Do all hunters have cursed lives?

Do all hunters have cursed lives?

I feel like if you take a rifle to an animal, this means your life is permanently tarnished in some way.

Like you can't exercise extreme cruelty needlessly and knowingly without being permanently hurt forever in some way yourself.

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We all eat meat here, the means are unimportant.

Are you a vegan or just a regular retard?

Someone has to be a sin eater. Wear the taboo and stench of death like a shroud. Alternative is baring your neck to a barbarian.

Hunting is less evil than other meat procurement methods. Whats worse industrial grade farming which is tantamount to torture or a quick death from a bullet? The meat you eat from the grocery store has suffered far more than the deer in my fridge that I shot. If you want to eat meat you're gonna have to accept that you're going to be an accessory to animal suffering the question is how much

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What about the people who had to hunt animals for food????

If I shoot a rabbit in the head (killing it instantly), is that cruelty?

The hunters are going to be some of the few not starving in 6 months when shit really hits the fan.

Oh no the animals ;m;

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I believe that hunting animals for food is a totally different beast from modern hunting.

If you are hunting just to kill animals like in this video,

Your life is permanently marked in some way as a negative. I just can't believe that someone can have a perfect, joyous life and do things like this. Like there's something permanent about them that makes their lives worthless and miserable, so they destroy weaker beings just because they are in pain.

Like you can't exercise extreme cruelty needlessly and knowingly without being permanently hurt forever in some way yourself.

you act like its corruption or degeneration to kill and consume life. That was mans natural mode of being for eons

>Your life is permanently marked in some way as a negative.
I guess you are a regular retard then.

They are not
By anyone but you. You will grow up and take the black pill or continue to REEE at human superiority

this image in contradictory
the bible states animals have no souls
therefore there would be no animals to apologize to in heaven
nice going, retard

>kill and consume

Solely out of necessity

I don't think it's retarded.
I kill because my life is totally stopped. If I wasn't frustrated, I wouldn't be out there shooting animals. I believe that it is this way for everyone that kills an animal needlessly.

They are murdering because they are

1.) Not sentient and empty and feel nothing from life
2.) Sentient and feeling nothing but pain

I think they are.
I think if a hunter had the choice between killing and having sex and love, they would go for sex and love.

Something in their brain is stopping them from having what they should.

>I don't think it's retarded.
Of course you don't, you're a retard.

well what do you think should they have?

I'm not though. I'm 138 IQ.

I haven't ever really heard of a successful, happy hunter. I've always seen people that kill animals as losers in human society.

>I think if a hunter had the choice between killing and having sex and love, they would go for sex and love.

Not always.

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I am 101% sure you are a woman, GTFO!

They should have a family, a good job, a strong connection to their community, and a sense of importance and belonging.

I don't see the typical hunter as having these elements in his life. If they do have it, they have something in their brain stopping them from appreciating it like a lack of sentience because they're too strong as a person.

Either that or they are missing what they desire from life and have no way of attaining it and they are stopped.

I think if you are killing animals needlessly, in some way, you are paying a cosmic price that impacts your entire life.

Rich people go hunting all the time albeit on guided tours. In the past only nobility was allowed to hunt. They had no need to because all their food was provided for them but the still did it anyways

>waaaa if you kill an animal yourself you are HURT FOREVER IN SOME WAY =OOOO
>meat is okay tho, its tasty and normal :^)

kill yourself you stupid hypocrite. what difference does it make how you kill the animal? its fundamentally the same; you are killing an animal for your pleasure

if you pay for and eat meat, you are killing an animal for your TASTE PLEASURE
if you shoot an animal, you are killing the animal for taste pleasure and the thrill of the hunt

both of them are killing for your pleasure. you can survive perfectly fine without eating meat, yet both of them actively and directly support killing animals for their pleasure

if you pay for meat, you are paying someone to breed, enslave and kill an animal, you are literally just as responsible for the animals death as the hunter

fucking delusional hypocrites. i hate these retards who cry over hunters who kill gorillas, bears and lions, yet eat bacon double cheeseburgers everyday. how delusional and hypocritical can you fucking get. holy FUCK meat eaters are so fucking stupid

pic related is what you DIRECTLY financially pay for, you fucking dumbass hypocrite. GOD ur fucking stupid

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Not a biblical scholar but I have looked into what happens to animals in the past.

The Bible says their soul perishes with them when they die. Even the Bible knows the wisdom that animals were put on this earth to be used by humans and are lesser beings. Humans are not natural creatures. We are the most paranormal beings in existence due to our ability to do both good and evil.

