what was her name r9k...
What was her name r9k
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Now look at her!
Remember user china white is much cheaper then love but essentially the same.
Tiana is a pretty shitty name desu
is this her
Tae Yamada
ally but i got over it
forgot song
her name was zara
Zeta from granblue versus
idk i already forgot her name
Big oof user
has anyone here ever spoken to Null.?
Yoshikage kira, from jojo part 4
eternally, forever, and always based
who the fuck names their daughter ally? It's like a ghetto black name or something
i cant bro I'm already tearing up
i couldnt save that hoe from the tinkerer either
Tiana Lynn?
Noyomi bros. We both liked each other but I had to move to a different state
aurelia. god fucking damn her.
Ruby. Breaks my heart everyday.
Julia. She used to be a princess, now she's a recovering druggie. I just want to protect her smile, bros
Brooklyn, I could've had a childhood friend wife but I missed it all up cause I was a coward, it hurts bros
I've never been in love, honestly.
My oneitis? Laura, but she's only my oneitis in my fantasies. When I'm actually around her she's really fucking annoying and uninteresting. It's a weird feeling.
It was Sophie, then Stephanie and then Denise. They broke several strings inside me that cannot be ment
Emily M.
I still miss her
Not OP but it's okay man. She's a thing of the past now, you'll find someone else just give it sometime.
Soccer player with a goofy sense of humor
There never was a fucking her. Its just me against the world.
>tfw it was a jewish tranny
she was cute though
and based and repilled but progressively got more and more sjw
i could have saved her
I want to come home to this everyday
>Hey user think fast!
Stella. Every so often I think I'm over her, but it never really goes away.
is zls worth it?
I like cute 2d girls but i have only read manga lately, not anime
>about to go out with her
>quarantine starts
Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.
Phoebe, I had a dream about her recently and it hurts again.
Nadezda... Hope
lol made up nigger name
Yuna Lynn
Originally of course.
Isabella (fuck you bot)
She hates me now, and I can't fix it.
german beer
i miss her so much
alex is mine, btfo.
he's a faggot who banned me because he didn't believe I was mentally ill and thought it was completely normal to hallucinate seeing dead bodies every hour of every day to justify why he didn't think I was mentally ill.
Based mha poster
Faye R. Hair of red and a freckly face. She moved to asia to be with some rich dude. Heard she got hooked on drugs and never heard about her again. Still got some videos of some great times we had...
I feel more like Kirk Van Houten every day.
whoever the grunge depressed girl at the mental ward was during my 6th visit. I played my music with an arrogance, I showed off my hobbies with no shame, and she ended up falling in love with me during my stay there. she even said "I love you" to me a few different times. I could've gotten out of my khhv relationshipless status. I could've given her a way to contact me. I probably just destroyed her self esteem more.
she was so cute. sometimes, over a year later, I still have dreams about her.
unfortunately, she only fell in love with a version of me that stopped caring, only wanted to listen to my music while going crazy, and viewed everyone as talking pets that interrupted me while drawing or singing. I just want to cuddle her while listening to my music, like she probably wanted to do.