god ur stupid.
>Animals are chattel to be used by man because they are lesser beings
>its okay to enslave and kill anyone thats a "lesser being"
do you have any idea how arbitrary that is? thats like white people invading africa and enslaving, castrating and killing millions of niggers because they are "lesser beings". thats literally what hitler said about polish people and "non-aryans"; its okay to kill them because they are "lesser beings"
is it okay to enslave and kill stupid people because they are "lesser beings"?
is it okay to enslave and kill the mentally retarded, because they are "lessing beings"? fucking hypocritical retard
if a superior alien race invaded earth and enslaved humans, you obviously wouldnt be okay with being enslaved and killed because you're a lesser being compared to them, yet you enslave and kill animals because you are superior to them. ENDLESS hypocrisy from your dumbass
>Giving them rights is ridiculous
why? they suffer and feel emotions just as deep as humans
>Because what would it do with those rights?
live its life and be free from exploitation and being killed. a retarded person cant run for mayor or discovery scientific knowledge, but we give them rights anyways. are you for taking away rights for people because they are stupid? would you be okay with having your human rights taken away by a group of humans who are smarter and more powerful than you? hypocritical faggot
>has no sense of tomarrow
wrong. animals are aware of time, aware of themselves, and are sentient and conscious and can suffer and feel emotions just as deep as humans can
>morality, something that does not exist!
you would obviously be against being enslaved and killed for someone else's pleasure yourself, yet you do it to others, hypocrite
you, like all meat eaters, are retarded hypocrites, who cry if a girl gets raped or if a dog gets killed, yet turn around and laugh at the suffering of pigs for your taste pleasure
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