Just add me again please i hate being like this

Just add me again please i hate being like this.

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Other urls found in this thread:

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=gang stalking

>Just add me again please i hate being like this.
sorry, no.

But you're not her dude.

being like what? lonely?

Insecure, paranoid, delusional and lonely, i just need her around not only because of that.

Is that you in pic user ?

oh yes im a boy sorry

why did she unadd you user :\

People like you are pathetic as fuck and don't deserve social interaction. Literally grow up and move on, stop acting like one random girl not talking to you is the end of the world.

I'm not up for games right now.
She just doesn't like me and i make her tired.
I don't care about being pathetic.

Yeah but being pathetic is what drives people away from you.

I remember when I was like you, but then I dox'd her. And then a few dozen more of them.

Life sucks pal. Overwrite the bad memories with good ones. And show the people who hurt you that they hold no power over you anymore.

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Nah, add me instead. Fuck that guy.

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>She just doesn't like me and i make her tired.
this same thing happened to me a little while ago. just keep trucking you'll get over her eventually maybe

Pic related, i still do my best to not be when she's around, i don't see how i could do things if not like this i'm not like them.

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I've tried already and i really can't, i don't want to either i want her.
I've added too many people already trying something else, it was the same thing but at least i didn't care for them, i'm really not suited to be talking to people.
I'd never do that.

>I've tried already and i really can't, i don't want to either i want her.
i understand user but if she blocked you or unadded you whichever she doesn't care about you. you're gonna be wasting months sad about an e-girl that hasn't thought about you in months. keep meeting new people. sorry if i sound harsh

Everyone says that but it doesn't matter, i'm stuck like this, i don't know what she thinks of me, i'm too delusional to even listen to her anyways, i'll always make something up.

>but then I dox'd her. And then a few dozen more of them.
based kathyposter

>I don't care about being pathetic.
>Nah, add me instead. Fuck that guy.
>but then I dox'd her
wtf is wrong with you

>Insecure, paranoid, delusional and lonely, i just need her around not only because of that.
Then why?
>She just doesn't like me and i make her tired.
>Pic related, i still do my best to not be when she's around, i don't see how i could do things if not like this i'm not like them.

Even if she did read the thread, wouldn't you want to have written something more than "pity fuck me"?

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you're just like me a few months ago lol. you'll get over her just dont kys or anything else drastic

Look, I get it. You got ruined by a woman, like the rest of us. You loved her a lot, she was your entire life, you did everything for her and said you'd never abandon her; but in the end she abandoned you. I fully understand what that pain feels like, but you need to realise that at the end of the day, you didn't lose anything that valuable. Just a whore like the rest of them.

I love her user. I'm not a good person to talk to she's very anxious or something else i don't know. I just sort of try to stay away from this if i think things are going well, i don't know what else to write.
It's been almost a year and i've made little progress.
I'm used to this, i can't give up.

>based kathyposter
surprised someone recognized me

Women are ridiculous sometimes.
I can get if she decides to cut things off because we're fundamentally not compatible, but that's never how it goes. It's always some dumb one-off misunderstanding and instead of talking it out or seeking clarification, it's just immediate excommunication.

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>because we're fundamentally not compatible
I can't.

What's so special about her that you want her so bad, OP?

They do this to break you. You don't understand how shitty women actually are. Yes, the whole blackpill/redpill shit is really over exaggerated and retarded, but the one thing they have right is the nature of women. Women absolutely love it when men are still thinking about them after a breakup, it gives them a 'victorious feeling', like they're the ones who won out of the breakup. You don't understand how petty and shitty women really are.

I love her, there's no one else like her.

by your own admission here >or something else i don't know
you dont even know her yet you say theres no one else like her??? come on user.

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I don't think that's even related. It's like some women have an uncontrollable self-hatred that makes them cut off any potential good thing in their lives at the slightest hint that things aren't perfect.
Just a hypothetical example:
F: I'm so lonely. I can't believe that guys that find _______ attractive
M: Yeah a lot of guys like that. Have you tried to be more like ______?
F: *immediately blocks the guy and never speaks to him again because she thinks that he likes ______*

Kind of like that, but yes it is insane like that.

