
I'm madly in love with a girl, but she doesn't like me. I've been obsessing over her since last year and my love has only become stronger. She has a phenotype I lust after, she is smart and she has a lovely personality. I want to rape and impregnate her because it is the only way I'll be able to feel her warmth.
How do I go about this now the country is about to lock down?

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Give me more details on the situation OP, Quick Run Down greentext starting from last year pls?

rape is always a great idea and usually ends in lifelong marriage, understanding, and happiness. I would go for it bro, after all you did get some lucky dubs

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Follow these instructions, OP

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>met girl in lab last year semester 2
>ask for some lab information that I missed on fb
>she gave me the information I missed
>asked to go out and study
>made excuses not to
>keep asking
>eventually ignores my messages
>send her valentine's card this year
>send her messages on fb
>ask her friends on fb to ask her if she liked the card
>they tell me that she's weirded out that I keep trying to contact her and she didn't appreciate the card and that I should take the hint

Fuck her. Literally. Her delicious pussy is going in my mouth whether she likes it or not.

How will I do this though without attracting attention from other people?


Yeah it might be worth it if you know you are going to be a virgin forever, just get ready to deal with prison or just suicide right after the rape, good luck.

80% chance she won't report rape right? How will I find her? I only know her suburb and we're in lockdown very very soon

>How will I do this though without attracting attention from other people?

literally just document her daily routine and then one day just follow her to her dorm or whatever and tell her just to follow along with you and she'll have a good time but things might go bad if she doesn't. most rapes don't even get reported shell probably just cry about it and then tell one of her friends about it in a causal setting in a few years.

This has to be a larp right bro? What the fuck. You're even more creepier than me.

>and impregnate
nice touch tho

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you in nz by any chance, dude?

>wear long sleeves
>wear pajama pants with the button crotch
>wear a mask and tuck it into your collar
>don't bring your phone
>don't talk, noises are fine

She doesn't like me though. Lockdown is very very soon. I'll have to wait a month to follow her from a distance to her place.

How is this particularly creepy? I haven't done anything physical to her yet.

Not bait and I want her phenotype for my children

>>met girl in lab last year semester 2
>>ask for some lab information that I missed on fb
>>she gave me the information I missed
>>asked to go out and study
>>made excuses not to

Definitely should've stopped here.

>I'll have to wait a month to follow her from a distance to her place.

if you know her living setting, if she lives on her own or not you could simply "join" her during the lockdown

Yes, why? Are you an NZ and heard about lockdown news?

I want to breed her.

I know but don't care. I want her and nothing will stop me, even if I have to wait a month for lockdown to finish.

She lives with flatmates. She's not going to let me stay with her. She doesn't even look at my messages.

>Yes, why? Are you an NZ and heard about lockdown news?
yes i'm going crazy already. come rape me instead, user.

No. I'm hetero as hell.

>I'm hetero as hell.
my vagina is real as hell.

Timestamp or GTFO origgggnoll

fuck no, we all see what this place does to girls that confirm themselves. post some kind of contact and i'll prove it once you prove your kiwiship.

You mean infatuated. You probably have no idea what love is

Follow same advice minus condom then

Where do you live? What do you look like?

leave her alone, creep

There are serial killers who were able to evade capture for years so if you have an IQ above 115 or so you should be capable of engineering one rape.

Yeah def leave the phone at home. Not dressing up to attract attention though. I need to walk to get to her first.


Yeah but they choose vunerable victims. This girl is a good girl by what I can gather, so it's hard to corner and violate her.

Op you are fucking deranged. Good job giving away your nationality, I've reported you to NZ authorities

biggest city. jafa.
nz authorities are useless, i doubt they'll actually do anything.

yeah but being a murderer is easier since you don't leave behind victims that can talk. I say make the best of both worlds and turn that rape into a murder

like said. They've got gang shit and hate speech to deal with

Southron here, but oh well

>Southron here, but oh well
oh well, one day maybe we'll cross paths and fall in love with each other.

Rape isnt that bad, girls pussies are designed for taking cock, how is it any different to rough sex with Chad who fucks them silly like they do every weekend?

Never been to Auckland in my life, so doubt it. Is it true that most girls enjoy rape?

You glowniggers are getting desperate arent you.

