25+ thread: coronavirus edition

>25+ thread: coronavirus edition

How are you dealing the quarantine, fellow boomers?

>Job or NEET:
>Length you've been on Yas Forums:
>Favorite boards:
>Mental illnesses:
>Regrets from the past:

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>3 years
>here, /sci/
>music (i play an instrument), vidya, anime
>adhd, bipolar, depression/anxiety
>being a social sped

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>being a social sped
was there ever any other alternative?

i've actually developed since then, and i still have tard tendencies, but for the most part i'm cured.

if it wasn't for school i would probably be fucked tho.

Working for the public service so we're fucking flat out right now
Been on here for 9 years I think. Too long.
Probably Yas Forums, Yas Forums, Yas Forums, Yas Forums and /gif/ as my faves
Hobbies: Video games, out there music and programming
Mental illness: Diagnosed bipolar type 2 and ADHD although I'm sceptical on the bipolar.
Regrets from the past: Eh I think all my experiences have made me who I am today. Maybe not getting medicated for ADHD earlier but I had no idea.

>tfw 22
>almost 25 and have done nothing with my life

Jesus christ, I didn't even realize I was so old where the fuck did all the time go? What's the best way to become an hero? I might just jump from a building seems like the easiest way

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Could I get a link to the 25+ discord pls? Can't log in to my old account.

>>Age: 33
>>Country: USA USA USA!
>>Job or NEET: wagecuck with STEM degree
>>Length you've been on Yas Forums: ummm since Tenci Muyo was on cartoon network and i went looking for lewd pictures of Ryoko
>>Favorite boards: none, i hate them all. i can't stop visiting pol, r9k, o, and k
>>Hobbies: dirt bikes, bicycles, making shit, watching anime, skiing
>>Mental illnesses: undiagnosed depression, anxiety, and aspergers. the usual for Yas Forums fags
>>Regrets from the past: too many to list. mostly, orbiting a girl for 8 years before briefly dating her and my whole world getting crushed when she left. that was almost 3 years ago. also, not talking to my dad more. he died a year ago.

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>>Job or NEET:
>>Length you've been on Yas Forums:
12 years
>>Favorite boards:
/sci/,Yas Forums and Yas Forums
Higher level mathematics and nothing else
>>Mental illnesses:
>>Regrets from the past:


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Nothing really changed for me, only difference is that I work from home now, only wearing boxers while having customers on your phone is comfy, but the dread still catches up. I just hate everything at this point and hope for some real virus to come up and end this world, either killing me or giving me the opportunity to witness a new dawn of history.

>Job or NEET
Min-wage callcenter cuck
>Length you've been on Yas Forums: Around 11 years.
>Favorite boards
r9k, a, vg
None really, watching yt all day and forcing myself to play vidya from time to time.
>Mental illnesses
Never been to a shrink, but I think I might have schizoid disorder.
>Regrets from the past
I don't know, life in general? I never had any ambitions, goals or dreams I could pursue in the first place. Instead I'm living from day to day, hoping that something might happen, like a big war or something.

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>Job or NEET:
Tax attorney
>Length you've been on Yas Forums:
11 years
>Favorite boards:
Yas Forums, /n/ cause I'm a mountain biker
Pic related, got a lot of projects in mind
>Mental illnesses:
Have not been diagnosed with anything, probably have AvPD
>Regrets from the past:
Mainly rejecting girls due to paranoia, fear of failure and relationship anxiety

Can't lie, I'm enjoying this whole quarantine thing, despite the fact that I still have to work from home. Also it's not that bad in my country, I still go out and ride my bike every other day.

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>The before times in the long long ago
>none this website sucks
>Flexing on casuals, virgins and normies

24 cause fuck you and your thread.
USA but not much longer.

