40-55 year old mommy, has thick ass and tits but not obese if you know what I'm saying
What's your ideal woman
Other urls found in this thread:
20-29 year old fit-thicc big tiddy girl
I like MILFs, but I want to earn one. I want to marry a woman in her thirties and see her become thick after having my children. That's my fetish.
That sounds cool without the children bit, like I'd marry a 40 year old women despite being 20 years younger but that will never happen
I'm going to need some motherfucking sauce right now.
A Japanese or indian girl with a big nose and short messy hair, 5 7' and small tits. Ideally 30 or so
>can fuck you to death
>is the No 5 pro hero
Someone that has the same energy and look as pic related
Nice tits but on closer inspection they are definitely implants. You can see the line where the silicone is. Disappointing.
good looking chick who's smart, independent, driven, and ambitious
Genesis Lopez. Tho some user said it might not be her
Disgusting, I'm sorry. Pic related is the only ideal woman. A trad family woman.
A woman with both XX chromosomes that can tolerate my misshapen nose
Anymore of this girl? Looks very familiar and I need to see more.
>What's your ideal woman
i bet you reject a girl for having pointy elbows, lmao
The only time I rejected a woman was when I knew she cheated on her past bf. I'll admit my standards for women are pretty high (5/10) but I've given up so it doesn't matter.
My ideal woman can do big poos. Doesn't really matter what size titties or face or whatever. If a woman can't do big, thick logs, what's the point. Only a real woman can do a log.
Physically like this, aged 18-22
Mentally stable but a tad autistic
Philosophically & culturally similar to myself (Ancap with some reactionary cultural views/leanings)
Similar interests (History, grand strat vidya, ect)
You did say ideal so I gave my absolute ideal. Realistically I strive more for listed qualities than physical ones.
Skinny, petite white girl who likes to walk dogs and play vidya. And she wears sweaters and big clothes for maximum comfy. Emotionally there is more but this thread seems to seek out physical attributes. I'd also like for her to have freckles and blue eyes. Brown hair is preferred because I'm not at all into blonde or dyed hair. Maybe like 4'9-5'1, and soft (not fit, just skinny.)
I just want a thick black goth girl who likes weed and horror movies who will sit on my face and smack my junk around but will also let me tie her down and make her cum until she begs for it to stop.
Katie Cummings. Fat version ofc.
why do i even get hopes that someone would prefer someone like me lmao
What are you like?
and of course a fucking woman comes to derail the thread for attention and make it about herself.
Yes thats right once again I am stablishing my power over the incels lmao
Ya got me
What can I say nigger?
literally the worst possibility. dogshit. hang yourself. no one will miss you, but maybe i'll take a shit on your grave if i'm feeling bored.
Thicc pale nerdy girls
Something like pic related but without the tattoos
bruh those self harm scars, fucking disgusting
A pale black haired jewish girl in her 17-18's
As long as it's in the past I don't mind desu
We would all look shitty if every dumb decision we made in the past was permanent on the body
that's not how women work, anonorini
25-30 year old plain jane, wholesome druggie gf. Likes to get high on dates and do psychedelics together from time to time. Is otherwise a capable, creative and dependable person.
Yeah they don't move on from that kind of thing or they have that locked up somewhere for it to come back
>We would all look shitty if every dumb decision we made in the past was permanent on the body
This probably sounds profound in your mind but it doesn't actually mean anything. Not all actions have equal consequences and some mistakes are worse than others. That's why most people have the common sense to be careful about permanently marking their body.
I am not trying to sound "profound" I just know I did a lot of stupid shit when I was a teen.
If it's something she did when she was young, but regrets it now, I kinda get that.
I can't blame an adult for something their underdeveloped teen brain thought was a good idea at the time.
women who do that as teens do not become normal/functional adults. They are a symptom of trauma and/or neurological defects, both of which do not simply go away
The point was that cutting yourself is not in the same ballpark as playing with matches or taking your dad's bike for a spin. It's not just an oopsie that kids do because they're dumb. It's not the same as the stupid shit you did as a teenager.
All mental illness is permanent and incurable then?
You start cutting as a 13 year old because of depression and you'll be stuck in that mindset for the rest of your life?
People experience war, famine, rape and other horrible shit but many still manage to move on past their traumas and live nice happy lives.
looks good w or w/o makeup, likes country western music, but also likes techno trance, blues, everything. walks, drives. puts her feet up on the dash, sings to the radio when it's just her and me, brings me morning coffee, runs around half naked at home. understands the oral sex agreement between partners: always on request. doesn't run off and flirt, has a really packed purse full of girly stuff that i will never, ever nosey into and know it is her completely sacred woman private place, as is that mysterious drawer in the bathroom with plugs popping out of it.
30-40 womanly figure, same as you with the ass+tits but not obese.
Little bit tomboyish. Very playful and energetic, caring.
The fact that people who experience war and famine don't cut themselves to cope with it should tell you something. People with depression generally don't cut themselves either. It's not a symptom of the depression.
Keep on seething mate
Depression is literally a lifelong illness you can only hope to curb the symptoms of, not fix. Once you have it you will always have it and that's why its so serious.
For some pills help, for some exercise and diet helps, but you never escape it. It's like getting HIV but for your brain, it's just something that limits the brains ability to operate forever, to altering levels depending on things.
That's bullshit and I hope you kill yourself, emo bitch
It's truth but okay cry harder pussy
Get her a big dildo storage locker for all of her big black cock dildos.
According to a study: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
"About 16.9% of all people will self-harm during their lifetime"
Thats one in six people who have committed self-harm.
Are you really suggesting that one in six people are broken beyond repair?
I'm not the pussy who's crying you dumb fuck. Depression doesn't exist, you need it to exist to excuse your laziness and the fact that you're a pussy. Fuck you
I dunno man you sound pretty triggered here
I'm just saying scientific fact and you're whining like a little bitch baby that needs his mommys milkers
yall are fucking boomers/melenials. hope the Corona gets you.
That's not whining you dumbass motherfucker. It's contempt for you and your shit
Contempt is kept to oneself you don't seek out things to be mad at, thats whining
Little bitch baby boy. Go ahead and put that in your name field so everyone can see you're a little bitch baby boy that needs his mommies milkies.
Qt white Brazilian 13-16 year old virgin girl with hazel/green eyes and nice bunda
yes. especially women, who are 90% of those.
A woman who is genuinely funny and can make me laugh. I've met some, usually Jewish for some reason.
That's a meta analysis on various kinds of self-harm, including cutting but also things like drug abuse and suicide attempts. Cutting made up 45% of the reports and girls are 1.75 times more likely to self-harm. One in 13 people cutting and most of them being women seems pretty accurate to me. Yes, they will never be mentally healthy adults.
My ideal girls is:
>small/no tits
>nice ass
>long legs
Oh shit, I was going to say something like this, minus the weed.
Honestly, it's hard as fuck for me to name my ideal woman but considering I'd like to date a big titty goth girl or a beautiful black woman with intelligence and some sense about her, I'd say something like this is my ideal.
>goth girl
Then you aren't gonna minus the weed
>self harm isn't a symptom of depression