Good women do exist. You just dont notice them because you are too busy paying attention to pornstars...

Good women do exist. You just dont notice them because you are too busy paying attention to pornstars, e-thots and tiktok whores.

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nope, i dont notice them because i live in backwater central europe and dont go out

I do notice them, they just never noticed me. They all wanted Chad unironically.

Maybe because they are trad Stacies. Trad Chad is trad Stacys looksmatch after all.

No, two of them both had a crush on this nigger football player. Not trad Chad

They do exist, but they are few and far between. Especially compared to the mass number of men which seek them. The sexual marketplace is true.
That and I have my own problems which I must sort through before I am in a place to seek them out.

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The only girls that pay me any mind are fat girls and single moms. Rather be alone desu

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>Good huwhie women
>had a crush on a nigger
I've got some bad news for your assessment skills there buddy.

I see you are copepilled and delusionalpilled

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Yes, they're called tomboys

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How could you stand to be around someone so obnoxious.

Black guys are superior for trad women in most places

Maybe if your definition of traditional necessitates domestic abuse.

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>black guys
>lazy bums
>cheat constantly
>highest std rate of any race
>likely to kill their wife especially if she is white

Black men are the worst. The best trad partners are Asians and some whites. A lot of whites are just degenerates LARPing as trad.

Are they real user? I have never met one, I am beginning to think that they are a fragment of the souls want.

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user, why do you post this?

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One of the girls I met here helped me pay tuition once and I don't think anyone has ever been so kind to me
good girls are out there

I guess I was fooled by the lack of a hymen then.

This hits too close to home
Guys I think I'm retarded help me out here
>be me, 20 yo extrovert
>do really well socially, have lots of friends, work out regularly and am Yas Forums
>I just happen to have nerd hobbies, vidya, weeb shit
>have slowly come to realize that I'm more interested in girls who can match my energy, level of social interaction, and fitness
>aka a lot of the time I kind of pine for thotties
>but I'm not even forward enough to be successful with them because my virgin brain has romantic delusions of slow, cute dates
>actively ignore direct advances from nice girls who like the same stuff as me and I can talk with just because I don't feel any spark within me when I talk to them
fuck fuck fuck I'm fucked
why am I being self-cucked by my brain? they just go off and casually fuck men anyway

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I agree, it did take me 33 years to realize that.

That spark you speak of is infatuation and lust, love must be cultivated. Find an unironic good girl and pursue a relationship with her. Disregard thots, disregard infatuation, disregard delusions, seek that ultimate happiness.

>Good women do exist.
Show me one.

But what if I lack the initial drive to advance a relationship with a nice girl beyond being purely platonic?
It's like -- what if she wants me to kiss her? have sex with her? man, honestly it sounds gay but I just don't have the drive to even force it and more than likely fuck her up emotionally if I still didn't feel anything
idk man maybe I need to just keep looking. you're right about disregarding thots though. I need to fight it out.

They are in your community. Maybe even your own family. They are caring wives, loving moms. You dont notice them because your gaze is fixated on Stacy.

a good woman would come to my neet cave and ask me out

>caring wives
>loving moms
So "good women" only turn good after they're 30 years old and used up roasties? Got it.

I haven't talked to a female outside of making a purchase at a store and the person at the register being a woman in a very very long time
I don't think I'm exactly busy paying attention to pornstars

this is way funnier to me than it probably should be

>I'm not even forward enough to be successful with them because my virgin brain has romantic delusions of slow, cute dates
I'm kinda the same lad. Except I don't pursue women, they come to me.
I don't mind dating and getting to know them but some are trying to speedrun into my pants and I don't want this shit so I friendzone or ghost them depending if I still appreciate them.

Based, you're totally right.
I never felt infatuation and the only girls I deemed worthy of being with me were either already taken or way too old for a relationship to be made.

No, I don't notice them because the only people I've seen in 16 years are low IQ factory workers. I'm sure plenty of good women exist out there, but I have no way of finding them, and they wouldn't want me.

I know already. I should've just figured out what I wanted to be and gone to college. I would've been motivated to work out and grow up. I would've found girls similar to me there. I probably would've married my first girlfriend and I'd be making six figures right now and getting my dick sucked.

But I was scared of life and thought no one could ever love me, so I became a NEET and planned to kill myself when I turned 30. I pussied out and now I'm still here, like a ghost. I can try turning my life around, but it's too fucking late.

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You can try meeting a desperate single mom, I guess. I'm thinking of doing it just for the sex then gtfo when she wants to move in

I'd rather die alone if I can't find a virgin, and I literally can't at my age.

Nah, I only pay attention to and pursue nerdy shut-in girls (not e-thots and arthoez). They usually come from good families and don't have personality defects like most women. I'm talking about the kind of girls who only play online card games, strategy games, sims, etc.

I dated a girl who was really into games of logic and strategy and was pretty much an anime/Yu-Gi-Oh type of protagonist who would dissect other people's strategies and be planning literally 20 turns in advance. She'd rant for hours about how she did this or that in a game, like some kind of mastermind. It was cute. She was the biggest nerd I've ever met.

pic related: basically her

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>Good women do exist. You just dont notice them
You don't find "good women", you make them. Unfortunately many are already too far gone by their mid twenties.

Where the fuck do you find people like this user? Sounds perfect

Sounds amazing. Girls like that are probably the only kind I could be with. Even if I get my life together, I can't see me dating a "normal" girl. And I was a recluse for so long, I think our personalities would match.

I found her on an anime rp forum. Most anime forums are full of girls like that. Be wary of more western/non-anime forums though, cuz those are packed with lbgt/sjw types.