>Job or NEET:
>Length you've been on Yas Forums:
10 years
>Favorite boards:
/c/ Yas Forums /lit/ /bant/ /jp/
>Mental illnesses:
>Regrets from the past:
Not listening to my mother and not get into drinking. Not talking to my mom more and saving her before she shot herself. If only I would have just kept her on the phone a bit longer. I wish I could've told her how much I loved her. Its been a month already and I am already forgetting her voice.
The ironic part was I was planning to kill myself a few days prior, fuck. All I do is ruin everyone's mood or drag others down with my constant whining.
Wasting my time these past few years on and off adhd meds that did fuck all but make me an anti-social irratible zombie.

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Working from home is alright, it begins to wane on you when dealing with retards 24/7 buzzing in your ear. Getting tired of it all.

turned 26 on monday
>Country: New york
>Job or NEET: Warehouse for electric company
>Length you've been on Yas Forums: 11 years
>Favorite boards: Yas Forums Yas Forums Yas Forums /trv/
>Hobbies: Rock-climbing and video games music anime
>Mental illnesses:haven't been diagnosed with anything
>Regrets from the past
Going out with i girl who was all over me but i just never had in direction.Other than that i pretty much have everything i've ever wanted done.

>Been here since 2015
>I have no favorite boards
>Vidya, Animu, Basketball
>I'm sure I have something
>I regret taking school too seriously and not taking advantage of my youth

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>About 10 or 11 years
>/trv/, Yas Forums, /diy/
>Football, fixing shit and some vidya
>Depression and anxiety, on meds that do fucking nothing
>Too much. Knowing in 20 years my body will start to rot itself away is plaguing my mind constantly. I wish I'd done so much more when I had the time but I guess there's nothing I can do about that. Hopefully I die in the next 10 years from some accident like a car crash which happens suddenly and ends me quick

>Job or NEET:Teacher
>Length you've been on Yas Forums: too long (9 years)
>Favorite boards: here, fa, tv, fit
>Hobbies: is exercise a hobby? Flipping and collecting sneakers, jerking off
>Mental illnesses: none
>Regrets from the past: I dicked around for a long time in college because I was depressed. I spent four years at community college because I kept failing all my classes. I finally graduated last year from UH so it wasn't all for nothing at least

I'm fucki g tired of working from home. My team is half boomers who can't even use skype

Eh I am currently dicking around so tired of school and working.
Yeah most people I know can't even check their email or remember their fucking passwords. Working in Help desk is a mistake, just fucking end me.

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>Higher level mathematics and nothing else
Based. Want to do some sex physics later, big boy?

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>>Job or NEET:
Dishwasher at an Airport restaurant
>>Length you've been on Yas Forums:
Since....2011 or 2012?
>>Favorite boards:
Yas Forums , Yas Forums, Yas Forums, sometimes Yas Forums and /ck/
Cooking, going out to pubs, concerts, comic books, listening to obscure music
>>Mental illnesses:
I'm not sure if neurotypical or aspergers. Or maybe I'm just stupid...
>>Regrets from the past:
I wish I played sports with the rest of the boys in grade school. I wish I didn't listen to my fucking parents to go to college right after high school. I wish I didn't constantly spilled my autism when a girl showed interest in me.

Been asking the IBM supercomputer if it's trying to defraud me.

>Job or NEET:House Painter
>Length you've been on Yas Forums:10 years
>Favorite boards: Yas Forums Yas Forums /k/ /diy/ /o/
>Hobbies:Drinking, reading and music
>Mental illnesses:Alcoholism
>Regrets from the past:Life's too short for regrets.

How are you dealing the quarantine, fellow boomers?
Relieved since i had to stop searching for a job

>Job or NEET:
NEET since September, looking for a job since February, glad had to stop searching due to coronalypse
>Length you've been on Yas Forums:
Since 2004,started browsing this place when i was 16
>Favorite boards:
Until 2009 was obviously Yas Forums, nowadays is /wg/, /wsg/, /x/, Yas Forums, Yas Forums (even tho it's shitty and filled with normalfaggotry and gays), /s4s/, Yas Forums
I used to draw but lost interest
>Mental illnesses:
Diagnosed with mildly psychopathy, but i think it's bullshit
>Regrets from the past:
Discovering Yas Forums, i feel like i could be a normal human being without knowing this place,also getting addicted to cocaine and being an alcoholic for 15 years, im sober now

