R9k needs to be made into a blue board, and the censorbot needs to be removed. R9K has been nothing but unoriginal and very low quality overall for years now. Discuss.
R9k needs to be made into a blue board, and the censorbot needs to be removed...
I back this 100%
Wrong, what we need is to remove all whites.
Imagine it brother: No more gays,, no more discord, no more anime, no more simping, no more fem"bots", no more 9fag memes, no more underages.
No, I like my porn. And if you ever expected high quality why the fuck did you come here?
I agree with both points, OP. the robot does nothing to generate thought provoking or interesting content. this board has slowly degenerated into Yas Forumslite. it's time to go blue and remove this shit-ass robot.
Dude I wanna shove my dick in this fat pig so fucking bad
No it doesnt. All nucels, roastoids, trannies, faggots, normies and anyone who came here after 2010 need to leave. We also need post IDs. Essentially we should rename the board r9pol because thats what it is.
Fucking deal with it.
This picture makes me laugh.
fuck off to Yas Forums
fuck off this site
go shit up Yas Forums
Retard, the only way to FORCE them to leave is to make r9k a blue board
>R9K has been nothing but unoriginal and very low quality overall for years now.
Blame r3ddit. It all went to shit after gamer gate and the election because thats when the MSM shifted their narrative to evil white incels and we were thrown into the spotlight. Pepe was also stolen by them so naturally they wanted to see where it originated.
>make r9k a blue board
>keep the bot for originality
>any blox, originini, or "why is this not original" posters get a 3 day ban
>racebaiting gets moved to pol
>discord threads, ideal bf/gf, "why don't you just date fembot" threads moved to soc
>r9gay, tranny threads, TOPPED threads all get moved to lgbt or deleted
That wont make a difference. All it will do is give the mods more power to remove posts that are politically incorrect and robotic in nature. Which is what you want but its not going to happen.
>any blox, originini, or "why is this not original" posters get a 3 day ban
I feel attacked.
Error: You were warned. You must first view this warning to post again.
Imagine not being able to construct a sentence in a unique way.
>We also need post IDs
Fuck off back to r*ddit, nigger.
I got my warning the other day and will be a good original boy from here on out
It's far too late for such milquetoast measures user. Best to enjoy the decline.
i agree too much coomer shit which attracts bait and gays, blueboard it for at least 2 years so we can chemo the cancer out
>just blame something else, avoid the center of the issue
Mods have been doing anything BUT removing politically incorrect reposts
just re-delete R9K and boost up the quality of Yas Forums and better non-Yas Forums chans
wtf is a blue board
also when was r9k ever good
we should also add a filter changing the word "incel" to "robot" or something like that - it's a foreign word that is overused to shit like desu and onion was
There's no 'decline', this board is already at the bottom. The only fix is a total reset with a new enforced ruleset to prevent what put /9k/ where it is today from ever happening again. Most of the content here belongs on Yas Forums and /soc/. Currently Yas Forums has no real reason to exist outside of slipping sp00ks post info.
Mentioning your gender results in a ban and thread moved to /soc/
There are no girls on the internet and there are no girls here, only bait
Sometimes you have nothing to add to the discussion other than a picture.
No, keep Yas Forums as it is (except add more moderation to stop bloxposting and discord/steam/meetup/whatever threads) and make a new board instead. Make it blue, topicless and without the bot. I don't think Yas Forums has anything like this yet; all "random" boards without a topic are currently red (except /vip/, but that isn't completely accessible to everyone).
>There's no 'decline', this board is already at the bottom
If only you knew how bad things really are.
Pepe originated in Matt Furie's comic, though. Yas Forums and Yas Forums in general merely adopted him.
Why prevent picture only posts? Pictures are worth thousands of words. Preventing picture only posts is just limiting an avenue for anons to dump OC. If you add a roadblock, for most people thst one thing will be enough. For instance, the first 9 months of /bant/ had more OC than Yas Forums ever had in its entire existence, and much of it was pictureless posts.
