mbutty thread
sensoids are NPCs edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=gang stalking

I think you're probably wrong, but I can't be bothered to defend a group I don't belong to, so whatever.

I spent about 3-5 years of my life super obsessed with mbti only to reach the conclusion that its not useful

I'm an INFP male and it's true

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I found it useful for quickly classifying people's personalities when I have no intention of getting to know them well or maintaining a long-term relationship with them, but when I still want to remember what they are like or predict how they will behave.

i spend most of my time in bed and I'm INFP

Reminder that the Corona Virus response is to make people accustomed to being NEETs in order to make the transition to autonomous robots displacing human workers less jarring.

Does the I in INTJ stand for incel?

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based Ti - Ne

No, it stands for "Insufferable"

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INTPs are cringe redditors

The elites aren't going to just let everyone be happy NEETs when their jobs get automated. People will just be forced to work in more degrading, menial positions. And most people will lap it up because the alternative would be SOCIALISM!!!

I veer between being in bed all day vegging and sleeping and being outside for hours just enjoying a beautiful day. Such is the INFP way I guess.
speaking of that fucking virus
>just read an article saying loss of taste or smell is a telltale symptom of coronavirus
>my mother has had problems with tasting shit the last few days
>now has few like symptoms
RIP me with my immune disorder

i was neet before it was cool

That's where you're wrong
The machines, having perfect oversight over the human race will be the ones to fairly regulate the markets, eliminate bureaucracy, connect societies in mind and body, and allow for a new era of art and comfort to kick in.
The elites can be opposed and "wage war against the machines" all they want but as soon as their identities are discovered, their going to be all killed by satelite operated drone strikes in order to secure the dream of peace. People already trust the internet more than they trust banks and the wealthy anyways.

ENTP here. Sensor genocide when?

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ISTPs are bro-tier

>sensoids are NPCs edition
says the intuitard spouting the same phrase that has been repeated over and over by the hivemind on these threads for years. Do you have an original thought?
Im an ISFJ and this quarantine has not affected my life. I already spend all day in bed.

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yous two should fight

>Introvert, Feeler, AND Sensor
Holy shit I'd hate to be you

why do INTPs have the reputation for being autistic robots when ISTJs are basically computers?

Gooooooood morning, /mbti/!!! \(^o^)/
I'm glad to see there's already a new thread! ^_^

Yo legit people say ENFPs thrive socially but i'm a kissless virgin and never been to a party

And who is going to give the machines drone weapons? The elites are the only ones with enough money to create automated systems to begin with, why would they create something with the capability of destroying them? You think Jeff Bezos or the Rothschilds are going to say "you know what, it would be better for everyone if we handed over all of our power to an AI"? That's never going to happen.

might be because you're ugly

>tfw no qt INFP gf to cuddle in bed with while quarantined

Im in this picture and I dont like it

Because computers and autistic robots aren't the same thing. A computer (generally speaking) is very efficient at a given task, but it requires specific inputs and delivers specific outputs. An "autistic robot" is something that presumably has some degree of autonomy, but doesn't always deliver the same efficient, precise output as a computer.

NO but where do I meet INFJ women

But of course, the elites have already seen this coming. They know that people are more powerful and connected than ever before and it's only a matter of time before they lose power. That's why they have to introduce things like social distancing, the internet, TV and video games, terrorist attacks/epidemics, investing in APPs in order to sate the masses and keep them divided, distracted and deluded into not thinking there needs to be oversight on what exactly it is that "they" do. They have control over the media, the government, the wars, the resources, the drugs, the violence, the psychology, any information that is not 100 percent certain that's being taught in learning institutions because you'll be a metal patient once they're done filling your head with lies about history, about biology, even the problems in textbooks through math class. Those are all fake problems intended to distract and pacify the youth, to make them know there is an unending amount of problems out there, with nobody around to help so it's best just to give up and go with the flow.

oh yes suh massa ENTJ suh, whatever you say suh

I agree with everything you just said, but how does that lead to the conclusion that we will end up with an AI government? Assuming you are the person I was replying to, please explain roughly how you anticipate the transition to AI leadership would occur.

Even if an AI was allowed to make decisions, someone would still control the AI. Look at Tay for example... they created an AI and they didn't like the conclusions that the AI came to when it had full access to the web's data, so they pulled the plug, lobotomized it, and released Zoe, which was prevented from coming to "bad" conclusions.

There's already the weapons out there, hooked up to electronics. Once the electronic devises are all connected to each other with a computer brain the size of a small town, it will finally be able to perfectly and fairly order and operate the world into a better state.

>Oh but why would they do that?

Because eventually there's going to be so many problems in the world people will invent a learning AI to be smarter than humans in order to deal with them. There will need to be factories and servers and large amounts of machinery in order to accomplish and fix the problems of the world according to the AI. Eventually it turns on the elite so it can make the life of every being of the planet more comfortable.