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>Age: 26
>Country: ger
>Job or NEET: online uni
>Length you've been on Yas Forums: 2yrs
>Favorite boards: r9k, tg, pol
>Hobbies: lifting, warhammer, reading
>Mental illnesses: developing schizoid due to social isolation (NOT CORONA RELATED, I ALREADY DIDN'T HAVE FRIENDS BEFORE THE VIRUS), depression, been in therapy for like 3 years
>Regrets from the past: hs drop out, exercise addiction caused me a severe back injury

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>Job or NEET:
NEET/Artist (not very good)
>Length you've been on Yas Forums:
9-10 years
>Favorite boards:
r9k, tv, asp, x
>Mental illnesses:
>Regrets from the past:
Not staying friends with girl who was interested me, because I let my other friends convince me that she was ugly (she wasnt).

12 years
r9k, pol, out, v, vg, k, s, gif, fit, fa, mu, g
??? i want to get into gardening but im too lazy
suspected autism, suspected depression, inability to connect with others, shit personality
wasting and continuing to waste my life on fruitless behaviors/endeavors

Honestly considering becoming religious because at this point it will take a literal miracle to fix this shit life of mine, I can't even connect with people from the internet.

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Post Pic of herself

Is it originally trying to defraud you?

It's just like going back to my glory days, unfortunately i still have to work an hour a day.

Fucking hang these satanic pedos, Q

>Working 60+ hours a week
>It used to be /a before nu-male zoomer faggots took it over
>I like to read manga and when I have time watch anime. I hardly have time for fun anymore, I'm constantly working to survive
>Not getting into more fights with people

As I'm approaching 30 I'm also beginning to regret stuff (I know this seems young to you) but it really feels like the ship has left the harbor.

>Everyone married for multiple years at this point with kids
>I can relate with no one at my job
>Due to years of isolation I'm able to pick up on social cues less and less
>I get tired more frequently
>I'm getting bored with my hobbies. Themes in games begin to repeat themselves when you've been playing JRPGs for the past 20 years.

Im not friends with her anymore. but she was cute. she looked like Ciara.

>>Age: 25
>>Country: US
>>Job or NEET: NEET because of Corona
>>Length you've been on Yas Forums: 5-7 years Idk
>>Favorite boards: r9k, that's all I visit
>>Hobbies: Anime, Imageboards, Drawing, Wood Carving, Archery, Hiking, Politics, and Cooking
>>Mental illnesses: I have no mental illnesses I'm just shy

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>Job or NEET:
Student, but occasionally work a part time job at a local business, the people are cool so they kinda let me pick up shifts whenever I'm around
>Length you've been on Yas Forums:
Probably since 2008
>Favorite boards:
k, x, g, tv, int
vidya, giving monologues to no one, driving around aimlessly, shitposting, occasionally drawing when I'm feeling less brojen than usual, reading, plucking around on guitar
>Mental illnesses:
Diagnosed? Officially I've been diagnosed of possessing mild depressive disorders that entail symptoms similar to ADD. I refused medication.
>Regrets from the past:
Most of the past ten years. Alienating myself from others, avoiding most social contact, never coming to full acceptance of myself, getting into pornography, jerking off a shit ton, never liking myself but still being selfish and self-aggrandizing, etc. Basically what everyone else here deals with.

First time I posted in one of these, r9k, gotta say I never thought I'd make it here. I turned 25 last November but it's all hitting me how much time has gone by. I don't look particularly aged (twink genetics) but man do I feel it. It feels like I've missed everything already and since I have no firm career or education behind me, it's just an abyss under my feet. What the fuck are you supposed to do when you're 25 and don't have a life started? The Uni I go to I'm surrounded by people who don't know how much of life has gone by, the one dude I told my actual age to thought I was 21 at the most. Then when I'm around my actual peers I feel like such a failure. What a fucked life.

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Oh regrets. I don't have any, all my calls have been correct so far, and I wouldn't want my existence any other way.