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Bundy killed a lot of good women and even a 12 year old. Possibly younger victims too.
The real problem is ensuring she doesn't abort. Have you thought of that?

This. You know how to out-chad chad? Rape. Rape is only bad when it's towards your own family members. There is nothing wrong with this hypocritical logic haha

no idea about other girls but i know i sure as hell like it.

One of her flatmates is Christian from what I could gather from his fb, so she probably wouldn't abort

If you love someone you won't rape them. Grow a conscience and respect the fact that you've been rejected.

nice. Maybe I do need to rape. If 80% of women don't report rapes, a big reason might be they enjoy it


Ok bros this gonna be epic

We witnessing rape hey hey
>We witnessing rape hey hey
Clap your hands hey
>Clap your hands hey HEY
She taking the D
>She enjoying the HEY
shut your whore mouth
> shut your bitch mouth
You jelly of my dance hey hey
He'll get the love of his life
>risking jail for life HOOOO
Fuck di police
>Fuck di police
Rape is justice

Big up to her, she will have sex with someone who loves her for the first time of her whore life. HEY

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op you look autistic as fuck and incompetent

i bet you wouldnt be able to rape a girl even if she was on xanax

as for the impregnation part lol.it aint happening most bitches today are on the pill

Uhhhhmmm hello? Is this Based Department calling?

Nah this girl is a good girl, her pussy will be sopping wet and breedable
I'd easily hold her down and use her for my satisfaction

Send pic you can blur face for privacy reasons but the council of incels must decide if shes worth it.

I don't want to post her blurred picture. I already know she is worth squeezing the pussy juice out of her by force

I hope she has reported you to the police already and has a gun. Fuck you OP stop being a retarded faggot.

Why do you even care? I'm white btw, so I'm not going mutt up were pure genetic line and gorgeous phenotype if that's what you're concerned with

I picture it going down something like this:
>OP starts following her around
>Not being subtle about it because he's autistic
>Tries to jump her but fucks it up
>She runs and tells chad about the creepy incel that tried to rape her
>Chad beats OP to an inch of his life
>Gets to the higher ups
>OP is expelled from school
>OP is ostracized from his community
>Still never got that pussy juice

I remember being madly in love with a teaching assistant at university. Mostly because she's the only girl who talked to me and gave me attention, even though she was only doing her job and we only talked about school related things.

(to be continued)

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I wouldn't bother continuing to post, as no one cares.

A couple months after the class ended and I stopped seeing that girl, I was visiting a prostitute but I couldn't cum because of my depression. She offered to give me a blowjob while I was on my phone browsing girl's instagram page. In the end I still didn't cum because of the shame I felt.

Pic related, the girl I paid to suck my dick.

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Nah I could easily hold her down and rape her. The difficulty is finding a time to rape her when no one is around.

>risking your entire education and future over some bitch who works at your uni when you have an extremely hot prostitute at your disposal

stupid, stupid idiot. any man in your position would simply continue banging the whore, the first girl you posted is nowhere near worth raping, sorry but you need to hear that. I'd call up your prostitute and see if you can let out some of your sexual frustration before your country's lockdown begins

As I was walking out the door she greeted a fat mexican who went to see her after me. I was disgusted with myself afterwards. So I never went back.

That's another dude, not OP

OP here, that's another user's story

so what? you think the girl you're lusting after hasn't ridden the cock carousel? any college girl in the 21st century has an average body count of about 20 something. at least a prostitute is honest with you. you're trading your money for a guaranteed fuck, and a good one at that. with dating you have to take a girl out for dinner and buy her shit and just hope she'll put out for you.

thanks, my mistake

Don't do that user, such a reckless behavior would ruin her life and yours as well. Forget about it and move on.

I have only devolved into a worse state in the past 8 months
For the first time in my life I have no qualms about raping someone
This is just the beginning user...

She's got them radio dial nipples dude I could twist them and the channel would change

Well your to pussy to actually do it and your to pussy to kill yourself as well so I don't see why your posting this, your probable going to drop out. Is the degree your doing even worth it. Or you just going to rot away like the rest of us.

You'd have more luck raping a sheep you cuck

I won't give you details about my education, but it is going great and am enjoying it a lot. However I will rape her so good she won't even report me and beg me for more.