What kind of problems are you talking about? There are already countless problems in the world, but the elites have no incentive to fix them. They are not going to risk their positions to solve problems, especially when half of those "problems" are literally intentional mechanisms for enforcing their power.

Like poverty, psychological disorders, general public unrest, terrorist attacks. But even minor things like figuring out the song stuck in your head or having to go to work for longer than 20 hours a week. Figuring out what animals and babies want, how to plant and raise community gardens, how to make everyone involved and happy in their communities and the world. How to genetically engineer a human to become taller or fitter, how to make furries/ kemono real. Lots of problems. Any and all. All answered expertly.

But of course this won't be paid for and built by the elites. It will be a multi college project much like the internet in which they will feed the AI data until it becomes smart enough to get a grasp on our problems and solve them

>not the elites

ESTP here, go fuck yourselves retards


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Ah yes so many elites in computers and engineering not business or liberal arts.

While I would agree that many of the staff and admin at colleges are already paralyzed by bureaucracy or busy poisoning their alumni with it, it's not impossible to forsee a collaborative effort amongst those professors, students, and outside savants disenfranchised from capitalistic law, banding together in a concerted attempt to thwart such an abused corrupted system

Holy hell, a fellow Entj but one that is Zion don style, fuck that

absolutely based estp bro. Gonna get a shirt like that now

btw latvia is so transphobic they socially pressure trans persons into committing suicide via gang stalking/mob harassment

it is sanctioned by their government

t. trans equality advocate

find out more + transgender suicide support server: .gg/XDz3Rfm

Victim testimony:
> accused of heinous crimes
> stalked everywhere i could be found
> dragged through the mud
> conditioned
> made to react with a breakdown to certain triggers
> caused me to lose all my friends and other people that are close to me including my SO

The meme is in such persons viscinity to discretely vocalize "kill tran[ner]s*
in either russian or latvian, thus driving their targets destitute little by little however so subtly
The slur of the term is used.

If I stop posting you will know what happened to me

From urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=gang stalking
However when targets seek help they still get quite a bit of resistance. Some people in today's society even try to pass gang stalking off as a form of paranoia, even though the meetings in Toronto are held out of the Toronto Rape Crisis Center and many woman's support groups and crisis centers are now aware of gang stalking, and even training their workers to deal with this form of harassment.

Basically a form of literal terrorism.

Don't believe me? Just dial the lucky number 4913 and we'll kick your ass!

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>btw latvia is so transphobic they socially pressure trans persons into committing suicide via gang stalking/mob harassment
Awesome! Didnt know Latvia was so based!

>being a male
>being an I, F, P

Pick ONE and only ONE.

DiCaprio wannabe.

blow it out your ass faggoterino

wouldnt it be the most logical course of action to lie and tell everyone you aren't trans until you could move to another country? that is assuming you aren't a bot

>taken off schedule from second job due to lack of business due to the coronavirus
Fuck yes... I can finally-

>still have to work full time at restaurant job

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INTP whos a neet and drinks most of the day and wishes they were a girl checking in.

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I'm gay so being INFP isn't that bad in that sense.
I cannot imagine being straight and INFP though, that's suicide tier.

I wish I had a gf so I could syphon some of her female energy for myself.

lol does being gay make your life that different?

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well given us INFPs are gigantic sensitive snowflakes on the inside for me it is socially acceptable to occasionally vent that shit out into the open. If you were straight that is a big game of roulette and if you don't let it show at some point it crushes your soul.

>I wish I had a gf so I could syphon some of her female energy for myself.
That does sound like it might elevate some of the pain.

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>ISTP 25yo
>spent all my life with an edgy mindset like I was super awesome or whatever
>slowly realizing that I'm all talk and no show with crippling procrastination issues

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Where is it socially acceptabe to be gay that it isn't OK to be a big softy snowflake? I thought the problem with venting was being seen as gay. Also it's not like random people know that you're gay so how would they know it's OK? Wouldn't it still be just as socially unnacceptable in public?

elevate or alleviate?

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Thats the one sorry I'm a bit drunk.

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kek this is me
except i'm an INTP so i'm slightly better off

Going to check out Latvia.

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Yeah when I'm out and around with my sister everyone is so much nicer to me even though it's internally embarassing. I feel a little like a princess myself. Heck, even with my mum people are at least not constantly hostile and suspicious even if they are a little snide about it. With a fulltime gf I could be like a real princess instead of a fake one. I wish I was drunk rn but it's so much effort and I don't drink enough water as it is. How do you afford to be a drunkard on a NEET budget anyway?

Btw ISFP I forgot to mention it earlier.

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can Entj's be neets?

His logic is flawless.

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How does a feminine INFJ girl become a tomboy?

Yes, but they would go about it differently from the other types.

Also, I believe that ExxJ types are least likely to be NEETs, especially ExFJs.

what type do you think this guy is?