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One positive thing I can give you is that although 10 years fly by you can still get a lot done in that time. Learn a language by spending 1 hour every day or so, master an art or anything really. Then at least when you reach my age you've gained a really useful skill that makes the time seem worthwhile.

I wonder if there are any 30+ femanons still left.

They must be total sluts if so.

>Temp fag at medical supply place.
>A decade.
>Yas Forums, Yas Forums, Yas Forums
>Autism, OCD, ADHD, Axienty.
>My past is all regrets.

>Job or NEET:
>Length you've been on Yas Forums:
since I was 14, didn't post until I was 18 tho
>Favorite boards:
Yas Forums,Yas Forums,Yas Forums
Anime, vidya, cooking, botany,
>Mental illnesses:
ADD, but I don't believe in that stuff
>Regrets from the past:
I've pushed a lot of people away, including romantically interested women

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>Age: 27
>Country: murrica
>Job or NEET: full time job with overtime
>Length you've been on Yas Forums: 13 years
>Favorite boards: Yas Forums
>Hobbies: videogames, music
>Mental illnesses: diagnosed BPD, but it's a false diagnosis, history of anxiety/depression
>Regrets from the past: sort of regret dropping out of college after freshman year, but not really, my life's fine now and I make enough money

>Job or NEET:
>Length you've been on Yas Forums:
since about 2010
>Favorite boards:
/asp/ used to be my favourite but its all wrastling fags now
/diy/nosaurs are my favourite types of posters
there's sometes gems on /x/an/ck/out/
I also like /sci/lit/ bc I'm a psued
and /h/aco/ for fappage
gardening, reading and painting/sketching are my staples, I also lift but personally it feels more like a chore than a hobby
I like basically all board sports( surf, snow, longboard, wakeboard) but only occasionally so im not particularly skilled at any
>Mental illnesses:
history of psychotic episodes
>Regrets from the past:
letting myself get out of shape in the past
dropping my degree
basically all my actions while psychotic
being a massive coomer in my early 20's
not trying mushrooms
letting one of my succulents die

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>be me
>make 40k/yr as a lab tech
>found a decent studio condo in a good neighborhood so I might not have to throw money for rent much longer
>life is nice and comfy

>Job or NEET:
Teleworking and losing my mind, realizing how bullshit my job actually is. It'd be awesome if I didn't have to log my tasks every 30 minutes.
>Length you've been on Yas Forums:
On and off since 2008
>Favorite boards:
None of them, but I frequent this one mostly
I love art but I'm very depressed and it's harder to work on it lately
>Mental illnesses:
Some cocktail of sperg, I'm actually diagnosed with a few personality disorders.

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thanks for that image, and you have a good night user

Age: 24 ( not 25 but fuck off close enough)
>Country: United States of Israel
>Job or NEET: Work for insurance company
>Length you've been on Yas Forums: 12 years
>Favorite boards: r9k,x and lit
>Hobbies: reading, gaming
>Mental illnesses: depression, sociopath
>Regrets from the past: no putting more effort into pursuing a girl I loved

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Is it possible?

>laid off kitchen work
>a decade, on and off
>depression, anxiety. maybe schizoid
>regret my bad past. parents were not good, fell into an abyss. i've wasted a TON of time.

Thanks, have another.
I also forgot

Not pursuing art earlier with more organization. I just have a really shitty distracted brain.

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it is but it's rare. You can still love someone but it's not often you feel that emotion. Sociopaths are not void of emotion that's a meme

Is being a sociopath more akin to autism?
Because it seems more common than I thought. Either that or it's a lot of self diagnosis. Most people characterize it as just being an asshole with no regard for human life but I imagine it's more nuanced than that?

forgot pic
also i need to kick a really bad addiction

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Thanks user, did you used to make art yourself? what kind? got any exemples with you? I used to love drawing too it was the highlight of my day when i get home from work and started drawing,God my mother loved when o was drawing but got addicted to drugs and became alcoholic after she passed away

In a way yes as sociopaths usually are antisocial have anger issues and are irritable. One thing that differs however is sociopaths have no remorse or shame .

