slide out easy so your foot doesnt become tangled, also an American culture thing just like slow cooking barbecue brisket for the 4th of July.

American political culture is as unique as it gets as an amalgam of constitutionalism with a Federalist Republic. American cities are also very uniquely American.

It is a bold faced lie to say America has no culture. Whether it is the capitalistic dominance of things like Coca Cola, McDonalds, Amazon, or Microsoft, the American culture footprint is about as large as the obesity rates. Any fool could see that to be true. I have provided ample proof of American culture so kindly shut the fuck up and stop crying.

Wow dude grass and rocks wow wow fucking shit. You call grass and rocks culture?

Cope harder nigger faggot.

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He is clearly biased and mentally handicapped, just ignore him.

How fucking hard are you reaching to actually say Amazon or Microsoft counts as "country culture"? What the fuck dude.

Fuck off disgusting roach.

It embodies the consumer-centric capitalist nature of American culture (which is a culture). You are just too retarded to know what culture is. Here, let me help you


Now fuck off with the
>wah wah America has no culture

(you) Seethe harder.
I'm not OP. I'm just someone who realises a fucking shipping company doesn't count as 'culture' you bumbling baboon.

Soon it will all come to an end user, how will you feel when what little we have left burns to the ground?

And crowned thy lies with genocide
From sea to shining seeeeeeeeeeea

Just like everyone else? Yawn.