The best thing they could do site-wide is to treat LGBTnigger stuff like ponies and ban all mentions of it on any board other than the designated faggot board.
I remember being so confused on the resurgence of Pepe in like 2010~12. People acting like it was brand new, even tho I was familiar with it since like 2007. Then of course it took a totally different connotation post-2016. Same thing happened with Spurdo tho, I swear that meme is way older than the internet says.
Add more moderation to ban repetitious threads and anons who repost them. If a thread topic is repeated more than twice a week, all following threads of that topic will result in a ban.
>fuck off back to r*ddit nigger
Fuck off back to r3ddit nigger.
Gonna need the source on that my nigger
Repetitive thread topics is Yas Forums's biggest issue ATM and the censorbot hasn't filtered a single one. As a result, all replies to repetitive threads are not actually unique, but instead a derivitive of what has already been said. The censorbot fails to prevent replies to these samey threads, so its existence is currently questionable as it has effecticely failed to curate original content.
Does this apply to generals such as britfeel, mbti, waifu, r9gay, stupid things you believed/did as a kid, school stories and "that kid" threads?
I I I I love little girls, they make me feel so good!
I love... little girls, they make me feel so bad!
they're not frightened by my cold exterior
this is such a good picture and style
there is a deep kino to little girls and i don't mean that in any pedophilic way
>i don't mean that in any pedophilic way
You're amongst friends user, you dont have to lie to us.
Absolutely. But mods won't do jack shit about that (not sure if they even can decide about this). We probably need Hiro to notice us.
>R9k needs to be made into a blue board
and the censorbot needs to be removed
this guy is absolutely right. ids are bad. if we had ids we would be basically reddit. with ids comes holding up a reputation and thats not what a chan is all about
Bullshit. I get banned weekly for starting rules of r9k threads, spamming gore on the fag general threads and fir reporting soc and discord threads.
It came from the bachelor frog meme. Which started here.
>blast it with piss.
blue boards are SFW
you know IDs change every thread right? it just makes it easier to converse in a single thread.
i know that. its the good thing about chans that you can't connect posts. i can say that i'm gay in one post and that i'm a yellow supremacist in another and you can't connect both posts and say yellow supremacists are gay. no reputation is what makes chans special.
Yas Forums has been deleted before. I don't know much about this boards history. Can any oldfag explain to me why this board got deleted?
so why would IDs change any of that? I legitimately don't see it
which part about:
"i can say that i'm gay in one post and that i'm a yellow supremacist in another and you can't connect both posts and say yellow supremacists are gay"
didn't you understand?
Just do that in separate threads, retard. Why would you be samefagging and shitting up a single thread multiple times? You're part of the problem that should be fixed.
>R9k needs to be made into a blue board
nah, pussy redditors aren't to be protected
>and the censorbot needs to be removed
at least for comments, yes
god, you're such a tool. you only post one time in a thread? leave this thread then, samefag. the good thing is that i don't have to care about you connecting my posts and putting me in a box that fits some sort of shitty agenda of yours.
Can Yas Forums ban anyone who says they're a female?
Really off topic and shits up the board.
r9k has no topic, so as much as you don't like it, females are allowed to be here just as much as you
what's the purpose of that? Yas Forums is neither semantics nor a synonym training board.
It's to foster unique thoughts, not to try to slip around the filter with the same sentence 20 other anons have tried to avoid.
yeah, the idea is good, but that's not whats happening
temp bans for anyone evading the filter with blox posts or originaaaa posts
No you arent. Fuck off. Theres literally no reason for cuntoids to post here.
>r9k has no topic
>r9k is about OC
>hur durr the rules
>girls are allowed to post here
Kill yourself you cuntoid r3dditor.
>you arent
Where did you even get that idea from? These zoomers have truly killed this board.
Fuck off and die. You need to go back.
the only things that need to be changed are adding a fag ban and strict enforcement of the other rules we already have
Fuck off with your faggy pol trash. You dont belong either.