Same. I can't deal with normie girls and their constant need to socialize, waste money, flaunt status, and just be stupid boring sluts. Nerdy shut-in girls are more mature, capable of real love and pair-bonding, have real hobbies/interests and fulfilling inner lives, and can actually hold an interesting conversation.

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I'll have to try hunting down these anime rp forums
Wish me luck user

Where can I find one?
I try to be the best man I can be for my future wife, even though we haven't met yet, and I definitely am not paying attention to porn and loose women.

I just want a redpilled god I hate that term but it's the only appropriate and succinct one fembot who wants to get married and start a family, and wants to live as close to tradition as modern society will allow.

I'm just going to tell you now if you say anything close to that near a woman you'll instantly scare her away

Actually despite my high sex drive I don't even pay attention to women. Haven't been on pornhub for months, don't even remember the last time I fapped to normal human porn.

I have only interacted with a handful of women,everywhere I go is a sausage fest it seems. Where do women even go? Where do you even talk to decent women? I haven't seen many, one of the few I thought was decent I got this gut feeling that she was going to turn out to be a massive slut later on and I'm a very good judge of character

>found cute christian girl
>she still chose someone else over me
am destined to be alone forever

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Then they are not good women.

What good does not correlate with ugly in a man's mind. But it does in yours.
Anyway good women are really boring and needy and honestly I could do without a girl like that. If you ain't all that you ain't shitt.

>I'm just going to tell you now if you say anything close to that near a woman you'll instantly scare her away


Wrong. I don't pay any attention to women, period.

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Have you ever met a woman? You may think that because you're "not like the other guys" in the way you look at traditional stuff, it doesn't change the fact 99% of guys that prefer traditional girls are pretty shitty. So women will hear your preference and bunch you in with the 99% and filter you.
You save that shit for when you've been talking to a chick for quite a while. You sneak it into a conversation. That's how you talk to women, it's a mine field.

>be good woman
>naively date wrong guys
>become "ethot tiktok whore" that you all "hate"

You did this to us. It all stems from your own actions.

>naively date wrong guys
>not learn from your mistakes and become attention whore
it's never to late to turn back and try again.

Listen, Karen. Just because youre 32, your asshole is blown out, and Chad wont call anymore doesnt make you a good woman. It just makes you one of millions of women who are ready to settle after their sexual market value has dropped too low to compete with the younger sluts.

>You save that shit for when you've been talking to a chick for quite a while.
So I'm expected to waste my time (and hers) before I even figure out if we have the same goals for the future?
Wouldn't it be best to just figure that out right at the start.

I'm not looking to convert some normie thot, I want one of the "good women" mentioned in the OP.
I want a woman who is serious about wanting marriage and a family.

I'm just sayin if that worked you'd have a gf by now

Yes, I am well aware that most women find being open about my intentions off-putting.
This is why I asked where to find these good women OP refers to.

All women dude
Protip: If a woman would actually be receptive to "i want a trad woman (translation: i believe most women, probably you too, are whores)" she's probably fucking crazy and just leading you on for money

>about my intentions off-putting
Rome wasn't built in a day dude, I date other dudes and while I am looking for long term shit with someone whenever a guy starts talking about "marriage" and other big commitment steps I get creeped out. going from being single to dating someone seriously is a process and should be taken slowly and carefully. The people that think the way you're thinking are mostly teenagers that rush into marriage right out of HS and fuck up their whole life.

My body went to waste because of the way women are. God will never forgive them.

>Good women do exist. You just dont notice them because you are too busy paying attention to pornstars, e-thots and tiktok whores.
Hi there, would you like to date me with the intention of marriage?
Hi there, would you like to date me with the intention of marriage?
Hi there, would you like to date me with the intention of marriage?
Hi there, would you like to date me with the intention of marriage?

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It's not like I propose to them on the spot, I'm just trying to see if it's something they have in mind for the future.
How long am I expected to spend dating a woman before I find out that she has no interest in marriage or having children?
I'm nearly 30 years old, I don't have the fucking time to screw around.

Fuck off I don't want a good woman I want a personality disordered slut who's good in bed and has batshit insane fetishes.

nope, I pay attention to them, but i'm an 4/10 NEET with facial weaknesses so I know I can have them.

Just casually drop implications of it in conversation maybe a few weeks into it. See how they respond to those sort of prospects.

Here's my Discord if you wanna test the waters. OtherRascal#3555

>I date other dudes and while I am looking for long term shit with someone whenever a guy starts talking about "marriage" and other big commitment steps I get creeped out. going from being single to dating someone seriously is a process and should be taken slowly and carefully. The people that think the way you're thinking are mostly teenagers that rush into marriage right out of HS and fuck up their whole life.
Sorry, I can't say I'm particularly interested in someone who takes this approach to dating.

Dogs born without tails also exist.

Fair enough, best of luck to you either way.

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>Just casually drop implications of it in conversation maybe a few weeks into it
A few fucking weeks?
For fuck sake, how do people treat such a serious part of life so flippantly?

Is there anywhere I can seek out women who are actually SERIOUS about dating, where I won't need to play stupid fucking games where I pretend I'm a fucking moron who just swans around life not taking anything seriously at all?

Fucking ridiculous.
God I hate normies.

Yes user, it's everyone but you that's the problem. Flawless logic, you could at least not type like a good boy point Reddit tard.

>Yes user, it's everyone but you that's the problem
Yes it literally is.
>you could at least not type like a good boy point Reddit tard.
the formatting looks different in the little reply box