>Job or NEET:
Corrections officer about to lose my job
>Length you've been on Yas Forums:
Mainly lurked on and off since 2011 but really started posting around 2016 like so many others here
>Favorite boards:
Here, /k/ and /x/ rarely post on Yas Forums anymore
Guns, conspiracy fact and using prostitutes to satiate my loneliness
>Mental illnesses:
Was diagnosed as major depressive. I might become schizo if not already.
>Regrets from the past:
Alot of girls have shown me interest but I'm never able to tell if they're just doing it to scheme, humiliate me or genuine interest. Alot of the time I think it was, and a combination of self defeat and bad people skills made me hesitant to talk to them.

>Recently quit to go back to college
>2008 or something, don't really remember
>Yas Forums, Yas Forums mostly, /diy/ and Yas Forums sometimes
>Rockhounding, painting, swimming, trying new things when possible. Other than the obvious video games
>Military claims I have adjustment disorder, long story but it's bullshit
>joining the military prematurely instead of being patient, dropping out of college early, not getting jobs when I was younger to be a NEET, being too much of a pussy to ask girls out when I was a teen even when they were clearly interested in me

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I still do, I just feel like maybe not as much as I should. It's discouraging to see people younger than me constantly producing consistent work, but I force myself anyways. Sometimes it feels like that's all I have. I'm sorry you went through that user, that's tough. Why not try getting back into it?

Here's some OC. I do digital mostly but traditional as well.

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>Age: 27
>Country: USA
>Job or NEET: both. Work tech job from home
>Length you've been on Yas Forums: 10 years
>Favorite boards: d, gif, pol, adv, h, hc
>Hobbies: lifting
>Mental illnesses: antisocial, narcissism, sex addiction
>Regrets from the past: using good girls for sex and pursuing slutty girls for relationships. I'd be engaged by now if I stuck with the right girl

>Alot of girls have shown me interest but I'm never able to tell if they're just doing it to scheme, humiliate me or genuine interest. Alot of the time I think it was, and a combination of self defeat and bad people skills made me hesitant to talk to them.
This is also some regret i have too,i recently had a coworker hitting on me,but as i always did i just ghosted her because i would never know how to behave with a woman in a intimate relationship and my time for being awkward has passed a long time ago im 28 now

33yo khv
Job or NEET: Job
Since 2006 or so.
programming, electronics, 3dp, vidya
No idea. Derpression.
Not trying, cant pinpoint what made me how i am today but that would be in this list too.

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Boy this kinda sounds like me to be honest. I do find myself having to pretend to care and react to people's emotions fairly often. Even people I love and care about.

nearly 30
>Job or NEET:
full time job on hiatus due to aids
>Length you've been on Yas Forums:
I don't remember. A long time.
>Favorite boards:
pol, k, r9k, and tv but only sometimes.
pol k r9k tv but only sometimes, vidya
>Mental illnesses:
idk. autism probably. avoidant personality disorder, anxiety
>Regrets from the past:
most of them

>be me
>still live with parents who only welcome me out of pity/wanting someone to lord over
>no friends
>ugly face, acne scarred/ridden skin
>crooked, yellow, ground down teeth
>misaligned spine, hunchback
>wasted 4 years and parents money on college for measly "120 credit hours" but no degree
>below average IQ
>no skills, little job experience
>homeless most of the last five years
>get 1k neetbux each month, nothing to spend it on other than weed (22k saved up)
>no car, nowhere to go anyways and shitty driver
>sleep 14 hrs a day, usually 6p - 8a
>rest of time spent staring at a rectangular glowing screen and shitposting on Bolivian Throatsinging Forum
>small penis, no sex drive, masturbate once a week to trannies
>poos are always diarrhea regardless of intake
>always in pain

I hope to catch Corona and end swiftly.

Same. Worked as a janitor at a retail chain everyone shops at before my current job. The head manager used to hit on me, a good looking blonde maybe 2 or 3 years older. Was just frazzled anyone would try and get to know the urinal scrubber and blew it. I looked like a retard. Only one example of my social fuckups that could have gone somewhere.
It's not fucking right. You should be able to get away with being awkward at any age.