I have those things and I still hunt. I have no idea what kind of cosmic justice youre talking about

Northern Crusades were basically hunting expeditions for the nobility. Only the bagged Balts instead of hares or stags.

>they still did it anyways

There was a social expectation to participate, and nobility are known to have secret mental health issues.

Well you're on this website with Autistic men, Pedophiles, and Jews.

There's something off about you.

>I'm not
Yes you are.
So are you.

What's your IQ then?
It had better be 170+ or I'm going to be disappointed.

>So are you
i dont pay for animals to be enslaved and killed, you fucking retard. the food that i eat doesnt have any animal products in them, which means the products that i pay for dont support the animal agriculture industry, moron

anyone in this thread who is upset at hunters and eats meat is the dumbest hypocritical retard in existence

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You guys need to go get your wranglers and go back to your padded rooms.

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You're here too so what's off about you?

No. Some hunters are very happy people. It's a miserable and unfair world we live in where bad things happen to good people and vice versa.

Enough of your bullshit, Vegan. Animals are chattel to be used by man because they are lesser beings. Giving them rights is ridiculous, If it cant operate at the level of a human than it does not deserve rights you want to know why? Because what would it do with those rights?. A pig cant become mayor or anything else but a pig. It is not pure or evil, it is an animal, dumb, does not care about you, has no sense of tomarrow.

Your main point lies of an axiom of morality, something that does not exist! You are a child whos overly emotional and cant accept the nature of reality.

I promise you.
Every single hunter you see is in some way not mentally well no matter how fine their life appears to be.

There is either emptiness or frustration inside of their mind, and they need the murder to be satisfied.

Or they just dont really care about animals and its fun to them like a video game or sport
Your acting like humans dont like to kill sometimes. History is a bloodbath. You litterally cannot accept that.

They're liable to be the exception to the general rule. But I can't shake the conviction that if you are killing animals without purpose, there is something wrong in your life.

>I promise you.
Well you fail to deliver, fag, by a longshot.

If they see it like a video game, they are empty in the brain and they need it because the rest of their life is empty as well.

>Humans don't like to kill

I won't lie, they do. They love it.
But a happy human being will decide against it and go for literally anything else good in life.

you can say the same about most people my man
some express it by shooting animals and some do much worse things
who else do you judge so harshly? really i'd like to know

Send me one hunter that is not mentally empty or frustrated in some way.

Sanest man to ever live. Only a used car dealer from Southern California would disagree.

Do it with a bow and arrow or knife or you're a pussy.

Sometimes it's as simple as being brought up a certain way and not questioning it. I don't know why you would think hunters would have more problems than the average person. I know a few hunters personally and they're just normal people.
I agree hunting is bad though. I'm vegan myself.

But to be a killer of animals is to test positive for it.

It is a litmus test for pain that will permanently play itself on repeat until the pain disappears.

>Hunter S. Thompson
>Killed himself

That's just proof that if you kill animals for fun, you are in trouble.

god ur stupid.

>Animals are chattel to be used by man because they are lesser beings
>its okay to enslave and kill anyone thats a "lesser being"

do you have any idea how arbitrary that is? thats like white people invading africa and enslaving, castrating and killing millions of niggers because they are "lesser beings". thats literally what hitler said about polish people and "non-aryans"; its okay to kill them because they are "lesser beings"

is it okay to enslave and kill stupid people because they are "lesser beings"?
is it okay to enslave and kill the mentally retarded, because they are "lessing beings"? fucking hypocritical retard

if a superior alien race invaded earth and enslaved humans, you obviously wouldnt be okay with being enslaved and killed because you're a lesser being compared to them, yet you enslave and kill animals because you are superior to them. ENDLESS hypocrisy from your dumbass

>Giving them rights is ridiculous
why? they suffer and feel emotions just as deep as humans

>Because what would it do with those rights?
live its life and be free from exploitation and being killed. a retarded person cant run for mayor or discovery scientific knowledge, but we give them rights anyways. are you for taking away rights for people because they are stupid? would you be okay with having your human rights taken away by a group of humans who are smarter and more powerful than you? hypocritical faggot

>has no sense of tomarrow
wrong. animals are aware of time, aware of themselves, and are sentient and conscious and can suffer and feel emotions just as deep as humans can

>morality, something that does not exist!
you would obviously be against being enslaved and killed for someone else's pleasure yourself, yet you do it to others, hypocrite

you, like all meat eaters, are retarded hypocrites, who cry if a girl gets raped or if a dog gets killed, yet turn around and laugh at the suffering of pigs for your taste pleasure

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More like nobody else was badass enough to take him out so he did it himself at a time and method of his own choosing. Certainly didn't die shitting himself in a nursing home or choking on tapioca.