>I don't think that's even related
Oh you sweet naive child. You will learn with more experience dealing with women.

I don't get that at all. It's completely self-destructive.

You'll move on from this eventually.

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c, is this you? are you doing alright?

I wont and i don't want to, why is it like this? You could've kept things as they were.

I was happy with that much can't you keep me around for something? I don't know what happened, i don't know what i did wrong, i want to ask is it something because of him, do you love him?

I don't hate you, but you need to understand this isn't good for either of us. I'm mentally ill. This is all fueled by self-hatred and low self-esteem. Recently, someone made me realize how damaging these relationships are. How I get stuck in a cycle of abuse. It angers me how much you misunderstand the whole situation. You only think in terms of relationships between people. x loves y therefore doesn't love z etc. You don't care about the person. You're being very selfish.

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> 3181
> 3353
Nigger learn to quote

based chris. miss u pal.

>based chris. miss u pal.
whos this though?

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tfw chris doesn't even remember you. you know it was bad then.

>tfw chris doesn't even remember you. you know it was bad then.
ive known a lot of people from this board, but i dont mind talking to you again if you want.

I'm sorry but i know, he can make you not feel like this? You said you came to tell him to leave forever, only i got that treatment, i don't want to make you feel bad i just want to be able to talk to you in peace, we don't need a relationship.

i don't think you'd want to but i hope you are well :) stay safe.

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I know what that feel is like OP, Only she did re add me, and I honestly not sure if it was a good thing or not. She doesn't even notice me besides a simple hi when we used to talk all day for months. Just because some incel white knight shows her a bit of attention she whores herself off to him, I regret what I call her but she kinda deserved it imo. And of course her white knight tries to be an hero and hack me buts fails every time like a faggot because I'm the one who can actually do that kind of shit. I seriously am so fucking in love with her and have told her this only for to give me the cold shoulder everytime, I just don't know how to express myself to make her actually want my love instead of just my dick. Look into my heart, not my pants please...

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>You don't care about the person. You're being very selfish.
You're right about him but still, you're one to talk. You damaged this boards dying culture so much, endless shitcord drama and orbiting. 15 months, all absolutely in vain. All because you mattered that much to yourself. I hope you suffer more.

>"fuck you and your board culture"
Well fuck you back, cunt.

I do not think you are Anya, she'd hate me too much to talk to me again.

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I know you want to be left alone, but what would it take? There must be something i can do.

Who are you talking to? OP?
Seriously this comment was not original ffs

>uncontrollable self-hatred
No. It's hatred towards men and humanity in general. They are evil "CUZ THEY'RE EVIL." It's really that simple.

I'm OP, i'm a fuck up.

>tfw islam was truly right about wahmen

btw latvia is so transphobic they socially pressure trans persons into committing suicide via gang stalking/mob harassment

it is sanctioned by their government

t. trans equality advocate

find out more + transgender suicide support server: .gg/XDz3Rfm

Victim testimony:
> accused of heinous crimes
> stalked everywhere i could be found
> dragged through the mud
> conditioned
> made to react with a breakdown to certain triggers
> caused me to lose all my friends and other people that are close to me including my SO

The meme is in such persons viscinity to discretely vocalize "kill tran[ner]s*
in either russian or latvian, thus driving their targets destitute little by little however so subtly
The slur of the term is used.

If I stop posting you will know what happened to me

From urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=gang stalking
However when targets seek help they still get quite a bit of resistance. Some people in today's society even try to pass gang stalking off as a form of paranoia, even though the meetings in Toronto are held out of the Toronto Rape Crisis Center and many woman's support groups and crisis centers are now aware of gang stalking, and even training their workers to deal with this form of harassment.

Basically a form of literal terrorism.

Don't believe me? Just dial the lucky number 9724 and we'll kick your ass!

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i really do hope you are well.

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another discord drama thread lol

Not all heroes wear capes.
Not all cucks have sheds.

This seems like a good idea. Is there a way to do this in the US?

You felt bad for insulting me? I didn't take those things seriously but i know it isn't about me, there still must be something i can do, should i insult you back? Be more funny? Less serious?