You worship a man that was the objects he held in his hand and nothing more than that.

His life was such a negative thing that he killed himself. He should have had something to make it worthwhile even as a very elderly man, but he didn't.

>make sweeping claim based on "muh feels" and vague mysticism
>think it's the other side that has to provide proof

I make sweeping claims on the basis of my IQ and heightened level of grey matter.

I'm right 99% of the time.

What does it feel like being a total beta bitchboy that does nothing but cry and seethe on the internet all day? How do you live with yourself being so damn pathetic?


Yep all he has to say is muh cosmic justice

>But I can't shake the conviction that if you are killing animals without purpose

are you stupid? they obviously are killing an animal with a purpose. the purpose is they derive pleasure from killing it and eating it. PLEASURE is their purpose

maybe its not morally justified. i absolutely think its not justified, but they do have a reason for they're killing

are you a vegan btw? cause its so fucking hilarious when meat eaters get morally outraged at hunters, yet they eat pigs cows and chickens

like how most people get outraged at harambe getting killed, yet eat pork chops and cheese everyday. dont you think its a bit hypocritical of you, you stupid fuck?

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More like heightened levels of GAY matter. What a fag.

>for they're killing

*their killing

And the purpose of murder for pleasure is like getting AIDS from being Schizophrenic.

Absolutely Pozzed.

my argument is that killing animals for sensory pleasure like taste pleasure or sadistic pleasure is not morally justified

what you did is just throw insults and adhoms. delusional hypocrites like you get morally outraged in a blink of an eye if someone rapes a child, or kills a dog, or your race is a victim of racial violence by some other race

yet when your own hypocrisy is exposed all you can do is throw insults and experience cognitive dissonance, because you're literally a dumbass NPC who cannot question the moral values that society gave you

stupid fuck, come back when you have an argument to make

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>come back when you have an argument to make
come back when your "arguments" are based on something real instead of "muh feels". Oh wait, you literally can't. lmao.

ah, so you ignore all moral issues, or just ones that you dont like?

so if a gang of niggers raped and killed a little white girl, would you laugh at the people who are morally outraged, or would you have a problem with the killing?

if you were enslaved, would you have a problem with it, or would you not care, because morals dont exist?

do you not think its hypocritical of you to actively pay for sentient conscious mammals to be killed for your pleasure?

meat eaters truly are disingenuous facetious retards

the reason who you hate vegans is because we are morally superior to you. its literally documented in psychology

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All that text and yet not a single actual argument. Try again, kiddo.

I'm a meat eater, but only because it's the natural mode of life, and even if I participate or don't, the meat will just be thrown away. The animal is to die whether I eat or don't.

It's just life.

>do you have any idea how arbitrary that is?
No. Because you know what niggers, polish people, retards like yourself and Jews have in common? They are actual biological humans and even if they somehow arent like I said they can opprate on a human level. Even retards are smarter than animals and why would I want to eat a retard? We have pigs for that.

>what if aliens came and raped us!
What difference does it make whether or not we are vegan when aliens come? Do you think they are going to not enslave us just to make some petty moral point? Lmao they dont even use anesthesia when they do surgery on us.

>you would obviously be against being enslaved and killed for someone elses pleasure yourself, yet you do it to others, hypocrite
Probably because I have my best interests in mind and the person enslaving be doesnt give a shit if I am like him or not. You keep saying hypocrite but hypocrisy just furthers the narrative that morality clearly does not exist
>you, like all meat eaters, are retarded hypocrites, who cry if a girl gets raped or if a dog gets killed, yet turn around and laugh at the suffering of pigs for your taste pleasure
Lmao I dont give a 5th of a shit about dogs as most retarded dog lovers do and I dont really care about some random girl being raped. A pound of your own fat matters more to you than the entire sufferings of your fellow human beings. This is the sum of all morality. It is a joke. Most of your post was just moral outrage and morality still does not exist and it never will.

Plants seem far more benign than animals.

>but only because it's the natural mode of life

yeah, this is totally nature. mhm

plants dont suffer and cant feel pain. they dont have a brain or a nervous system. animals like pigs cows and chickens DO have a brain and a nervous system

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